Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 589: Nobles

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“What a pity, if only Tyson was here,”

Li Ang said in a solemn voice: “With his rich experience in virtual fights and comparisons between natural animals and animals that are often used by others,

Can definitely take out three beasts with bare hands. “

“Stop playing tricks at this time!”

The black Trojan said in a low voice: “Damn, this shouldn’t be,

Ordinary people are besieged by three hungry beasts, and they are almost certain to die.

Could it be that the system hides some hidden equipment in the forest,

Do I have to find the props before the game can go smoothly…”

“No, that’s not it.”

Forest cat seemed to remember something, and his eyes lit up, “Leopard, lion, she-wolf, I understand, it’s “The Divine Comedy”!”

The black Trojan froze for a moment, “What?”

“The Divine Comedy by the Italian poet Dante Alligelli!”

The forest cat said excitedly; “‘I have traveled halfway through our life, but I have entered a dark forest.

Almost where the hill began to rise steeply, a leopard with a light body and unusually strong body suddenly sprang out…’

In the poem “The Divine Comedy”, Dante strayed into the dark forest symbolizing sin and was blocked by three beasts.

The leopard, which symbolizes pleasure, the lion, which symbolizes ambition, and the she-wolf, which symbolizes greed. “

As a programmer, I have only heard of the black Trojan horse, but I have never seen “The Divine Comedy”. Fortunately, in his mechanical eyes, there is a large amount of information stored,

As soon as his consciousness moved, he extracted relevant information about The Divine Comedy.

This long poem was written between 1307 and 1321,

Dante, the author of the poem, takes himself as the protagonist, and imagines that he has made a trip to the underworld as a living person, and has dialogues with various famous people in hell, purgatory and heaven,

This is used to condemn the **** of the church, to criticize ignorance, and to express the idea of ​​pursuing the truth.

“If it’s a Divine Comedy, then these three beasts are not meant to be beaten…”

The witch’s eyes lit up and said: “In the poem, the one who rescued Dante from the siege,

It was his idol, the ancient Roman poet Publius Vigilius Maro.

Next, Virgilius, commonly known as Virgil,

Should appear on the Desolate Mountains soon. “

As a literate intelligence broker, Mule had also read the article “The Divine Comedy” and looked around subconsciously.

In the poem, Virgil would stand on a desolate hill,

Dante saw him and asked if he was a man or a ghost, begging him for help,

Virgil showed his identity, accepted Dante’s worship as a poetic predecessor, and said that he could guide Dante to leave here and travel to the underworld.


The mule clenched the stick and watched nervously as the three beasts approached,

The mission log has not been updated, nor has the ancient Roman poet Virgil, who was supposed to save the scene…


The classic English swearing full of black accents sounded on the left rear of the ridge,

Several people turned around and saw a middle-aged bald black man wearing a burgundy suit, a top hat, and leaning on a cane,

While cursing in English,

While striding up the ridge,

“fuckyouthefuckingfucker! getthefuckingmyway!”

The bald black man waved his cane and yelled at the three beasts. In just one minute, he said f-words at least a dozen times.

Something incredible happened,

Three hungry and ferocious beasts, after seeing the black man in the wine red suit, lowered their heads and tucked their tails,

Whimpering softly, she fled in all directions with her head bowed and dejected, and soon disappeared at the end of the ridge.

“Maja Falk.”

The bald black man cursed again in a low voice, approached the mule, and changed his viciousness just now,

He had a smile on his face, he held a cane in his left hand and stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with the dumbfounded mule very enthusiastically,

“You’re lawyer Kevin Romes, aren’t you? I’ve long admired my name, I’ve long admired my name!”

The mule swallowed and asked uncertainly, “Say, Mr. Samuel L. Jackson?”

Yes, this bald black man looks a bit like American actor Samuel L. Jackson,

Samuel has starred in a series of classic movies such as “Pulp Fiction”, “Ace Vs Ace”, “Die Hard”, “Kill Bill”, and his catchphrase is the “Maja Fake” in the United States .

Because of the swear words he swears so well and too loudly, he’s almost the only actor who doesn’t get annoying when he scolds “Mommy Fake” for a long time,

That’s why he was dubbed “Maja Fake Man” by some audiences.

(“Star Wars Trilogy” may be one of the few films that Samuel didn’t scold Majafak)


The bald black man waved his hand kindly with a “hey, you’ve seen it out”, “Oh, you’re not the first to recognize me as the real-world Mr. Jackson

Although I look a lot like him,

But I’m definitely a lot older than him – I’m already dead.

Maybe one day I can take a day off to meet him and share my experience with swearing. “

The mule’s eyelids twitched, “Dead?”


The bald black man nodded and said, “This is the place where the living stop, the junction between the underworld and the world, the entrance to the underworld,

And I am the messenger who will lead you to the underworld.

You may call me Fury. “

Almost as soon as the black man said the last word, the mule’s quest log also changed,

[The first stage mission objective: Climbing to the ridge has been completed]

[The second-stage mission objective: follow the messenger of the underworld and travel to the underworld hell]

The mule would like to tell several companions about the change of mission objectives,

But the unknown messenger of the underworld in front of him made it difficult for him to speak.

“Aren’t you wondering why the ancient Roman poet Publius Vigilius Maro didn’t come to meet you?”

Seeing to see the subtle expression on the mule’s face, Fury leaned on a cane and explained with a smile: “Actually, the Italian poet Dante’s Divine Comedy was not his imagination,

It’s what actually happened.

He really entered the underworld in a dream, and went through **** under the leadership of Virgil,

Just waiting for him to wake up, mistaking it for a dream.

Our underworld used to be this way,

Some dead people who are worthless and worthless will be automatically thrown into the underworld and will be punished according to the degree of their sins.

Only those who have made outstanding contributions to the world will be invited by the messengers of the underworld to travel through **** without danger. “

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