Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 560: Old people

“On the face of it, these cases are indeed unrelated, but there is something special about them,”

Wang Fengnian said solemnly, “All victims were once criminals.”

Wei Linglan was stunned when he heard the words, lowered his head, and swept his gaze to the file.

“Fang joined gangs many times many years ago to rob and kill people. After absconding, he went into incognito and changed his identity to someone else. Due to the long-term embarrassment of life and the official census, he feared that his crimes would be exposed and he would be arrested and imprisoned, so he killed himself. .”

Wang Fengnian slid his fingers and said slowly: “Rong had committed many crimes when he was young, and murdered several girls to death with extremely brutal means. At that time, it may be because of the times, he was not sentenced to death, and he was imprisoned for 40 years. After serving his sentence, he was released,

Within six months after coming out, he died unexpectedly due to excessive drinking. “

“Zhang was a criminal suspect in several murder cases. After he went to the canteen to ask for credit and was rejected, he held a grudge. He sneaked into the owner’s house at night and brutally killed a family of five, including the owner’s eleven-year-old daughter. /

Then absconded for a long time and lived in embarrassment. After seeing police officers frequently haunting the village, he suspected that the crime was exposed and committed suicide in fear of the crime. “

“Tong Mou is the owner of a small supermarket. More than ten years ago, he saw a high school girl who was about to take the college entrance examination and came home from school. He made a temporary move and stunned the victim and murdered her, hiding her body in an abandoned pigpen.”

“Zhao Moumou, who died in a rental house during an affair, was once a member of a human trafficking gang.

Ren, who died when a car hit a tree and was pierced by a tree branch in his chest, used to be a member of a ‘beggar gang’-they used bricks and sticks to beat children and adults into maimed and deformed, and then Put it on a wooden cart and ask it to beg for money. “

Wang Fengnian said solemnly: “All the deceased people in this portfolio were once criminals.

Or abscond,

or have been released,

Or received a light sentence for one reason or another, or even not sentenced, and has been at large. “


Wei Linglan frowned slightly, “However, these cases are several years apart and the locations are thousands of miles apart.

The deceased all died by suicide or accident,

There is no connection between them. “

“In fact, there is a connection.”

Wang Fengnian said solemnly: “Fang Mou and Rong Mou are from the same town, Zhang Mou once rented in Tong Mou’s rental house during the absconding process,

‘Beggar Gang’ Ren Mou has repeatedly ‘purchased’ people from the human trafficking gang where Zhao Moumou belongs.

The more you look, the more you discover,

In all cases, the deceased were more or less related – of course, the relationship was not close, and sometimes the two deceased even only had one relationship. “

“One-sided relationship…”

Wei Linglan blurted out, “Is it a meme?”

As soon as she said it, she realized the problem, “No,

Although this kind of situation, which is comparable to the movie “Death is Coming”, follows a weak connection, a series of accidental deaths is very similar to memetic pollution,

But the earliest dead can be traced back to three or four years ago,

At that time, the current killing game had not started at all…”

Wei Linglan’s mind turned sharply, frowned and said, “Uncle, is someone murdering them on a regular basis?”

“It’s possible.”

Wang Fengnian nodded, “After we received the report, we sneered at this theory at first and didn’t accept it seriously,

It wasn’t until recently that another death was taken seriously and thought it might be a serial murder.

However, someone from the Secret Service came to assist in the investigation for a while,

Even if players use divination methods, they still can’t find a ‘possible’ murderer.

So the person who reported the crime was a little insane and acted insane. “


Wei Linglan tapped back and forth on the file bag with her fingers, then raised her head and asked, “Uncle, do you have any information about the person who reported the case?”


“I have to say that the show “Yinshi Grand Stage” is really something I can’t get enough of watching.”

Li Ang turned off the TV in disappointment and murmured, “The contestants’ performances seem to be crazy, like crazy,

In fact, it is using artistic exaggeration to express the extrusion of modern life on people themselves.

The judges were on pins and needles, wishing they didn’t take this show, but because of the pressure of the camera, they couldn’t speak foul language freely. They could only use words without swear words to express their inner anguish.

The audience sitting in front of the TV thinks that they are spectators above the level of the program format, but they don’t know that they are also part of this magical realism stage play…”

Miss Chai, who floated out of the bedroom with a Nintendo Switch, was staring at the screen and rubbing the handle,

Hearing Li Ang’s murmur,

Can’t help but complain: “Why do you watch this earthy show and enter the time of the sage?”

“You don’t understand.”

Li Ang shook his head and said, “As the saying goes, looking at a Buddha is a Buddha, looking at a flower is a flower, and looking at a **** is shit.

Only when you abandon your stereotypes and endure the embarrassment caused by the empathy effect when you are brought into the program contestant status, and even enjoy the embarrassment that makes your scalp tingling, can you experience the soul trembling that radiates from the inside out .

As my favorite Mr. Osamu Dazai said in “Disqualification in the World”,

‘Put on socks before shoes, be grandson first and then grandfather’. “

? ? ?

Ms. Chai looked bewildered, “Although I haven’t seen the disqualification in the world, but this sentence should not be said by Dazai…”

“Isn’t it?”

Li Ang frowned and thought for a while, “That should be Mr. Dazai Osamu’s younger brother, Xiaobi Zaizhi said it.”

“This person doesn’t exist…”

Li Ang slammed the palm of his hand and said firmly: “That’s what Dale Carnegie said in “The Weakness of Human Nature”,

Or what Keigo Higashino said in “White Night, Walking”. “

“Are you going to finish reporting the ‘three best-selling books that most people haven’t read, but they must be shown in the circle of friends’?”

“Who said that, I’ve read all three books, okay?”

Li Ang said sternly: “If there is no killing game, maybe I will become a scientist to benefit mankind, or I will write a book and stand and leave a warning.

Like Mr. Lu Xun who wrote the passage “Blow, blow, blow my pride and indulge my pure garden” in “Wild Grass” Miss Chai opened her mouth, and finally Still didn’t say anything, bowed his head and continued to play the game console, “…just be happy.”

Seeing Chai Chai immersed in the game world, Li Ang glanced at the clock with some boredom, stood up, stretched, picked up the loose coat on the chair, and walked towards the door.

Miss Chai subconsciously asked, “Where are you going?”

“Go out for a walk, and find an old friend to catch up with.”

Li Ang put on his coat with a normal expression, ignoring Miss Chai, who was thinking about the meaning of the old man,

Go straight out the door and ride to the cemetery in the dark,

Alone, I came to a tombstone engraved with the name “Fei Weiqiang”.

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