Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 486: Double Layer

However, the owl pit python, who was already dying, squeezed out the last bit of strength, and with its burly figure, the bear hugged the Taoist body directly,

The rock-solid legs are firmly planted into the ground, swearing to the death not to let the Taoist break free.


Ruan Tianruandi’s eyes lit up, his hands slammed into the ground, and he shouted: “Bang!”

The fish tattoos on their backs glowed red, and blood was drawn from the two of them,

Yin red blood light runs down the arms and penetrates the surface,

It has spread to the feet of the Taoist,

It turned into a shipwreck chain with a thick arm, binding the Taoist’s feet.

“Xiao Scholar!”

Ruan Tian shouted hoarsely.


Scholar Xiao opened his eyes wide, waved his blood-stained fingertips frantically, drew the last stroke of the talisman in mid-air, and roared, “Pull the second qi and mix it into reality. The turbulent changes, the roaring lightning is fast. Thunder!”

In the high sky, the gloomy thunderclouds were churning endlessly, and suddenly a narrow lightning bolt only the thickness of the tip of a pen fell, tearing and tearing the roof of the temple, and landing directly on the head of the Taoist.


The roof of the dilapidated temple was blown away, and countless broken bricks and tiles fell on the surrounding mountains and forests like a downpour, startling thousands of birds and beasts.

Rolling thunder echoed in the broken temple,

Two sword shadows suddenly jumped out of the scabbard in front of the two maids,

At the moment when the lightning flashed, the electric shot pierced out, and it flew around the Taoist like a life, and then floated back to the original place,

Lightly and smoothly falls into the scabbard.

When the dust settled, Scholar Xiao with red eyes could see everything about the broken temple.

The burly body of the owl python is still standing in the middle of the ruined temple,

The skin all over his body was cracked and blackened, his neck was completely broken, and his head was connected to his body only by a layer of skin and bones.

And the Taoist he embraced also had black skin,

A crane cloak with only ashes,

The already thin, skinny body has become even shorter and thinner.

More strikingly,

There are two deep sword marks on the body of the Taoist, which are located on the neck and waist, and the bones are deep.

This is the flying sword manipulated by the maid, left behind.

Breathe, breathe, breathe, breathe.

Scholar Xiao’s lungs made a bellow-like sound, and his mind reverberated with one after another buzzing,

Every part of his body is asking him to lie down and rest immediately now.

“The end, is it over?”

Scholar Xiao asked in a low voice, swallowing.

No one answered,

After a while, Ruan Tian, ​​who was hiding in the corner of the ruined temple, threw a dart, bypassed the body of the owl python, and hit the black head of the short-haired Taoist.


The head with the sword marks left on its neck fell, rolling around on the ground a few times, and finally stopped beside a broken brick, covered with dust.


There is no doubt that Scholar Xiao, who stole the Lei Fa from the famous sect, killed the short-haired Taoist.


Scholar Xiao sat on the ground with a buttocks, no longer caring about any elegant image, panting like a donkey.

“It’s not easy, but I’ll be beaten to death.”

Wu Hu, who was hiding behind the maid, shook his head, frowned and sighed: “The vitality of this Siemens Taoist is like a cockroach. He has to remove his head to be sure that he is dead.”


Ruan Tian ran over in three steps and two steps, pinched Wu Huan’s collar, led him up, and roared, “You still have the face to say it! If you were not discovered by the mere mortals of murdering and taking babies, Get you into the government,

Do we need to go to jail?

Do you need to provoke Taoist Ximen?

Weng Yunhe, sister Yiyeqing, brother Owl Python, as for death? “

“Calm down, calm down.”

Wu Hu, who was lifted into the air, quickly waved his hand to let Ruan Tian stabilize his mood, “It’s useless for you to be angry with me now, people can’t be resurrected from the dead,

Even if I kill me, I can’t let Yunheweng, Yiyeqing sisters, and Xiaoyaoman brothers come alive.

If you want me to say, we will collect their bodies first, bury them in a grand way, and then go to Luzhou to carry out the Son’s plan.

You, learn to take care of the overall situation. “

“I will go to your mother’s situation!”

Ruan Tian roared angrily, and then he raised his fist and slammed into Wu Hu’s face.

“Stop it!”

The maid frowned, her voice with unquestionable majesty, “Wu Hu is right, this Siemens Taoist almost wiped you all out just by practicing horizontal kung fu,

If he hadn’t been arrogant and didn’t use his magic,

Scholar Xiao’s thunder method might not kill him.

Isn’t it said that there are several fellow disciples who are walking with Siemens Taoists?

It was unwise to provoke him before,

Wait for time here, and wait for his fellow apprentice brothers or Goose City Wu Dewei to come over, none of you want to run away. “

Ruan Tian gritted his teeth, his fingers clutching Wu Au’s collar turned white.

Another maid gave him a faint glance and whispered, “Let go of Wu Hu, he is of great use to the Son’s plan.”


“The holy white lotus will continue to raise the relatives of Yunheweng left in the world, and the corpses of Yiyeqing and the owl python will also be buried.”

The maid interrupted: “Now, let him go.”

Ruan Tian pursed his lips, and under the gesture of his younger brother Ruan Di’s eyes, he unwillingly loosened Wu Au’s collar.


Wu Au fell to the ground, let out a sigh of turbidity, patted his chest for the rest of his life, and muttered, “What are you doing so fiercely, you scared me to death.”

He shook his head, with a smile on his face again, and bowed his hands to the maid with a smile, “It is still the maid who is wise and wise, and discerns right and wrong.

Just now, the villain did not avoid fighting, but selectively retained his active strength, made strategic shifts, observed from a distance in the rear, and gave opinions and suggestions.

In the future, I will definitely learn more from Baihe Weng and the others, be brave and good at fighting,

As the saying goes, there are many vicissitudes on the road of the emperor, and he will definitely fight unparalleled in the future, throwing fame and fortune on the battlefield, willing to replace the body for the white lotus…”

“Shut up!”

The corner of the maid’s eyes said coldly: “This time, I will tell the Holy Son truthfully, whether you can atone for your sins in Luzhou and balance your merits and demerits, it is up to you. “

Wu Au nodded with a smile, with a very humble attitude, “I understand. You must do things well, work overtime spontaneously, work hard without complaining, strive for an early promotion and salary increase, marry Bai Fumei, and embark on the pinnacle of life.”

Seeing this, Ruan Tian sighed silently in his heart,

Walking to the gate of the broken temple with my brother Ruan Di,

With the mentality of a rabbit dying and a fox being sad, he restrained Baiheweng’s body and put Yiyeqing down from the wall.

When the short-haired Daoist body was put away, Ruan Di seemed to have discovered something.


Ruan Di touched the charred head of the short-haired Taoist, and rubbed his fingers back and forth on the Taoist’s dark and chapped cheeks, his complexion changed slightly, and asked Ruan Tian in a low voice, “Brother, how can this head… have two layers of skin? ?”

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