Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 493: Transformation

A shop assistant was hiding behind a door behind Li Ang and saw Li Ang eating a scones through the crack of the door.

Secretly relieved, nodded, and ran along the side door to the backyard.

Soon, San Niangzi brought the second girl back. She glanced at the table imperceptibly and saw that on Li Ang’s plate, the porridge, rice and scones were completely eaten, she couldn’t help smiling, “Daoist, the backyard You’re ready, come and take a look.”


Li Ang put down the tableware, patted his stomach, and followed San Niangzi around to the backyard.

In the backyard, donkeys and horses of various colors and neighing are in groups.


Li Ang frowned, “Why are these donkeys and horses divided into two groups?”

In the stable without fences, all livestock are clearly divided into two camps,

A group of lethargic, numb and sluggish, just looking down to eat grass,

The group was extremely excited, neighing desperately, and occasionally hit the horse pen with their bodies, even if they were injured.

San Niangzi replied as usual: “These restless people are all newly arrived donkeys and horses. Maybe they haven’t adapted to the environment and are not used to the feed.”


Li Ang nodded, walked along the edge of the big horse circle, and suddenly stopped, “What’s wrong with this donkey?”

From the time he walked into the backyard, a mottled green donkey stared at him,

As he approached, the green donkey neighed even more, “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinginginginginging” as he got closer

“Noisy beast.”

The second shop assistant who had been following Li Ang frowned, scolded in a low voice, stepped forward, raised his horsewhip and prepared to slap the green donkey hard.

The whip slid across the air, and before it landed on Qing Donkey, Li Ang stretched out his hand to hold it and pulled the whip over.

What a lot of power!

The second shopkeeper was slightly shaken, and saw Li Ang waving the whip with a smile, “Don’t worry, it’s just livestock, it’s normal to not know etiquette. If you encounter a livestock that doesn’t obey discipline, you’ll have to whip it hard, leaving scars, what else? Can you sell it?”

“What the Taoist taught is.”

The shop assistant lowered his head and took the whip from Li Ang’s hand.

Li Ang turned to look at the green donkey, and the donkey was even more excited, with tears streaming down his long and narrow cheeks.


Li Ang frowned. At this moment, this donkey continuously provided him with the power of faith points, which was even more pious than the faith that he had pretended to be in the Goose City Inn before.

Li Ang pointed at the green donkey and asked San Niangzi, “This donkey is crying so badly, is it wronged?”

San Niangzi waved her hand and said with a tender smile: “Where is the Taoist priest, it’s just a donkey. If you eat and drink, you will be satisfied. How can you be wronged?”

“San Niangzi’s words are wrong, everything has a spirit, and the poor Taoist realized this truth a long time ago.”

Li Ang said sternly: “The poor family was poor when he was a child, there was no mosquito net on the bed, and there were many mosquitoes in the south. Every summer, the [Penqu Island] at home would always gather densely packed with black and big mosquitoes.”

Wait, didn’t you just say that your family is a famous family? Why has it become a poor family again now?

San Niangzi wanted to complain, but Li Ang didn’t give her a chance at all, and continued: “In order to prevent my parents from being bitten by mosquitoes, I decided to stand naked in the courtyard and let mosquitoes bite me, who has tender skin and tender flesh. .

As long as the mosquitoes are full of blood, they will stop biting my parents. “

Hey hey hey, don’t think I haven’t seen Twenty-Four Filial Piety! Isn’t that Wu Meng, who is full of mosquitoes and blood? Are you really plagiarizing like this?

And is it really useful for you to stand naked in the courtyard?

I think it’s all about you pouring out your exhibitionism! !

Because of the strong urge to complain, the beautiful face has become a little distorted,

Li Ang continued: “At that time, I was only twenty years old.”

You’re still showing a fart at the age of 20! ! You are an exhibitionist! ! !

Li Ang shook his head, “Unfortunately, those mosquitoes are vicious and greedy by nature, they sucked me all over my body, but they were not satisfied, they still wanted to bite my parents.”

San Niangzi asked with a stiff face: “What happened later?”

“It’s not difficult for me, of course,”

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and smiled, “I drink the arsenic poison, so that the poison fills the blood, poisons the mosquitoes, and perishes with them.”

? ?

Why aren’t you dead yet?

San Niangzi said dryly: “Haha, the Taoist priest is really smart.”


Li Ang nodded, “Soon those mosquitoes were poisoned to death, and Pindao was also selected by the palace with this peculiar skill, and entered the palace as a specially hired royal crane-top red taster,

Specially taste Hedinghong for royal relatives to prevent assassins from poisoning. “

“What an educational story.”

San Niangzi complimented dryly, and then changed the topic, “The Taoist priest should hurry up and choose a horse. The smell here is stinky, and it will be bad for your crane cloak to be stained later.”

Li Ang nodded and turned to look at the horse pen.

Seeing that Li Ang was about to leave, the green donkey flashed a decisive look in his eyes. With a sound of “Ugh”, he bent his feet forward, knelt down on the spot, neighed desperately at Li Ang, and bit Li Ang’s black cloak. Life and death do not let go.

“Damn beast!”

The tall and sturdy shop assistant scolded, leaned forward, and squeezed the back of the green donkey’s neck.

The green donkey burst into tears in pain, but still bared his teeth, and did not let go of Li Ang’s black cloak.


Li Ang raised his hand to let the shop assistant let go of the green donkey,

I crouched down, frowned, and looked at the green donkey across the fence, “You…are you trying to say something to me?”


The green donkey nodded and stood up, waving his unfamiliar front hooves, writing and drawing on the ground extremely clumsily.

Slowly, crooked writing appeared on the ground of the stable.



Li Ang read the words on the ground. Behind him, San Niangzi and several shop assistants flashed fierce looks in their eyes,

A shop assistant even stretched his body to the inside of his clothes and clenched the hilt of the dagger.

The decent Taoists in this world all have Taoist slogans. The death and disappearance of any decent monk will cause a strong reaction from Wu Dewei and the Taoist sect.

However, San Niangzi and the others run a beheading business, and I don’t know how many businessmen who traveled from south to north have been killed over the years,

Even if killing him would lead to an arrest by the Wu Dewei, the Taoist priest cannot be allowed to reveal what happened here.


When Li Ang saw the last word, his face changed dramatically and he stood up.

Behind him, the tall and burly shop assistant suddenly pulled out his dagger and pierced the Taoist’s heart.


The blade is stuck on the black cloak, but it cannot be pierced at all,

The guy at the inn felt a huge shock, like he was hit by a hard iron.


Li Ang turned around slowly, looked at San Niangzi and a few clerks whose expressions suddenly changed, and said with a smile, “Sneak attack from behind? This is not the way to entertain guests.”

“Invulnerable horizontal practice?”

San Niangzi took a half step back, calculating the time in her heart, a wicked look flashed on her charming face, “It’s a pity, it’s a pity,

This Taoist priest, if there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no door to hell.

Change for me! “

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