Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 575: Calendar

Li Ang’s thinking didn’t last long,

Boom boom boom.

The sound of the bricks rubbing against each other resounded in the corridor again,

Li Ang picked up the water cup and plastic pipe on the ground, ran to the wall panel, and slammed the red button.

Sure enough, as the letter says,

After pressing the button, the back door of room C opened,

Li Ang hurriedly stood in the circle and waited for the outer door to open – this time the door opened much slower, like a snail crawling.

As soon as the door opened to allow one person to pass through, Li Ang couldn’t wait to rush out of the door,

The moment you stick your head out of the corridor,

He only saw a figure in clothes, walking into the door of Room D next door and disappearing.

“Stop and don’t run!”

Li Ang rushed to the door of Room D, reached out and patted the door, but there was no response.


He felt his body temperature rise due to his mood swings, “You’re hiding in the room, right? I’ll see where you’re going.”

The red button can only turn on the water supply system for a period of time, once it is missed, there is no chance to restart.

Li Ang ran to room A, turned on the tap,

But there was only a humming sound from the faucet, but no water was gushing out.

In a flash, he picked up the plastic pipe, twisted it into a U-shape, and tried to connect the pipe between the sink sink and the sewer pipe on the ground.

Because the gloves are too clumsy and the limbs are weak, such a simple action takes a lot of time.

He reluctantly installed the water pipe, slammed out the door, and ran to Door D, only to hear the sound of rumbling rumbling a third time.

The location is still the stone wall next to Room F.

When Li Ang rushed over, what he saw was a man in a rubber suit, carrying a deformed monster, disappearing behind the gradually closing stone wall.

The monster only had a basic human shape,

Approximately where the head is, a large, constantly twisting green hair grows, covering most of the body,

There are some pieces of shredded fabric left on the body, which are difficult to identify.

Pale and slender hands and feet, bent and twisted to the back in a posture that even acrobats can’t do,

Just looking at it can make people feel pain.

[Can’t let me find, can’t let me find]

A line of translucent writing suddenly appeared in my sight,

Li Ang watched the stone wall automatically close, and realized instantly,

His own title skill [Mystery Digger] took effect,

The secrets in the heart of the target who do not want to be known by the outside world are directly displayed in the sight.

“…what I see, is the secret of the deformed monster,

It’s still a secret from someone who wears the same outfit as me…”

Li Ang gritted his teeth. He wanted to hammer the wall and ask questions, but the time for the water supply system was passing little by little.


Stomping on the ground with the soles of his feet, Li Ang rushed back to the door of Room D,

Place the gold inlaid quilt with the inscription 5L on the left side of the shrine inside the door.


The size of the 5L cup fits perfectly into the empty space, the platform of the shrine sinks slightly, and then there is the sound of water flowing from room A.

Water flows out of the faucet, down the plastic U-shaped pipe, and into the sewer,

It goes around and around the pipe, eventually pouring into the groove at the top of the D-door shrine, making the shrine itself a reservoir.

“Use 5L and 3L cups to get 4L of water…”

Li Ang said to himself, flipping the handle on the left side of the shrine to let the water flow into the 5L cup,

After filling, turn off the water flow, fill the empty 3L cup with water from the 5L cup,

Then pour out all the water in the 3L cup,

Pour the remaining 2L of water in the 5L cup into the 3L cup,

Refill the 5L cup,

Use part of the water in the 5L cup and pour it into the 3L cup until it is full – since the 3L cup has already filled 2L of water, the 5L cup can only pour 1L of water

When Li Ang finally poured out all the water in the 3L cup, the sound of water in room A just stopped,

Time limit is over,

The water from the shrine is left…


The door on the outside of room D opened slowly, and Li Ang rushed into it without hesitation, stepped on the footprint pattern, and entered the room.

The house is empty, with a square metal plate one meter long on the ceiling.

On the floor there are only two items, an envelope, and a desk calendar.

Li Ang opened the envelope and took out the letter, which read:

“Hi Morgan,

It should be 9:45pm when you open this letter,

I believe you must have seen something in the corridor just now that made you feel terrified and at a loss.

Although you can’t remember anything,

But the sight still makes you shudder from the soul.

You are confused,

You should be wondering.

Just, please listen carefully before revealing the final mystery. “

Without any sign, cries sounded from the ceiling.

It’s the man’s cry,

He wailed like a beast, sitting on his knees, hammering the floor with his fists, “Why why why…”

“Sorry, Father,”

Qingli’s voice rang out, sounding a little reluctant, “I…have tried my best to stop Mother Mother…but…”


The man sat on the spot for a long time before slowly saying: “Alice, who sent you and Triss away at 9:15?”

The girl’s voice was silent, “…it’s you.”

“Who took Ciri away at 9:40?”

“…is you.”

The girl took a deep breath. “Although it sounds incredible, that person’s face, voice, fingerprints, iris, and all other physical features are exactly the same as yours.”

“Then,” the man whispered, “his… right and left hands.”

The girl called Alice was stunned for a moment, then she reacted and said solemnly: “It’s as normal as you.”

“…I see.”

The man took a deep breath, “He did it, he deliberately lied to deceive me, gave me false hope,

Trap me in the tunnel,

Took my daughter and killed my wife…

I’m going down to the well to find him…”

The footsteps ran out the door one after the other. Li Ang stood there and waited for a while, without waiting for any change.


Li Ang’s eyes were lowered and he was silent.

The upstairs chatter heard in each room,

The strange figure that keeps appearing but always deformed monster seen in the corridor…

All the elements came together in his mind, gradually piecing together the general outline of the story.

He picked up the desk calendar that came with the envelope,

The desk calendar is made of white cardboard, the style is very common,

The left is a landscape painting,

On the right is the date,

The day of the week is marked with SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT above the date.

Both January and February were torn off,

On the first few dates of the March calendar, there are notes written in red ink.

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