Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 544: River God

Luo Siyuan said slowly with a straight face: “Huang Shilang, who sold the gold,

I no longer have to drive a boat to fish, and drag my family to endure hunger and cold.

There is no reason to be satisfied,

He secretly **** beggars from all over the world and threw them into the river in exchange for the blessing of the river god.

I don’t know why, but Huang Shilang, who frequently made offerings, turned out to be prosperous.

Since starting business, his family has been prosperous and full of wealth, he has purchased manor estates and paved the street, and he has become a lord of Fu County.

I even feel that I have regained my youth.

When there were not enough beggars, he resorted to the tooth bank to find mentally disabled people around him, and lied to them that Huang Shilang was kind and kind, and was willing to provide servant work.

In fact, they were also sunk to the bottom of the river and turned into dead souls.

In the end, Huang Shilang even felt that he had blue fish scales growing on his back,

I can be like the river god, worshipped and immortal.

This ledger is the evidence that was found in the Huang family’s house by the Fu County patrol. “

He took out a tattered ledger from his arms, flipped it over, pointed to a page and read: “On March 17, a magician of the night, abducted a nine-year-old girl from Lou County, cut her toes, wounded Pierced with iron needles, immersed in boiling lime water, to the point of disability, thrown into Lingshui River;

On the first day of April, a child came from Nanxun to eat meat and make bones, and the bone **** were thrown into the Lingshui River;

On May 13, the child was abducted, the iron needle was inserted into the ankle, the tendon was broken, and the child was thrown into the Lingshui River;

On the fourth day of the seventh lunar month, the child was kidnapped outside the Qimen Gate in Suzhou. He cried because of his hatred, smashed his bones, and threw him into the Lingshui River…”

Luo Siyuan shook his head, closed the ledger, and said solemnly: “Huang Shilang found a harvester who knew the nightmare technique, kidnapped children around, tortured them cruelly, and made offerings to himself and the River God at the same time.

Xu Wencai, a merchant from Nanjun, was the one who dreamed of the River God and prepared to supply the River God’s ‘goods’.

The death of several brothers in the Xu family,

It is also that he is afraid of attracting monks and causing the matter to be exposed,

Instructed his wicked servants to set fire to the inn.

The people of Fu County who heard Huang Silang’s confession were furious, rushed into the yamen, and beat the Huang family father and son to death in the courtroom.

The rest of the evil servants also executed Ling Chi in accordance with the law.

However, the so-called Lingshui River God has not yet been executed. “


General Du Tinghuai nodded and said solemnly: “The fish demon cannibalize hundreds of people, the sin is unforgivable.

Although these three building ships are powerful and capable of hunting demons,

However, the Lingshui River is turbid and turbulent, and the underwater undercurrent is turbulent, making it difficult to find out the location of the fish demon.

I also hope that all of you will be able to work together for the sake of the people along the river to slay the demons together…”

The smug general Du Tinghuai began to talk about how to lure out and kill the fish monster later,

Zhu Xuemin clasped his fingers together, lowered his eyes, and thought silently about something.

A moment later, after the discussion of the plan was over, General Du Tinghuai walked out of the cabin, and the rest of the monks followed.

The breeze on the river blew up the sails and brought sparkling light,

The sky was cloudless, and occasionally a few egrets flew by.

The location of the fish demon has arrived.

The three building ships sank their anchors and stopped in a zigzag shape.

The soldier pulled out a blindfolded cow from the cabin, swung the hammer, and killed the cow cleanly and painlessly,

Apply a strange-smelling ointment to the dead cow,

The back of the cow was cut open with a horizontal knife,

Let down the hideous iron hook attached to the iron chain from the steel bracket on the bow,

Along the back wound, stuffed into the belly of the cow.

Wu Dewei has rich experience in hunting demons in the river and sea. This time, according to Huang Shilang’s confession, he added some spices to the ointment that can please the Lingshui river demon.

Wait until the hook is placed,

General Du Tinghuai gave an order, the sailor turned the winch and slowly put the whole cow as bait into the river surface.

Thick blood gushed out from the wound on the cow’s back and slowly spread in the river water.

The boat was silent. Zhu Xuemin and his companions leaned against the railing, staring at the water where the chains were sinking like other monks.

Suddenly, the wind stopped.

The whole section of the river is calm like a mirror, the bulging sails are slowly falling,

The birds in the air flew away from here in a hurry, and the flocks of mandarin ducks that were playing in the water in the distance also seemed to sense something, made a shrill ‘oh’ sound, and fled to the shore.

A V-shaped wave suddenly rose from the far away water surface, as if there was some giant under the water, slowly swimming in.

It was a group of blue-black shadows hidden under the river surface. The shadow area was extremely large, almost comparable to that of a tall ship like a city.

The soldiers on the boat swallowed and silently turned the ballista’s position, so that the muzzle was aimed at the underwater shadow.

The shadow seemed to be wondering why the ship that came to offer sacrifices this time was several times larger than before,

It circled around the three building ships again and again, and finally couldn’t bear the temptation of the **** smell, swam over and swallowed the submerged cow carcass in one bite.


The iron chain thicker than a human arm tightened instantly,

The front half of the building ship even sank several minutes toward the water,

General Du Tinghuai opened his eyes wide and shouted: “Fire!”

bang bang bang,

All ballista artillery fire in unison,

Arrow projectiles cut through the water, stabbing into the shadows.

A cloud of bright red quickly rose on the surface of the water, and the underwater shadow was hit hard, and immediately wanted to sink into the river,

But it was too greedy and hungry. When it devoured the cow carcass just now, it swallowed directly into its belly.

The iron hook hidden in the belly of the cow just got stuck in the throat,

Under the struggle, the iron thorn pierced deeper.


The struggling underwater shadow stirs up waves several meters high,

The high-raised river water splashed on the deck, pouring all the soldiers into chicken soup.

General Du, who was also beaten by the river, couldn’t care about his appearance, and commanded his subordinates to pull up the chain,

A dozen burly men stood in a circle and tried their best to turn the huge winch,

The winch and chain made of fine iron made a hard creaking sound under the brute force of both sides.

The other two building ships quickly drew closer, and the ballista artillery on the ships kept firing, bombarding the underwater shadows fleeing in a hurry, as if to flatten and crush the entire river surface.

“Let the poor come first.”

Luo Siyuan turned around and said indifferently to many monks,

I saw him flick the dust, and the flowing water on the river surface lifted up like life, rushing out of the water with an underwater shadow, so that everyone could see the fish demon.

This is a giant fish that is comparable in size to a building ship. It is black as a whole.

The front of the body is cylindrical, the back is flat on the side, the head is long, the snout is short and blunt, the wide open mouth is full of sharp fangs, and the pale fish eyes reflect the figures of everyone.

The fish demon was lifted up by the turbulent water, and half of its body was exposed on the water,

Although the blood in the mouth overflows and the gills of the fish are dyed red,

Still fiercely biting the chain in his throat,

At the same time, the fish tails swayed, setting off waves and almost overturning the ship.

A gust of wind blew up, the sky was covered with thick black clouds, the lightning flashed in the clouds, and the thunderous thunder was deafening Luo Siyuan held the whisk tightly in both hands, maintaining the flowing water that lifted the fish demon,

The blue veins on the face burst out, and there is no gentleness and calmness in the past, “I also ask you to join me in killing the fish demon!”

The cultivators no longer hesitated and took action one after another,

Fire, flying sword, frost, lightning, flying in the sky,

The skin of the black fish was fried to the point of tearing apart the flesh, roaring in pain and making a long “woo-woo-” cry.

Cannon fire roars, spells fly,

For a long time, with the downpour of rain,

The fish demon slowly stopped struggling, and let its body be lifted by the hook and hung on the river.

Warm cheers sounded on the three building boats,

General Du Tinghuai laughed loudly and patted Luo Siyuan, who was leaning against the railing and panting on the shoulder,

The monks also put away their magic weapons, smiling and enjoying the moment of victory.


A flash of lightning flashed,

Zhu Xuemin, whose face was wet by the rain, looked at the hill-like fish corpse and sighed.

There is no happy expression on his face,

Yes, it’s just sadness.

“It’s time to start…”

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