Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 549: False

Luo Siyuan swallowed and said slowly: “The results show that if the observation machine is activated,

Then the observation behavior will make the light particles behave like particles, without interference fringes.

And if the observer is turned off, the interference fringes will be generated again.

In other words, the effect of the observation becomes the cause of the event,

The future determines the past. “

For the first time, an expression called fear appeared on Luo Siyuan’s face. In contrast, it was the dazed expression on the faces of other monks.

“There is also a final version of the experiment itself, which is delayed selective erasure—an experiment that even shows that

The result can be many years before the cause.

Time is not real, space is not real, and everything at the micro scale challenges the inherent thinking of the macro world.

This strong sense of tearing, despair,

Even my master gave up and began to hope for the help of gods and Buddhas. If there are gods and Buddhas, then they, with great freedom, great freedom, and great wisdom, will definitely be able to answer this question. “

Luo Siyuan said softly, “I am still an apprentice, and I will accompany Master to every corner of the world where there may be traces of gods and Buddhas,

We went to Tianzhu to take a look at the Bodhi tree where the Buddha sat when he became enlightened.

We dig down, down to Jiuyou Huangquan, looking for traces of Yin Si, but found nothing,

We even found the holy place of the White Lotus Sect, sneaked in while the leader of the White Lotus was sleeping, and urinated on the White Lotus Holy Seat where he sat during the day.


Master took me on a long voyage, left the land, and drifted farther and farther, wandering in the windless zone with only sea water and no living creatures for several months, and finally I saw the legendary Beiming Gui Ruins——

It was a cliff in the sea, and every moment hundreds of millions of seawater poured into it, and it fell thousands of feet along the cliff and disappeared.

Beyond the return to the ruins, it is a chaos that is too dark to be opened. “

Luo Siyuan said indifferently: “We sailed all the way to Guixu and finally returned to the land, confirming that this world is shaped like a flat disc and is an isolated island floating on the sea.

This is inconsistent with what Master observed that the world is a sphere.

I think from then on, Master doubted whether the world really existed. “

He shook his head and sighed: “After the master returned to the Central Plains, he stayed alone for a long time, and finally he decided to fly up to take a look.

Not through the catastrophe to become immortal,

Instead, he made a device himself and carried him into the sky to see what was outside the sky.

I watched him sit in the iron cylinder, watch him fly into the air and turn into a tiny blip, and sat there for days before he came back.

He landed, opened the hatch, and smiled at me,

‘Damn, it’s so **** cold in the sky. ’

Since then, Master began to drink heavily. “

Luo Siyuan shook his head and said, “One time after drinking, he excitedly grabbed my collar and told me with red eyes that it’s fake, fake, everything is fake,

The sun and moon in the sky are just two pieces of paper hanging in the sky,

The so-called vast starry sky has never existed – there is an indestructible transparent barrier outside the sky, and every night, the barrier will emit starlight to deceive all beings. “


Because of anger, the middle-aged Taoist’s face turned purple, “This is a fallacy! This is a heresy!”

“That’s what it is.”

Luo Siyuan sighed, eyes full of tiredness, “Our world is a tiny existence housed in a hollow glass sphere. There is no ninety-nine heavens and no heavens.”

“Zhang Tianshi!”

The middle-aged Taoist roared as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw: “Zhang Tianshi brought three or five imperial jade seals, male and female swords to cut evil, cut down mountains and destroyed temples, and finally ascended to immortality,

You can’t help but admit it, right? ! “


Luo Siyuan nodded, “Master himself is the elder of Longhu Mountain, and he is no stranger to the secrets of the sect.

It’s just that he is very puzzled, if some or some immortals can create the world,

So where are they now?

Where did the monks who rose to immortality go through the ages?

To answer this question,

The only way is to go to the Immortal Realm in person by way of ascension before the life essence is exhausted, and ask someone to ask.

Even if he died, he wanted to know why the God of Creation designed the world like this. “

Lightning flashed, illuminating Luo Siyuan’s indifferent face, “He failed to survive the calamity,

Half of the body turned into coke, paralyzed on the bed, only the head can turn,

There is no longer the fairy spirit of the past,

But the eyes are brighter than ever.

He smiled smugly and told me softly that he saw the truth at the moment of Lei Jie:

Saw a sleeping **** bred in thick soup.

Our world is just a god’s dream,

The real history of dreams is much shorter than we think.

Those who have ascended through the ages have all become the nutrients that spawned gods,

Except for the God of Creation, all other immortals and Buddhas are fake,

In other words, it is the idea that the creator **** gave us. “


The protest of the middle-aged Taoist was weak, “You are lying…”

“When the impossible is eliminated, the only possibility left is the truth.”

Luo Siyuan said blankly: “Luo came from a poor peasant family in Haozhou,

During childhood, there was a drought in Haozhou, and a plague of locusts broke out the following year.

In less than half a month, Luo’s father, elder brother, younger sister, and mother died of starvation and illness. At the time of death, the family had neither money to buy a coffin nor land.

It was Luo Mou who begged for a cemetery and found a few pieces of tattered clothes to wrap the body of his relatives and reluctantly bury them.

There is no time to grieve, so I have to avoid the chaos of the army and flee,

I saw all kinds of tragic things along the way,

Whenever I think about it, I feel my throat tightening and my chest stuffed, as if I have passed away.

Luo wants to know, if there is a God of Creation, why doesn’t he protect innocent souls?

Why let the Dao disappear and the demons grow, and the world turns into hell?

Are our pain and despair, our joy and joy,

In his eyes, is it just a plaything for entertainment?

Luo is not reconciled. “

The middle-aged Taoist said bitterly: “So, you lied to the head.”

“That’s right.”

Luo Siyuan said indifferently: “According to Master’s will, I turned a part of his Taiyin body into a fish demon,

These tadpole monsters in the belly of the fish demon are all the old magic energy in the refining cave, combined with the soul fragments of the Lingshui River Basin,

According to the array method I designed,

These human-faced tadpoles will flow down the river, submerging the downstream cities such as Chenzhou, and engulfing the living creatures in the city,

Use ten thousand souls as energy to forcibly awaken the sleeping creation gods.

All of this has been set up more than ten years ago,

Even if you kill Luo and seal the fish demon,

What should happen will happen,

It’s just a slight movement to awaken the God of Creation. “

“If what you say is true,”

Zhu Xuemin also looked at Luo Siyuan blankly and said calmly: “The world itself is a dream, so what will happen to the dream if it disturbs the dormancy of the God of Creation?”

“I don’t know.”

Luo Siyuan shook his head, “Maybe it will burst directly?

Perhaps the God of Creation will enter the next dream in a blink of an eye, and we will completely disappear and never exist?

Who can say for sure.

If the God of Creation did not directly recast the world, and the final answer he gave about the meaning of the existence of the world could not satisfy Luo then maybe Luo would still draw his sword and slash at the **** ,

Let the almighty God of Creation taste the wrath of mortals. “

Zhu Xuemin said indifferently: “Then,

What about those who were killed by Huang Shilang? What about the victims of conservative torture and finally stuffed into the belly of the fish? What about the neighbors that you get along with day and night in Chenzhou City?

Should they be damned?

Since you have seen the ugliness in the world, why should you let it go, and even contribute to it? “

Luo Siyuan fell into a long silence. After a long time, he sighed and said: “If existence is meaningless, suffering is meaningless.

Alright, it’s time,

The flood has reached Chenzhou. “

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