Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 495: Nightmare

As soon as she turned around and faced the door, she put her feet on the edge of the window when she heard the sound of the door opening, coming from a few feet above her head.

San Niangzi felt a cold current rushing through her body, and her internal organs were frozen into ice,

She raised her head slowly, only to see the short-haired Taoist man, like a gecko, hanging upside down on the outside wall of the inn, looking at her with a smile.


Li Ang’s mouth made a vivid door opening sound.

“Found you.”

Li Ang abruptly released his fingers from the cracks in the wall, his figure suddenly fell, he reached out and grabbed San Niangzi’s ankle, and dropped her to the haystack on the ground with her.


Li Ang stood firmly on the ground with both legs,

Suddenly there were weeds flying in the haystack next to me,

Three Niangzi had disheveled hair and a ferocious face. Without saying a word, she held a short knife and stabbed him in the waist.

The debris scattering skill was activated instantly and exploded in front of San Niangzi, causing her to lose her balance and fall back to the haystack again.

“Is this what you use for your sorcery?”

Li Ang took the package from her arms with a calm face, took out the wooden box, held it in his hand and shook it.

San Niangzi lost her former self-confidence and scolded like a shrew in the haystack, “Niubi Taoist priest, I have no grudges with you in the past, why do you want to kill them all?!”


Li Ang casually put the wooden box on the ground, picked up the ledger and read it, “If it weren’t for the savage way of doing things, maybe he would have suffered from your nightmare technique, turned into a donkey and horse, and was kept in a horse pen in captivity. “

As he spoke, he quickly turned the pages of the ledger,

Sanniangzi has run the inn for several years, and there are more than 1,000 tourists and merchants traveling from south to north.

Most of the money embezzled has been exchanged for real estate, land deeds, or silver shares of chambers of commerce (equivalent to share dividends in modern companies).

“Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect you to be quite investment-minded.”

Li Ang shook his head, “It’s written in this ledger that you have to donate a portion of your monthly income, to whom?”

Three Niangzi rolled her eyes, closed her mouth and did not speak. She lay down in the haystack, looking sluggish and numb.

“Oh, let me guess, it should be the White Lotus Sect.”

Li Ang said: “The world’s evil sect is headed by the white lotus,

Even if you are not a member of the White Lotus Sect, as long as you use sorcery to run a large-scale industry, you have to spend more or less money to supply the White Lotus Sect.


Prevent being discovered by the government, Wu Dewei, and Longhumen. “


San Niangzi remained expressionless, no matter what Li Ang said, she was paralyzed and motionless.

“How to change those who turned into donkeys and horses back?”

San Niangzi shook her head and said, “I’m not good at studying, so I don’t know.”

“Blessed is the supreme god.”

Li Ang sighed, bent down, stretched out his fingers and tapped the center of her eyebrows, and whispered: “Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!”

This finger seems to be unremarkable, but in that brief contact, countless mycelium spread and grew from Li Ang’s fingertips, pierced San Niangzi’s forehead, and spread wildly into her brain.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah!”

San Niangzi burst into tears, her face twisted into a ball.

Li Ang stopped releasing his divine power, expressionless, and continued to ask as he was, “How to change those who turned into donkeys and horses back to their original form?”

San Niangzi was soaked in cold sweat, and said with difficulty: “Yes, you have to cast the spell again.”

“Go and change them back.”


Three Niangzi got up with difficulty, picked up the wooden box on the ground, bypassed the body of the shop assistant, and came to the horse pen,

After resting for a while, take out the wooden man and wooden cow from the wooden box and cast the spell.

Only this time, instead of buckwheat, rice is grown from the woody arable land.

When the wooden man grinds the rice into powder, San Niangzi sprinkles the powder into the trough of the horse pen.

The donkeys and horses smelt the aroma and huddled together, gulping down the feed.

A moment later, the donkeys and horses fell to the ground one after another, neighing loudly, the skin on their backs were all cracked, and the sound of cracking leather cracked incessantly.

One by one living people drilled out of the skin cracks on the back of the donkey and horse,

Some of them looked terrified, didn’t know where they were, opened their mouths to shout, but only made a muddy “uh” sound,

Some had their mouths open, drooling and perplexed.

Those who are more sober should be travelers who just turned into donkeys and horses,

And the sluggish and numb are the victims who have been turned into animals for a long time and have lost their minds.


Scholar Zhao broke free from the green donkey’s skin, his robes covered in mucus, and he was in a state of embarrassment.

He only ate a small bite of the cake. He was not as deep as others, and he regained his sanity the fastest. He immediately fell to his knees and said to Li Ang, “The Taoist priest’s kindness for saving his life, someone should repay the gift of saving his life by knotting a grass and holding a ring. …”

“Get up quickly.”

Li Ang pulled up the scholar and looked at the three ladies who were stunned beside him, “How long will it take for those stupid people to regain their senses.”

The third lady who was questioned by Li Ang couldn’t help but fight a cold war and stammered: “It depends on how long they have changed, from a few months to a few years…”

Li Ang paused and frowned, “What about those who were sold before?”

San Niangzi is meticulous, and records the origin information and specific whereabouts of the buyers of each donkey and horse in the ledger.

But the past tourists are scattered all over the world. Even if the government is dispatched to pursue it, it is estimated to be an extremely huge project.

“Four or four years should restore sanity.”

Three Niangzi said with difficulty: “For more than four years, maybe, it depends on luck.”

“A sin.”

Li Ang shook his head, San Niangzi’s method comes from a sorcerer called Nightmare Art, which is parallel to the art of witchcraft.

The folk names are “Da Xuba”, “Anti Kui” and “Cha Xu”.

Traditional tuxba is to take something to deceive people to eat, make people unconscious and confused, follow the liar, work hard and bear no complaints, like livestock,

In remote areas of Nan County, many mine owners even bought laborers who had been trained in the Nightmare Art from warlocks, making them work hard in the mines until they died.

There are also warlocks who use this method to abduct and sell children.

And this nightmare technique, which turns a human into a donkey, is more advanced than the usual Daxuba,

Able to transform the practitioner into a beast,

It is convenient for warlocks to travel the rivers and lakes and sell manpower remotely.

Zhu Xuemin only mentioned one or two sentences in his data notes. He never expected that he would be able to meet with his own eyes an alchemist who knew how to perform evil magic in this barren inn.

Li Ang looked at the people in the stable, and after thinking for a while, he asked Scholar Zhao a couple of questions. Knowing that the other party was a scholar who was going to take the exam in Beijing, he asked him to take everyone in the stable to the inn to clean up a little. Take a moment to yourself,

Then go to the government to report to the official, and hand over San Niangzi to the government.

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