Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 591: Dinosaurs

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“5g base station?”

The mule had a confused look on his face.

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. He could vaguely feel the abnormal energy fluctuations at the end of the horizon. Is that… divine power?

Fury explained with a smile: “In The Divine Comedy, the souls of unbelievers float here, they were neither praised nor infamy, as if they never existed in this world.

In addition to this, there are angels who have been disloyal to God and who have not rebelled against God, and have been banished from heaven and hell, wandering in the wilderness, weeping and singing with the unbelievers.

That’s true hundreds of years ago, but we’ve changed it a long time ago,

The ghost now crying on the horizon is not a disbeliever, but a masochist. “

Faced with the mule’s doubts, Fury explained: “In the real world, people use morality and laws to restrain their innermost impulses,

But in the afterlife world, all **** is lost, and there is no need to hide nature.

Throughout the ages, the underworld has housed countless masochistic souls,

These souls are not afraid of cruel torture, and even enjoy the pain,

Some masochists who were occult scholars during their lifetime,

They worship the false gods of ancient times and secretly teach other masochists some mysterious rituals,

Let many masochists connect spiritually while being tortured,

Enjoy double the pain through ritual sharing of pain.

This provocative act of using Hades as a playground made the members of the Hades Council very angry and helpless,

Fortunately, a sage came up with a brilliant idea,

He placed all the masochistic spirits in tens of thousands of camps, concentrated torture, and produced a powerful force of joy,

The force of joy and wish connects all the camps scattered throughout the underworld,

Together with a spiritual bonding ritual, tormenting one masochist’s soul can empathize with a **** in another camp.

If more sophisticated torture methods are used, different signals can be delivered,

Realize remote communication.

The space and time in the underworld world does not follow the physical principles of the real world. It is very inconvenient to communicate remotely. A piece of information often lags behind for decades or even hundreds of years.

Now that there is a fast communication network all over the underworld, everyone can afford the Internet, and the underworld is united again,

The members of the Netherworld Council were delighted, and they conferred the title of **** on the sage. “

The bald black man took the smartphone out of his pocket and showed it to the mule,

While making a cross on his chest, he sincerely sighed: “Thanks to the 5g base station,

Thanks to the God of Pain and Telecommunication, Steve Silly. “


The mules, black horses, and forest cats all had jaw-dropping expressions on their faces,

Li Ang, who was hidden under the shadow man’s costume, was very interested and thought silently in his heart,

‘Wish power is the source of divine power. As long as divine power is spent, information can be transmitted over long distances without time difference.

I used brain worms for remote control before, and I actually used this principle,

It’s just not as big as this 5g signal tower in scale,

The utilization efficiency of divine power may not be as high as that of 5g signal towers – the latter can spontaneously generate willpower continuously and make up for the loss of divine power. ’

At this time, the witch also landed from the sky,

Judging from the gloomy expression on her face, she must have seen something she shouldn’t have seen.

“That’s right,”

Li Ang thought of something, and said to the mule, “Ask him, what is the Underworld Council? Shouldn’t it be the Demon Lord Lucifero who is in charge of hell?”

The mule repeated Li Ang’s words to Fury,

The latter smiled and said, “So saying that fairy tales are harmful.

Well…you should know the general structure of the underworld, right? “


The mule nodded and said, “The underworld is divided into three layers, hell, purgatory, and heaven mountain.

The shape of **** is like a funnel with a wide top and a narrow bottom. It has 9 floors, the center is Jerusalem, and the bottom floor is where the devil Lucifer is located.

The purgatory connected to hell, also known as the Pure Realm, has a total of seven floors, plus the Pure Realm Mountain and the Paradise on Earth are nine floors,

Some human souls who have committed sins in their lifetimes but have repented have been punished and refined in purgatory. After repentance, they climbed the Realm Mountain to the top of the mountain and ascended to the nine heavens. “


Fury shook his head and said, “These are myths made up by humans and forcibly given mysterious meanings,

Although there is a three-layer structure of hell, purgatory and paradise mountain in the underworld, it is not God who created it.

In fact, there is never a God,

The underworld is an ordinary afterlife world. All creatures on earth will come here after death.

You can think of it as a large landmass across the sea from the present world, such as Australia. “


The impact of Fury’s remarks on the mule was even stronger than when he heard that the base station was far away.

“Humans are always so arrogant, claiming to be the center of all things,”

Fury shrugged and said casually: “The former rulers of the underworld were the five dinosaur monarchs known as the Five Kings,

They are t-bone, stegz, bullzeye, spike, and hardrock.

They used to be ignorant beasts, but after the extinction of the dinosaurs, they came to the underworld with hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, developed wisdom and established civilization in the thousands of years in the underworld,

And explored the mechanism of soul circulation,

As the ruler of the underworld, diligently preside over the soul cycle work of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world.

With the rise of human beings, there are more human souls in the underworld,

Since the dinosaurs have long since become extinct, the five dinosaur kings plan to establish a council and the new human race to share the authority to rule the underworld,

As a result, the first group of human parliamentarians who died of slavery civilization, in order to establish their power, consolidate their rights, offer slander, and induce the Dinosaur Monarch to build a lot of meaningless torture facilities, specially designed to punish those who do not listen Disciplining the human soul,

Sometimes, some human souls are deliberately spared, so that they can be reincarnated with the memory of being tortured in hell,

Spread out the myths concocted by slavery MPs,

Promote their teachings on the surface,

What a **** of fire, God will punish the unbelievers after death or something.

It has been handed down as it is now. “

Fury spread his hands and said to the stunned mule: “Although the dinosaur king quickly realized his mistake and obliterated the human councilor of slavery civilization,

But in the real world there are already well-made fairy tales,

As more and more human souls pour in believing in the existence of hell,

The Dinosaur Monarch had no choice but to hold his nose in recognition of the account, and select some human councillors with normal IQs to help them manage the underworld.

As a result, the development of human civilization is too rapid,

Through the ages, all careerists, military strategists, dictators, idealists, and speculators have all gathered in hell. They have escaped the pursuit of officials of the underworld, and each has drawn a group of men, and they have begun to live forever in the underworld. The melee is simply lawless. “

Frey shook his head, as if feeling that the world is unfair and people are not ancient,

“The underworld is still very chaotic now. The Qin Empire just annexed the Arab Empire a hundred years ago, and is currently fighting against the Roman Empire and the Russian Empire by itself.

The old America led by Washington and the new America led by Lincoln and Roosevelt are still at war over whether to abolish slavery and make America great again,

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