Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 548: Double seam

“The wise are always miserable, especially those who try to pursue the truth.”

Luo Siyuan said leisurely: “He must find the answers to all the questions in his theory, and he cannot pass the buck to anyone – because he is the only one walking on this road alone.

Fortunately, those who have attained the Tao can multitask and think faster than ordinary people.

He can also create stone puppets to assist him in his experiments.

He observes celestial phenomena, speculates the movement of stars, predicts the time of solar eclipse and meteor return,

He rushed to the sky and found that there was no thunderbolt behind the thundercloud, and confirmed that ordinary thunder can be avoided with an iron rod or a more complicated iron cage.

He digs fossils, dissects demons and even human corpses, draws drawings to discover the kinship and evolution of different species,

Using spiritual knowledge, it was discovered that many kinds of plagues originated from a small insect that could continue to multiply…”

Luo Siyuan’s face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: “However, the more you know, the more you realize that you know little, and the more you feel scared.

When he accepted me as his apprentice, the master, who had already studied heaven and man, was really mentally unstable.

He wants to confirm the last conjecture in this life – this world, is false. “

Du Tinghuai blurted out, “Fake?”

“That’s right.”

Luo Siyuan said solemnly: “First of all, please clarify a concept, everything, you, me, air, and soil, are composed of extremely small particles.

Similar to but different from the saying ‘the hammer of one foot is half of the day, it will never be exhausted’,

If you divide an object into indivisible parts, you get particles.

These particles have different compositions and are combined in a certain order to form the heaven and earth, and to have wonderful changes.

After confirming the particle theory,

Master began to try to demonstrate whether light is a particle or a wave.

At first he thought that light was a particle, which could explain the linear propagation and reflection of light, but later observed diffraction and polarization phenomena,

It made him feel that the light was a kind of fluctuation.

These two theories have evidence for each other, spiraling upward,

Every time a theory and mathematical formula is proposed, it is quickly overturned by another more concise and complete theory, almost driving him crazy.

So, he did an experiment. “

Luo Siyuan took out an old iron plate from his sleeve, threw it into the air, and fixed it with magic, “He made an iron plate with two very tight vertical parallel slits, using The high-strength, thin light produced by the spell irradiates the iron plate.

If the light is particles, then the screen behind the iron plate should show two vertical parallel light strips,

If light is a wave, then the screen behind the iron plate should show vertical parallel light strips—the wave crests and troughs are superimposed on each other, and the amplitudes cancel each other, thus showing bright and dark interference fringes .

As a result, vertical stripes of light and dark appear on the screen. “

While explaining, Luo Siyuan released light from his fingers, passing through the gaps in the iron plate, so that the light and dark light like zebra stripes was projected on the building boat.

“That is to say, from this result alone, it is more likely that light is a wave.

However, the master was not satisfied. He used magic to design a more sophisticated experimental version – that is, using particles instead of light.

The particle itself is a separate particle. When it passes through two vertical parallel slits, it either passes through the slit A or the slit B.

Therefore, there should be two vertical stripes on the screen,

The result was beyond his expectations,

There are still light and dark interference fringes on the screen – totally counterintuitive! “

The people on the boat were completely dumbfounded. They couldn’t understand what Luo Siyuan was talking about.

But the latter seems to have cast some kind of magic in the process of telling, so that everyone can understand and understand what he wants to express.

Luo Siyuan said solemnly: “Master thought at the time, could it be that the particles collide with each other, causing the particles to show the nature of waves.

So, he only fired one particle at a time, through the double slit, in order to prevent the possibility of the particles interfering with each other.

However, after several hours, interference fringes still appeared on the screen.

The only explanation is that when the particle passes through the double slit, it splits into two parts by itself, passes through the double slit, interferes with itself, merges again, and finally becomes a complete particle and hits the screen.

This brings up even greater doubts, how does the particle choose whether to pass through the gap between A, B, or both?

As a result, the master used magic to design an extremely ingenious device that can observe the scene when the particles pass through the double slit…”

Luo Siyuan’s voice became a little trembling, “As a result… what happened was far beyond his imagination,

After adding the observation equipment, the particles changed back to normal particles, and the traces on the screen,

It has also become a simple two vertical shapes, rather than coherent stripes.

Particles, the particles that make up everything, as if to know that someone is peeping at it! It showed a very different performance when observed!

Frightened, he removed the device and used his spiritual sense to observe the particles,

The result is still the same!

This also means that human observation behavior can determine the particle itself!

This theory is far more terrifying than admitting that light has both wave and particle properties at the same time! “

“For ordinary people, this seems to be nothing. After all, most people still believe in the existence of gods and Buddhas, and believe that above all living beings, there is a great will beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

But for Hiro Chenzi, who knows that Immortal Buddha no longer exists he absolutely cannot accept it.

If the person’s observation of psychic is enabled, it can affect the particle,

So can a shrewd animal do it?

Is it okay for a plant to be fine?

Can the tiny insects that are the source of the disease work?

Pindao had to admire Master’s strong nerves. He even put forward a hypothesis corresponding to the evidence, assuming that there is a fairy Buddha who likes to play tricks hidden in each particle,

These immortals and Buddhas will deliberately do bad things during the experiment, and they have been investigated to see if anyone is spying on them.

Of course, the immortal Buddha is dead, and the immortal Buddha will not be interested in rolling dice. “

Luo Siyuan said leisurely: “After a long period of trials and pains, Master chose to walk down the mountain, and accepted me as a disciple in the process.

I’m the only person in the world who can understand him and follow his train of thought.

With my assistance, he continued to perfect the experiment painfully and happily,

For example, put the detector (which can be a device or a person using spiritual sense) behind the double slit,

Since the particle has passed through the double slit, the event of ‘passing through the double slit’ has become a thing of the past,

Then, in this way, can the observation behavior after passing through the double-slit event still turn the effect into the cause and affect the history itself? “

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