Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 559: Accidents

The staff dormitory building of the Special Affairs Bureau is newly built, and looks no different from an ordinary high-end community except for the high security level.

The two families live opposite each other,

When Wei Linglan returned home, she saw dishes on the dining table and two parents were sitting on the sofa,

Wang Congshan’s mother was worried, and Officer Wang was smoking a cigarette dully,

While her own parents stood by to console her.

Wei Linglan briefly explained the current situation. Anyway, he finally made the parents reluctantly put down their snacks and return to the table to eat.

“Beep bell–“

The phone rings,

Wang Fengnian took out his mobile phone, glanced at the call reminder, his expression changed imperceptibly, he pressed the ringtone with his finger, got up and said normally: “I’ll go outside to answer a call.”

Jiang Xinwan asked her husband subconsciously, “Is it Shanshan?”

“No, it’s a work thing.”

Wang Fengnian shook his head, left the dining table, walked out of the house, lightly covered the door with a combination lock, and answered the phone while standing in the unmanned corridor.

Wei Linglan glanced at the door with some concern,

Although Wang Fengnian deliberately lowered his voice,

But as a player, her hearing is far beyond ordinary people, and she still hears a few words floating in through the crack of the door.

“Hey, why are you calling again?”

“I said, I can’t help you!”

“We’ve checked, and there’s nothing you said! It’s all your fantasy!”

“Go if you want.”

Wang Fengnian hung up the phone angrily and walked back into the house.

After eating, Wei Linglan put down the tableware and asked curiously, “Uncle, whose phone is it?”

“A prisoner I met before.”

Wang Fengnian sat down and said lightly, “I always feel that someone is chasing me,”


Wei Linglan raised her eyebrows, “Is there such a thing?”

“Of course it’s fake.”

Wang Fengnian sighed: “This person is a little crazy,

Spent ten years in prison,

After a few years of restlessness, he insisted that someone wanted to kill him.

Keep running to the police, calling the police officer who has handled the case and asking for protection.

After being kicked out by my family,

I even set up a tent by myself, living across the street from where we commute every day, where we eat and drink. “

Wei Linglan’s father interjected: “Murdered paranoia?”

“It’s kind of like.”

Wang Fengnian nodded and said, “After the killing game came out, this person changed his name and said that the one who was chasing him was a player, and he also collected a lot of information,

Report to the Secret Service in a serious manner.

The Special Affairs Bureau has always attached great importance to murder cases involving players, and sent people to assist in the investigation.

I searched and searched, but still no results. “

Wang Fengnian paused for a moment, then hesitated a bit: “But I have to say that some of the content in those materials looks quite strange…”

Wei Linglan can’t help but be a little curious,

She used to live at Wang Congshan’s house and knew that Officer Wang was an experienced and excellent criminal police officer. What kind of cases would make him feel abnormal?

“Uncle, have you brought back those materials? I want to see them.”

“It’s in the study.”

Wang Fengnian nodded, got up and went to the study to get a bulging document bag.

Wei Linglan took it and opened the file bag, and took out several files from it.

Time 17.8.1

A middle-aged man Fang died in a hotel in Yongding County,

The doors and windows of the house are locked from the inside, there is no other entrance, and there is no trace of fighting at the scene,

The deceased sat on the ground with his back against the wall on the side of the door,

A wire was wrapped around the neck several times. One end of the wire was tied to the left arm, and the other end was hung with a kettle full of tap water.

A suicide note was found at the head of the bed. The test results showed that it was the deceased’s own handwriting. The autopsy results also showed that the deceased died of mechanical asphyxiation.

It is speculated that the deceased first tied the kettle and left arm with both ends of the wire, then wrapped the wire around his neck, stood with his back against the wall, and then stretched his left arm outward,

Using the weight of the kettle to tighten the wires, he eventually strangled himself to his death.


Wei Linglan raised her head in confusion, this file is just an ordinary suicide case, and there is no doubt about it.

Wang Fengnian raised his chin, “Look down.”


Wei Linglan nodded and opened the second file.

Time 16.12.7

Rong Mou, an elderly man, died in the rental house. The scene was closed, the doors and windows were intact, and several empty wine bottles were placed on the bedside.

The corpse was in a natural prone position, with the upper limbs holding the quilt and pressing the face against the face, and the head and face were slightly turned to the left.

There was no obvious damage to the whole body, no fracture, edema of multiple organs, and ethanol was detected in the heart blood, and the content was 132.3mg/100mL.

The immediate cause of death was mechanical asphyxiation.

It is speculated that the deceased was lying on the bed after drinking, with the bedding covering his face, mouth and nose,

Due to aging, the body’s reactivity, intuition, etc. are low,

In addition to being intoxicated, the central nervous system is inhibited, and the reflex intensified breathing movement is counteracted,

The state of being covered with mouth and nose is maintained for a long time until death.

With reference to the investigation of the case and the surrounding visits, it can be determined that the deceased died of suffocation due to accidental suffocation by covering his mouth and nose with the bedding after drinking alcohol.


Wei Linglan flipped through the two files in confusion.

The two deceased were of different ages, different causes of death, no blood relationship, different provinces, and different case handling units.

It can be said that they have nothing in common except that they are both dead.


Wang Fengnian frowned, “Keep watching.”

Time 17.5.6

The middle-aged man Zhang died in the underground pipeline well at the entrance of the village. There was a half-empty bottle of dichlorvos and a lot of vomit at the scene. There was no trace of fighting.

The corpse’s wrists were tied with a wire with a long middle, which was tied around the pedaling handrail of the up and down well.

Neatly dressed, no obvious trauma on the body, pinpoint-like changes in the pupils, **** fluid flowing out of the nasal cavity, no damage to the outside of the lips, erosion of the labial mucosa, and pesticide liquid residues in the mouth.

Because the hands and feet were bound when the body was found, it was suspected of homicide. After a large number of police investigations were used, it was determined that the deceased was fully capable of creating the facts of the scene.

Combining the scene traces and surrounding interviews, it is inferred that the deceased committed suicide due to long-term embarrassment and depression.

In order to strengthen his determination and prevent himself from returning, he specially bound his hands and feet with iron wire to lose his ability to save himself.

The more and more Wei Linglan looked, the more confused she became. She quickly flipped through several files with her fingers flying.

In the afternoon, two middle-aged men and women with existing families were found dead in the rental house. The woman was disheveled died of suffocation caused by someone strangling her neck,

The man is wearing trousers and is using a wire to restrain himself under an electric fan.

Gu infers that the two have maintained an underground relationship for a long time, overdose in an affair with a man, accidentally strangled the woman, and committed suicide afterwards;

Hiiramura, a man drank a lot of high-quality liquor in front of him. On the way home, the alcohol surged and his body became hot, so he tried to take off his shirt.

As a result, during the process of taking off the shirt, the clothes were blindfolded, the soles of the feet stepped on the skating, fell backward, and the back of the head touched the ground to death;

In Xinghe Village, a man who lived alone was killed by an icicle accidentally penetrated his eye socket while cleaning the eaves ice skate;

Longwen Town, a man was driving home when a wild dog suddenly appeared on the side of the road. The man subconsciously turned the steering wheel to the left, causing the vehicle to drive off the road and hit a tree, causing the man’s chest to be penetrated by the branches of the tree;

The dozens of files in the file bag are all accidental deaths or suicides.

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