Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 571: Pig pen

“Anyway, calm down and find a time machine.”

Li Ang nodded, turned back to room A, and looked inside, but nothing changed.

β€œIt would be great if you could spawn a monster, and after you blast it, drop the keys of all the rooms, so you can find them one by one.”

Li Ang said that he knew what could not happen, sighed, and returned to the tunnel resignedly.

The two stone walls next to Room A and Room F are quite solid, he chiseled a few times with a hexagonal screwdriver,

Let’s not knock off the broken bricks, not even the adhesive used to hold the bricks together.

“According to the number of steps and paths I walked along the wall, this corridor should be a concentric circle,

Stone wall armor next to room A,

And the stone wall B next to Room F,

There is a distance of about ten meters between them. It is not known whether the two stone walls are connected or separated. “

Li Ang said to himself, came to the front of the stone wall B in room F, and carefully looked at the cylindrical groove above,

“Is this shape asking me to put an energy battery, or something similar in shape?

But I’ve tried it before, and brute force alone won’t remove the battery. “

Li Ang pondered, “Considering the amount of puzzle solving in room A, it is impossible to ask me to wear a strong debuff in the first minute of the game,

Open room A, and put the battery in the stone wall.

That is,

A room might provide me with new, removable batteries as the mission progresses? Or just let me get rid of the debuff…”

He scratched his head, raised his chin, and shouted towards Yongdao: “Hello?

Are you there, dungeon designer?

I said can we skip these nonsense steps and go to the final heads-up?


Would you dare to gamble with me? Lord let you know what a real black hand is? ! “

The provocative voice echoed in the corridor for a long time without any response.

Li Ang suspects that some parts of the dungeon may have miniature surveillance cameras or recorder devices, in order to further test (and also to vent their emotions),

While he shouted cruel words such as “You will be sharked in three days, and your ashes will be lifted”,

Check door by door.

The style of the keyhole in Room F is different from that of Room A and the clothes on the body. It is another key.

The words 2F2S21M2M3S13T2 are written on the E room, and the following combination lock has a total of six digits, which need to be composed of six of the twenty-four letters.

Li Ang tried words such as “aaaaaa”, “bbbbbb”, “window”, “bronze”, and “energy”, but failed to make the door change.

“If 2F2S21M2M3S13T2 is the ciphertext, then the corresponding key should be found.”

He spread out his hands, chose to give up neatly, and walked to the door of Room D.

The shrine platform in the middle of room D also adopts the Baroque style, which is extremely luxurious and exaggerated, which is out of tune with the whole simple hall.

On the right side of the platform there is a gold inlaid cup, the left side is empty except for a circular groove at the bottom.

Lee Ang took down the gold-encrusted cup and found a metal chain attached to the bottom of the cup, securing the cup to the platform.

“Don’t let me take it…”

He gestured with his palm to measure the volume of the cup, which was indeed about three liters.

“The words on the platform are for four liters of some kind of liquid, but this cup is only three liters,

The empty space on the left side of the platform should be for me to find another cup,

At the same time I have to find some liquid…”

Li Ang looked down at the rubber clothes he was wearing, which had no zippers.

“I don’t feel like peeing now,

Even if there is an urge to urinate, the daily urine output of a normal person is about 1000-2000 ml, which is not enough to provide 4 liters unless it is made up with blood.

Considering the frailty of the body, it is impossible to contribute two liters of his own blood.

Need to find another source. “

Li Ang shook his head, left Room D, and came to the door of Room C.

On this door are a pattern of right angles and squares with no bottom, some right angles at the top, and a black dot.

“What the **** is this, abstract bible?

Is the dungeon designer banned by the illegal word, can only send emoji to express the meaning? “

Li Ang squinted his eyes and observed it carefully for a while, when something suddenly sounded, and he took out the letter to Morgan again.

This letter has many water stains, stains, and some small black dots left by corrections,

He originally thought it was the writer’s harsh environment, poor living conditions, and trembling hands,

It will leave traces on the letter,

“The letter paper itself has horizontal lines. The writer added some vertical lines and slashes in the middle of some English words, disguised as calligraphy errors.

But it’s not a typo, it’s a hint.

Pick out each letter with a vertical slash, it should be


Lee Ang looked up again to the door of Room C.

“JMPKNQLORWXZY is surrounded by hidden little blacks, which correspond to the squares and triangles with black dots on the wall.

This is not an abstract emoji, but a pigpen password. “

The so-called pigpen password,

It is a simple alternative password based on lattice, that is, the twenty-four letters are separated by nine-square or Tianzi. ABCEDFGI is a group of nine-square,

JKLMNOPQR is a group of nine squares, marked with black dots in the corners, which is different from the previous group,

STVU and WXZY are each a group of diagonally placed fields, the latter is also marked with black dots,

When using, as long as the corresponding letter pattern (such as a right-angled triangle with black dots) is cut from the Jiugong grid and Tianzi grid, the original ciphertext meaning can be expressed.

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