Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 475: Wonder

In order to test whether the operation was successful, Li Ang suggested that Ma Bond take the time to sleep now,

The county magistrate Ma repeatedly said yes and ordered the servants at home to lead Li Ang to the side hall to rest for a while, while he ran back to the bedroom and woke up the sleeping concubine,

Let her sit on the edge of the bed and watch herself fall asleep,

If there is anything unusual, ask the servants to find the priest Siemens in the side hall.

The sleepy-eyed woman looked dazed. She said before that someone beat the drums to report to the official, why did she fall asleep now.

Although I don’t know why,

But the concubine still put on a blanket, lit a candle, and brought a stool to sit by the bed,

Watching the county magistrate happily get into the bed, he closed his eyes in excitement, breathed slowly, and was ready to fall asleep.

Oddly enough, when Ma Bond had the thought of “I want to sleep”, he immediately fell into sleep.

In the past, after falling asleep, he would dream that he passed through a narrow and long dark tunnel, and when he opened his eyes again, he entered another world and accepted another life.

And after falling asleep this time, he didn’t dream of any tunnels, to be precise, he didn’t dream of anything – when he opened his eyes again, he saw the familiar top of the bed.

Ma Bond came back to his senses after realizing it, feeling that his eyes were moving, his limbs, hands and feet reacted much slower than usual, just like he was drunk.

“Husband, you are awake.”

He rolled over and got up, only to see the concubine wearing a blanket and sitting beside the bed with sleepy eyes, and the gauze window of the bedroom was dimly lit, as if it had just dawned.

It’s morning? No feeling of falling asleep at all!

Ma Bond sat up with a bewildered face, calmed down, and asked his concubine: “Lvcaly, did my husband talk in his sleep after he fell asleep last night?”


The woman shook her head, hesitated for a moment, and said softly, “But husband, you slept with your eyes open last night.”

What? Sleeping with eyes open, isn’t that Zhang Fei Zhang Yide?

The Ma county magistrate was even more confused, so he heard the concubine continue to say: “Husband, after you fell asleep last night, you suddenly opened your left eye, and in a daze, ordered the concubine to pour tea over, which startled the slave family. Thought you were awake.

When the slave family brought tea, you didn’t drink it, opened your right eye slowly, sat up from the bed, and asked the concubine to fetch the books, you should read it at night.

You have been reading since then, opening your left and right eyes alternately, and waiting until it is almost dawn before putting down your book and lying down again. “

Anything like this?

Ma Bangde was stunned, comforted his concubine a little, then put on his clothes, pushed the door open, and ran to the side hall.

In the side hall, Li Ang was drinking the sweet pumpkin porridge cooked by the servants on the ground. When he saw Ma Bond rushing over, he put down his spoon in a hurry and said with a smile, “The Ma county magistrate looks good.”

“Don’t make fun of the Taoist priest.”

Ma Bond said with a wry smile: “Although there were no strange dreams last night, but listening to my concubine, I fell asleep with one eye closed last night, like an alien.”


Li Ang nodded calmly and said, “It will be like this in the future.”


“That strange dream haunts you for too long, even if I use the corresponding Dao technique to overcome it, it still can’t completely eliminate the effect.”

Li Ang said calmly: “But that’s not a bad thing,

From now on, the county magistrate will only sleep one or two hours a day,

And as the body gradually adapts, he can also control himself in a half-sleep and half-awake state to carry out a normal daily routine, without even having to use the bed.

As for the ability to open one eye and close the other after falling asleep… This is a weak side effect of the collision of Taoism, and it is harmless. “


Ma Bond was speechless, and then he thought, since the main purpose of eliminating strange dreams has been achieved, there is no need to care about other minor details.

He didn’t know at all that under his seemingly normal skull, the brain structure had undergone significant changes, and the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus had expanded a circle more than before, and was more similar in shape to the dolphin’s brain.

This renovation is actually very successful,

The newly created brain can greatly reduce the sleep time required by the host. At least 30 minutes of sleep a day can meet the needs of a day’s sleep,

You can also split the 30-minute sleep amount into a dozen times, and sleep only two or three minutes each time.

In addition, the new brain can also put the host into single-hemisphere slow-wave sleep,

While half of the brain is resting, the other half is working,

In this way, the host can not even fall into deep sleep for a lifetime, and work 24 hours a day at a high intensity for 365 days.

If it weren’t for the biological masters being too powerful to be made public,

Li Ang even wants to sell the brain modification surgery to the Secret Service or other extraordinary organizations,

Presumably they will pay a high price to buy this kind of modification plan that allows operators to carry out high-intensity, high-intensity and long-term continuous operations.


Thinking about it, maybe the capitalists will like this kind of surgery very much,

If it can be popularized, the majority of workers will not even be able to enjoy 996. It is not impossible to stay in the company from morning to night without leaving get off work.

Li Ang thought about the sweatshop in that situation, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​selling technology,

Let’s be honest and use brain modification on worms and soldier bees. With this experience, he will be able to create an all-weather high-altitude cruise biological weapon like an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

After confirming to Li Ang again and again that there is no problem, Ma Bond finally breathed a sigh of relief,

At the request of Li Ang, thousands of thanks sent him out of the mansion, put him in a carriage, and headed to Tongfu Inn.

Everyone in the caravan in the inn was quite worried when they saw that Li Ang had not returned overnight (except Liu Wulan, Wanli Fengdao and Xing Hechou)

At this time, I was quite surprised to see him returning in the sedan chair of the county magistrate’s house.

Because of the doctor-patient code, Li Ang did not disclose Ma Bonde’s condition, and he lied casually, saying that the county magistrate of Echeng admired Taoism and asked him to sit in the palace and discuss Taoism.

In short, with Ma Bond’s relationship, it was much easier for the caravan to replenish supplies in the city. By the afternoon, they had already packed up and prepared to leave the city for Luzhou.

Li Ang and others also set off with the caravan and left the city gate.

It is strange to say that players can easily trigger the reward of “solving abnormal events” in the second floor of Shengnanwang’s dream.

Regardless of the few roadblockers killed before, the gangsters in the inn, and the healing of Ma Bond’s strange disease,

All are recognized by the system as solving abnormal events, and more or less experience points and reward points are given.

In this way, the scoring efficiency of the second layer is much higher than that of the first layer.

Not long after the caravan left the city gate, they heard horseshoes coming from behind. Looking back, a middle-aged man rode down the street, galloped out of the city gate, and hurriedly chased after him.

“Master, please stay!”

The middle-aged man pulled the reins, turned over and dismounted, holding a small box in his hand.

Li Ang, who was riding on the horse, looked at him and recognized that it was the housekeeper of Ma Bond’s house, “Housekeeper Zhao? Why are you here.”

Steward Zhao breathed heavily, swallowed twice, raised his head and said, “My lord said it would be troublesome for the Taoist priest to teach the Taoist method, and he specially sent me here to give him a gift of thanks…”

He handed the box in his hand to Li Li Ang took it and weighed it, it should be some bits and pieces of gold and silver money.

It is estimated that due to the existence of strange dreams, Ma Bond did not dare to live too luxuriously and indulgently. He didn’t put much gold and silver in the house. Knowing that Li Ang was leaving, he managed to squeeze out some belongings.

Li Ang did not back down, accepted the box with the gift, and nodded to the housekeeper Zhao, “The magistrate has a heart. If the magistrate encounters any problems in the future, you can send a letter to Luzhou City, and I will work with the caravan. where to stay for a few days.”

“The Taoist priest is thoughtful.”

Butler Zhao complimented, but his expression was a little hesitant.

Li Ang frowned, “What else?”


Steward Zhao glanced at everyone in the caravan, gritted his teeth, and said solemnly: “The Goose City yamen caught a strange monster at noon, and the master is interrogating in the yamen. I also ask you to move your steps temporarily and go to The county government.”

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