Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 572: Black shop

The pigpen password has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is simple, fast, and widely used.

But relatively speaking, the difficulty of cracking is relatively low.

Li Ang glanced at the stationery, and when he looked up again, he already had the answer in his heart,

“AndGodsaid, Lettherebelight, andtherewaslight.”

God said, let there be light, and there will be light.

“This is 1:3 from the Old Testament Genesis. Does another world have a Bible?”

Li Ang frowned slightly, looking at the light bar at the top of the corridor, “There are lights in the corridor,

Is it asking me to look for other light sources, such as infrared or ultraviolet lamps?

Or let me find the light switch and turn it off and back on? “

The corridor is as high as three meters, even if a stool is moved, it can’t reach it,

The box spring bed in Room A was too large to be moved out of the door.

Thinking to no avail, Li Ang had to temporarily put the door of Room C on hold and came to the last door of Room B.

Like room E, the door of room B also has a combination lock,

The words above the lock are:


Below the words are the seven letters A, B, E, G, L, M, S,

Below each letter is a wheel with ten numbers 0-9 marked on the wheel.

“The doors to other rooms have been tried and failed, but this one…”

Li Ang’s first thought was the big case obtained by using the password of the pigpen in Room C,

The number of lines in which the seven letters ABEGLMS appear on the stationery,

Slip into the cipher wheel.

However, some of these letters appear in the tenth line, and if the answer is the C room password,

There is no need to write BASE+BALL=GAMES on the door of room B.

“baseball, baseball, ball…ball battle, Qiu Qianren, armadillo, I’ve been begging for thousands of years before the Buddha…”

Li Ang’s mind kept pouring out all kinds of massive information,

It feels like exam time,

It is clear that I am trying very hard to finish the question, but my brain has been looping some brainwashing songs and can’t stop.

“Wait, maybe it’s not that much trouble…”

Li Ang’s eyes lit up, stretched out his clumsy gloves, and slowly rotated the roulette, “As long as this password is used as a mathematical addition formula.”

A=4, B=7, E=3, G=1, L=5, M=9…

When the roulette wheel under S is aligned to 8,

The metal door of room B trembled slightly, and the whole door silently slid to the right along the guide rail.

The smile on Li Ang’s face disappeared quickly before he could unfold it.

After this door opens, there is another door….

“What’s wrong?!”

Li Ang stared at the sky and said, “Come on, dungeon designer, come down,

When it touches you, the hood must be pulled off and you must be slapped in the face,

When I go out,

Specify that without you, you will remember to eat good juice. “

After the harsh words were spoken and his emotions were vented, Li Ang leaned forward honestly, pressed the door frame, and looked into the door.

The two metal doors of room B are separated by one meter, and there is a circle drawn by spray paint on the floor in the middle.

There is a footprint pattern in the middle of the ring,

Looks like a place where metalwork is scanned in a high-speed rail station.

“Is this prompting me to stand inside the circle?”

To be honest, Li Ang didn’t want to go in. If he was directly locked in the middle of the two doors, there would be no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth, so he had to retreat.

He thought about it for a while, then walked around the corridor again, after confirming that there were no hidden elements,

Take out the wooden chair stuck at the front door of room A and put it on the rail of the first door of room B,

Pinching the screwdriver in hand, I walked carefully into the door,

Seeing six directions and listening to all directions, ready to evacuate at any time.

No dark arrows or venom were shot from the wall, and Li Ang stood on the footprint pattern very smoothly.

“And then what?”

Li Ang remained in a standing position, looking left and right for a while, rubbing his chin uncertainly, “Is it possible that I need to do a certain action?”

Before he could come to a Thomas slalom on the spot, the door closed directly behind him,

The seemingly sturdy wooden chair didn’t hold up for half a second,

With a “click”, it was crushed into two halves, and they landed on the inside and outside of the door.


Li Ang was startled, but saw a red light lit up in the narrow space, illuminating everything as red as blood.

After the red light flashed three times, the door in front of him slowly opened, revealing another room.

Room B is the same size as Room A,

It’s just that there are no box springs and sinks,

On the empty ceramic floor lies an envelope, a kerosene lamp, and a box of matches.

The red light gradually dimmed, replaced by a white light from the ceiling of Room B,

Li Ang stood there and watched for a while,

He crept forward again and picked up the envelope from the ground.

He opened the envelope with ease, and took out the letter from the inside. The content of the letter was a lot simplified, and there was no stain or water stain.

“Congratulations, Morgan, you have successfully broken through yourself and reached the second level!

Well, just kidding,

Although you are as stupid as a gorilla,

But if you spend enough time, you can still solve the puzzle on the door.

In that case, I don’t mind giving you some tips:

Don’t talk, listen carefully. “

Listen to what?

Li Ang had doubts in his heart, and then he heard a sound from above the ceiling of the room.


First there was a knock on the door, followed by two footsteps.

The silhouette of a man wearing leather shoes and a woman wearing cotton slippers instantly appeared in Li Ang’s mind,

They opened the door, entered the room, and stood in the center of the room.

The woman spoke first, “Honey, you just…”

“Sorry, it was my fault.”

The man’s tone was a little gloomy, “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you, I’m out of control.

The experiment has not progressed,

The only samples left were ruined by the **** weather last night…”

“It’s okay, you’re so smart, you can always solve problems, don’t you think”

The woman comforted gently: “Wait until it’s over,

You can play baseball with her on the grass all afternoon, as before, and then lie on the roof and teach her to recognize the stars. “

The man was silent for a while, then sighed heavily, “Maybe…”

“It will always be okay.”

The woman said gently Ah, the kitchen water is boiling, I will get some hot water. “

“I’ll accompany you.”

The man said, following the woman’s footsteps and walking towards the door.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Ang, who was still digesting the amount of information, raised his voice and shouted loudly: “Hey!!! Help! You guys are locked downstairs!

Hello! anyone there? ! “

He ran to the wall and slammed the wall, but still couldn’t stop the sound of the door closing from the ceiling,


Everything is silent again.

“Is this gone?”

Li Ang looked at the corner of the ceiling with a confused expression, “What’s the situation? Difficulty This is a black shop run by a husband and wife? It specializes in detaining prisoners for the pleasure of torturing the unfortunate?”

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