Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 596: Perspective

That’s it?

Mule’s heart was relieved. He originally thought that the other party would have a bizarre and complicated case, but he did not expect it to be much simpler than he imagined.

Of course guilty—

As soon as the mule opened its mouth, the witch floating behind him shouted sharply, “Wait!”

The mule’s mouth froze instantly, and the relaxed mind tightened.

Until then, the intelligence broker noticed,

The bee man sitting in front of him slightly adjusted his posture,

The fluffy orange-yellow bee head, the angle of its facial features also seems to have changed,

As if putting on a… serious look?

Although it sounds a little unrealistic to see the word “serious” from the bee’s face…

“In this script assignment, you are playing a professional lawyer.”

The witch said solemnly: “If the arguments, arguments, and arguments given are too simple and crude,

Probably failed the Bonaparte test,

Even the authenticity of the identity is suspected. “

“That’s right.”

The black Trojan nodded and said: “Bonaparte has read all kinds of books including mathematics, philosophy, geography, history, etc.,

The promulgation of the “Code of Napoleon” established the social order of Western capitalist countries,

The critical thinking ability is definitely not bad,

Answering a question rashly will only make you appear to be full of loopholes. “


The mule’s mind changed sharply. He understood that the raiding team was right, but how did he speak to pass the opponent’s test?

Seeming to take the mule’s indecision for thoughtfulness, Bee-Man nodded in approval and continued to add details to the case.

For example, during the search and rescue process, the mountain collapsed several times, and one of the landslides took the lives of ten rescuers.

During the rescue process, the Spelunker Association’s funds were quickly exhausted, and subsequent public donations and statutory appropriations were used to support the rescue work.

Whetmore, the cave explorer, first suggested that maybe one member could be eaten, otherwise it would be impossible for the others to survive,

He also proposed to draw lots, claiming that he brought a set of dice,

The other four were initially reluctant to respond to the offer, but after Witmore used a wireless device to communicate with the outside world,

They agreed to the proposal, and they debated the mathematics of ensuring fairness in the lottery, eventually agreeing to use the dice roll to decide life and death.

However, before the dice were rolled, Whitmore, the proposer of the lottery, announced the withdrawal of the agreement,

He thought he should wait a week before committing this horrific act. Others accused him of backtracking and insisted on rolling the dice. When it was his turn, a member rolled the dice for him and asked Witmore to decide whether or not to do so. Agree with the fairness of the dice, make a statement,

The latter had no objection, and then because the dice turned out against him, he was eventually murdered and eaten by the other members.


The mule breathed a sigh of relief. When he reviewed the entire case and thought deeply, he realized how amazing the complexity of this case was.

It is absolutely impossible to give a simple judgment from a single perspective (such as personal moral aesthetics).


As soon as the mule was about to speak, he was interrupted by the bee man, “Mr. Kevin, you used to be a district attorney and then changed to a lawyer. You have a wealth of experience,

But in this case, I’m not just asking for advice from a prosecutor or a lawyer,

I need you, as an agent of power, to make judgments. “

“A power agent?”


The bee man interlaced his fingers, and placed his hands on his raised left thigh at will, “The underworld is an important cornerstone for the normal functioning of this world,

A council of thirteen chaired by five dinosaur kings,

Responsible for attracting the souls of this world, washing their memories, trying their crimes, and then reclassifying the souls and throwing them into the world.

If the underworld shuts down, the world will be devoid of biological souls, and will be desolate and dead.

At the same time, the negative emotions accumulated in this world will also be reflected in the underworld,

If the living beings in this world are desperate and passive, depraved and numb,

The underworld will also become desolate and desolate.

The two worlds interfere and influence each other,

The Council of Thirteen is responsible for maintaining the healthy operation of the underworld, an important machine.

We need to judge the souls of this world, wash their sins, and make the dirty souls healthy again,

In order to promote the world, become positive, and maintain the balance between the two worlds.

Note that the trial verdict mentioned here is not just for a certain person or a certain species,

Instead, it stands at the extremely high angle of the two worlds and conducts macro-control over hundreds of millions of living beings. “

The bee man waved his hand and said slowly in a solemn tone: “We are judges, and we are also the maker, enforcer, enforcer of the law, and even the agent of the supreme authority in the two worlds.

We are responsible for the five dinosaur kings, and also for billions of creatures,

I hope you can stand in our perspective, think about morality, law, fairness and justice at the same time, and look at this case from a microscopic level. “


The mule pursed his lips. He finally realized the difficulty of this mission.

If you observe things from different angles and heights, you will draw different conclusions.

With the mind, will, perseverance, and ability of an ordinary person, it is difficult to transcend one’s own limitations, and to evaluate and judge things both macroscopically and microscopically.

What’s more, he is not a lawyer, not even a legal worker…

“It’s so complicated…”

The black Trojan licked his lips, his fingertips tingling slightly.

In the sight of this code farmer, all the legal provisions that he has searched are floating,

But these clauses don’t seem to be of much help.

The forest cat frowned and said distressedly: “Macroscopic and microscopic… No wonder Napoleon turned into a bee, thinking about this kind of problem all day long, he will go crazy sooner or later.”

“Stop talking about the useless ones,”

The youngest witch in junior high school shook her head and thought, “Since you want to stand at a higher angle,

Naturally, it is necessary to abandon the perspectives of the five legal systems of the European Continental Law System, the Common Law System, the Indian Law System, and the Eastern Law System.

There is no need to worry about a specific legal clause any more.

Tsk, what a hassle…”

Seeing the confused expression on the forest cat’s face, the witch explained casually: “The five legal systems in the world are the five legal systems defined by jurists based on the basic characteristics of the laws of various countries in the world.

The common law system is applicable to Great Britain and the United States. It is characterized by the fact that past cases are one of the main bases for judges to make judgments.

The European Continental Law system is applicable to France and Germany, and the legal provisions are the main basis for judgments. There is no jury system. Whether the guilt and the degree of punishment are determined by the judge.

If this case adopts the continental law system, we can easily make a judgment according to a specific legal provision.

Of course, there is no need to be so troublesome. “

“Not as good as,”

Li Ang stopped fighting against the bookshelf, turned around, and said lightly to his companion, “Ask the bee first, is there a universal code in the underworld?”


The witch nodded and agreed: “In front of the mythical species that can destroy you with just one look, it is best to test his original attitude first.

It’s okay to ask. “

After receiving the advice of the raiding team, the mule pretended to have finished thinking and asked Li Ang’s question seriously.

“Do you speak the dictionary?”

The bee nodded, “There is a code in Hades,

Presided over the compilation of the five dinosaur armies of the first two thousand years.

But that code is for all living beings, and its content is very vague,

Basically, “Those who maliciously mutilate other creatures and produce negative emotions for the purpose of pleasure without meeting the needs of survival need to be judged.” ’

With the expansion of human races and the rapid changes in society, human beings themselves have an increasing impact on the natural world, and the negative emotions generated by seven billion human beings are getting heavier and heavier.

Some of the code is no longer applicable. “

The bee picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the liquid in the glass with the chewing mouthpart, and said lightly: “The question of the code will be discussed later. Now, I would like to hear your answer.”


The mule was silent for a while, and tapped the fingertips on the table to clearly convey the meaning of ‘help me quickly’ to his companions.

Li Ang stared at his companions for a while, and found that they were still thinking, so he said, “Why don’t you say so…”

He stated calmly,

After a brief silence, the mule took a deep breath and repeated Li Ang’s words word for word.

“Sorry, Mr. Bee, as an ordinary person, I am still limited by my own knowledge structure, intelligence level and past experience, so I cannot give an accurate and objective conclusion,

You can only give answers within your own capabilities. “

The mule paused, imitating Li Ang, and said slowly in a calm tone: “This incident itself has countless angles for analysis,

From the most simple moral and legal principles of killing for life, the four expedition members who murdered and ate their companions should be sentenced to death.

For the underworld, it is also very important to respect the legal provisions, implement the law according to strict standards, reduce human factors,

It can greatly improve the efficiency of law enforcement and reduce time and labor costs. “

The bee man didn’t make a statement, just slightly adjusted his sitting posture.

The mule glanced at him and continued, “Of course, this sentencing process is too simplistic,

What is the cornerstone of the law?

The laws made by civilized human beings are based on the possible coexistence of human beings,

The fundamental goal of all laws in the world is to promote and improve the coexistence of human beings, and to regulate the justice and equality of relations between them under the coexistence state,

If there is no basis for people to coexist – for example, in the case of the case, only by killing each other can survive, then the cornerstone of the existence of the law will be gone, and the law itself will lose its meaning.

In the case, the five trapped people were isolated from the world and could not wait for the rescue team.

In this scenario, they are actually in a ‘primitive environment without law’, unregulated, and unable to enjoy the benefits brought by the social contract of law, and their actions are based on the human instinct of survival, /

By the same token, they should not be judged after the fact by a civilized society. “

Bee shook her head, “Lawyer Kevin, your two views seem to contradict each other.”

“That’s right.”

Mule nodded like Li Ang, “The same incident can be drawn from different angles, and two completely different viewpoints can be drawn.

Is it wrong to respect the law? No.

Is it wrong to respect the spirit of legislation based on human coexistence? nor.

But in the complex real world, there is no simple right and wrong. In other words, the simple and rude evaluation of right and wrong is a manifestation of irresponsibility. tool. “

The mule pretended to sigh deeply, “The foundation of the law is public approval,

In the real world without extraordinary abilities, the forces that maintain human social relations and order are not guns, weapons, bank deposits, information access rights, knowledge level, and social status.

It is the identification between people.

This is an extremely abstract concept. With public recognition, there will be coins, countries, and civilization. Even the identity of re-election comes from public recognition—

If everyone admits it, the beggar is the king. If everyone rejects it, the king can instantly become a beggar.

In this case, most people understand and sympathize with the situation of the four expedition team members. Public opinion shows that over 90% of the people support the expedition team’s innocence or were sentenced to symbolic punishment.

From the perspective that the law must demonstrate public morality and guide morality, these four people should be sentenced to innocence. “

The bee couldn’t help shaking her head when she heard the words, “The laws enacted by civilization should indeed serve the vast majority of the people,

But the manifestation of the will of the people, that is, public opinion, is of little benefit to the enforcement of the law.

Public opinion is based on existing evidence, is emotional, can be guided by humans, and may change at any time,

The day before, there was a tsunami of public opinion calling for the release of the suspect,

The day after, due to the emergence of new evidence, public opinion was raging and demanded the immediate execution of the suspect.

Assuming that during the investigation process, all evidence can be clearly found and the original situation of the case can be restored, assuming that the public can think rationally and considerately,

Then there is no problem in judging according to the will of the people.

However, in the actual investigation process, there are too many factors interfering, and it is impossible to perfectly restore the original appearance of the case.

Therefore, it is not advisable for public opinion to directly interfere with the ruling. The correct way is to let public opinion promote the improvement of the law. “


Li Ang’s heart moved, and he instantly discovered the problem in the bee’s words,

Instructing the mule asked: “Even the underworld can’t restore the original appearance of the case? I thought that there would be some kind of props in the underworld that could perfectly reproduce the life of the soul.”

“You think fast.”

The bee opened its chewing and sucking mouthparts and made a “smile” expression, “There is such a prop in the underworld, right,

But this raises another question, whether the scope of the public will should be limited to human beings.

We’ll discuss this later,

You keep talking. “


The mule also laughed: “From the point of view of despised but real utilitarianism, the law wants everyone to live,

If conditions do not permit, the lives of most people should be guaranteed to be protected – the four are innocent.

From a pragmatic point of view, the four expedition members in this case can wait until someone starves to death before eating the corpse, or eat their own body first, such as toes and other non-critical parts,

They still have the strength to kill, which means that they are not in a dilemma of life and death, and they do not meet the requirements of the emergency shelter law-the four are guilty of their actions.

From the perspective of morality, the law is the revealed morality, and the morality is the hidden law. The makers and agents of the law are also human beings. If you can’t do it, you can’t ask others to do it, and the four are innocent.

From the perspective of maintaining the dignity of the law, severely punishing criminal acts can deter potential and thus maintain social order. A crime of scale – four persons guilty of conduct…”


The mule was interrupted by the bee’s speech. He leaned forward and asked with unprecedented seriousness: “Mr. Kevin, you can cite countless points of view around this case,

But I’d rather hear your own opinion. “


Li Ang lowered his head and thought, thinking about how to speak, in order to fit the character of lawyer Kevin.

After a long time, he raised his head and said after deliberation: “Human beings are always limited, and they can never look beyond themselves, the environment, the times and other factors to look at problems.

Because of this limitation is eternal,

An excellent legal worker cannot achieve the perfect balance of morality, fairness and justice,

You can only settle for the next best thing and delegate some of the responsibility to someone else.

Its external performance,

It’s just that some lawyers become mechanically rigid, numb and indifferent — that is, the so-called, the more law they learn, the more they will gradually lose their humanity.

Even, some unscrupulous and ignorant lawyers will be arrogant and arrogant, claiming to be high-level, out of the morality of the masses,

And prides itself on being divorced from the morals of the masses.

Personally, I am incapable of giving a perfect verdict. “

“Is this the answer you gave after in-depth analysis?”

The bee nodded noncommittally, “So,

What if we could give you perspectives and abilities that transcend human beings? “

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