Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 564: Toxin

“The accident is that this is the most wonderful thing in this world,

It’s indescribable, unpredictable, and elusive.

Medical malpractice, traffic accident, sudden illness, food poisoning, falling objects, falling from height, fire, drowning, electric shock…

The human life is so fragile,

A glass of water, an icicle, a chopstick, a fork, or even a nut can kill someone.

There are so many tools that people have to face every day in modern life, and the possible ways to die are even more bizarre than those shown in the movie “Death is Coming” or the TV show “1000 Ways to Die” , bells and whistles. “

The boy spread his hands and smiled, “Death is the destination of all people and the fairest thing in the world.

If the murder case is shocking and outrageous, it will be recorded, and there will be countless people working together to track down the case and investigate the truth behind it.

Such an accidental death is tragic, helpless, and sometimes darkly humorous.

Similarly, when it comes to the opposite of accidental death, no one cares much about persistence, not even the media that pursues traffic – this is an accident, a helpless life.

And I am responsible for the accident. “

Maybe this sentence is suspected of boasting, and the smile on the teenager’s face is a little shy, “As time goes on, I’m getting better and better at this aspect,

Even if the entire accidental process is shown to the world in its entirety, no one will be able to find the complete context of the story before the event is over.

Like a world-class magician, or a ruthless criminal conspiracy scholar in reasoning. “


“Sister Lan, do you suspect someone is chasing these criminals?”


Wei Linglan nodded, looked at Chu Yin who was reading the materials, and nodded, “These cases are very common, but I always feel that something is not normal.

I’m not an expert in this area, and the bureau’s criminal investigation course scores are not very high,

You’re smart enough to see if there’s a problem here. “

Chu Yin “hmm” the doctor, took a sip of the Coke that was left in the ice cube, and stared at the information intently.

“Huang Yuanwei, male, 46 years old, driver, was a liaison in a criminal gang before that.

One morning in the previous summer, while driving to Linshi, he suddenly felt that his breathing became more and more difficult, and his throat and chest were tense.

The needle-like pain continued to come from the fingertips, and the palm of the hand could hardly hold the steering wheel, and the road scene in front of him began to appear in double images.

For safety’s sake, he went to the hospital immediately after reluctantly driving off the highway.

By the time he arrived at the emergency department, he was already in a very bad condition, with a sickly red complexion, wheezing and heavy chest heaving, but his physical and neurological examination results were normal.

Considering that he ate local food on a business trip yesterday, combined with his previous history of allergies,

The doctor thought it was a common allergic symptom, so he took the antiallergic drug diphenhydramine, which has the effect of antihistamine H1 receptor, can inhibit the central nervous system, and is suitable for allergic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Such as urticaria, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, etc.

Histamine is an active amine compound that exists in mast cells and also in mucosal tissues such as lung, liver and stomach.

Histamine is released when the body detects an allergen,

As a chemical conductor, histamine binds to receptors on vascular smooth muscle, resulting in vasodilation and local edema,

And cause the tracheal smooth muscle of the lung to contract, causing the airway to narrow and make breathing difficult,

Lower blood pressure and faster heart rate.

Doctors blocked histamine with diphenhydramine and administered epinephrine to Huang Yuanwei to constrict his dilated blood vessels.

If he is allergic, this should work.

But after several hours of observation, Huang Yuanwei’s condition did not improve. He still felt uncomfortable and claimed that his stomach started to burn, and even taking oral antacids did not help.

He then felt a tight and swollen throat, unable to speak or swallow, his heart rate rose rapidly and his eyelids drooped.

Doctors immediately performed various tests on him, including an MRI, but none of the tests showed any problems.

Huang Yuanwei’s situation continued to deteriorate at an eerie rate,

His facial and throat muscles are paralyzed, he can’t speak, he can’t move his hands and feet, his eyelids are drooping and he can’t open his eyes. He can only use a respirator to help him breathe.

The most terrifying thing is that his will is still awake,

He could clearly feel that he was losing control of all his muscles bit by bit,

He can clearly feel that his body is constantly being paralyzed.

He lost his life before doctors could provide further treatment.

It wasn’t until after his death that doctors understood the cause of his death.

His acute muscle paralysis is not a brain or spine problem, as his entire body paralysis is very balanced, even, and synchronized.

Neither can it be a viral infection of the nerves—viruses such as polio, which can paralyze the whole body, can send patients into a fever for days before paralyzing their muscles.

So, it can only be something wrong with the neuromuscular junction.

Motor neurons located in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and some nuclei in the brainstem send out nerve fibers one by one to the muscles, and the nerve fibers branch into dozens or hundreds of branches at the muscle fibers.

Each branch terminates on a muscle fiber, forming a one-to-one neuromuscular junction,

The neuromuscular junction transmits signals from the nerve fibers to the muscle fibers, causing the muscles to contract. If the neuromuscular junction is disrupted, it can lead to muscle atrophy and paralysis. “

Chu Yin frowned and said, “And what caused the neuromuscular junction to fail is…”

“Botulinum toxin.”

The teenager smiled and said to the old woman: “Look, the whole process of muscle movement,

It is an instruction sent from the nerve center,

Let nerve impulses be transmitted to axon terminals,

The protruding cells in the presynaptic membrane are stimulated to release neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, which diffuse into the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors on the sarcolemma, triggering muscle contraction.

Botulinum toxin binds to the presynaptic membrane of cholinergic neurons, undergoes endocytosis, forms an acidic vesicle that wraps the toxin molecule, and stays at the end of the presynaptic membrane of motor neurons,

Blocks the release of the normal neurotransmitter acetylcholine,

This causes muscle paralysis.

I’ve been watching secretly, and it turned out that the official afterward was as I expected,

Following the botulinum toxin ingested by Huang Yuanwei, he found the food he ate at the restaurant yesterday – a ham that was originally in a can.

And the owner of that restaurant happens to be a murder suspect who has been absconding for many years.

For botulinum toxin to be produced in canned food, the temperature and ph value of the external environment must be completely suitable,

It was a perfect, unfortunate accident. “

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