Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 471: Pills

After verifying his identity, the Ma Bond county magistrate was also relieved, and said some polite words like thanking Siemens for his righteous action and maintaining local law and order.

Although there are no express laws and regulations, Buddhists and Taoists do enjoy privileges in this world.

Not only can you own large tracts of land and pay very little tax share,

You can still see officials without bowing or kneeling,

Even if a criminal case is involved, it is not tried by the government, but is handed over to a high-level department specializing in the management of Zen people.

Of course, the premise of all of this is that monks and Taoists have to have official certificates, which are only given to the disciples of the famous sect.

So it’s no surprise that Ma Bond treats Ang Lee with courtesy.

After a while, the yamen who went to the inn to check the situation returned to the county yamen and explained to Ma Bond that there was no problem,

The magistrate Ma also went through the process of closing the case, and asked the innkeeper and others to go back first, but Li Ang was kindly invited to stay and have a chat in the mansion.

In the county magistrate’s mansion, Li Ang, who was wearing a black cloak, sat opposite the magistrate, and there were some warm wine and vegetables brought by the servants on the table.

Li Ang took a sip of tea and said to Ma Bond with a smile: “The Ma county magistrate invited me to come, but wants to discuss Taoism?

Pindao heard from the people in the city that the county magistrate has a lot of research on Taoist medicine, fate, divination, and other thaumaturgy, no less than ordinary Taoists. “


Ma Bond was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, picked up the glass and took a sip, covering up his embarrassment

According to the previous inn shopkeeper’s statement, the Mabang Dema county magistrate has been a magistrate in Goose City for more than ten years,

At the beginning, I was still diligent and conscientious,

For all matters in the county, I have to do everything myself, deal with backlogs, eliminate malpractices, punish traitors,

The folk reputation is very good, and I am sure that I will be promoted and prosperous soon.

But the good times didn’t last long. Ma County magistrate’s hard-working style lasted for less than a year, and then he immediately degenerated into a hands-off shopkeeper, and he never went to ask about county affairs.

I will only stay in the government office, study some mysterious magic and Taoism, and become a clay bodhisattva who eats a meal on a corpse.

Because of this, he will be stuck in the position of county magistrate again, and he has not been able to get promoted for more than ten years.

“The Daoist is joking. Daoism is mysterious, and what I study is just a little bit of fur.”

Ma Bond put down the wine glass and said curiously, “According to what the innkeeper said just now, the Taoist priest used a spell to subdue those murderers?”


Li Ang smiled slightly, reached out and ordered a little in the teacup, and waved it in the air at will,

The tea that was thrown out immediately turned into eight vague figures who were being brutally punished.

“These are the gangsters who did evil.”

Li Ang waved his hand again, and the image instantly vanished, leaving only the screams echoing in the room.

The Ma county magistrate did not know that the image was actually an illusion created by Li Ang,

And that miserable scream was the wonderful performance of Miss Chai hiding in the beam,

The county magistrate immediately swallowed his saliva, his eyes filled with fear and a hint of excitement at the same time.

Goose City is a real backcountry. During his tenure as county magistrate, he did meet some monks and Taoists,

Every time they met, Ma Bond would always invite them to the mansion to talk and exchange ideas about Taoism.

Unfortunately, those monks only practice precepts and regulations, and have no mana at all,

Either it’s a simple swashbuckler, and it’s not as good as Ma Bond himself.

Today can be considered as seeing a truly powerful man, there is no reason to miss it.

Ma Bond no longer hesitated, stood up from his chair and bowed deeply, “Master, save me!”

Li Ang turned sideways to avoid the worship, and supported Ma Bond, “Why is the county magistrate?”

“The Taoist Master doesn’t know something!”

Ma Bond stood up and sighed with mixed feelings, “I have an incurable disease.”


Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “The county magistrate is ill, so he should go to the doctor and ask for medicine. The poor Taoist can only know thaumaturgy, and he can’t understand the magic of medicine.”

Ma Bangde said with a wry smile: “The disease I suffer from is not something that can be cured by ordinary medicine, so I can only turn to Taoism and Mystery.”

Li Ang groaned, “Could it be… infertility?”

“No no!”

Ma Bond waved his hand hurriedly, “I have a son and a daughter, so there is no problem in this regard.”

“What is that?”


The county magistrate said gloomily: “Strange dream.”

Ma Bangde sat down slowly and said in a low voice, “Thirty years ago, there was a severe drought in the world, and the area around Luzhou was particularly affected. It can be described as a thousand miles of bare land.

At that time, thousands of refugees plowed across the mountains like locusts.

In order to survive, eat bark, eat wild vegetables, eat Guanyin soil, and even… Yizi eats each other. “

Speaking of this, Ma Bond couldn’t help trembling all over, and after a while, he continued, “In the next year, I was only an eight-year-old child,

Both of my parents died of illness and starvation. Before leaving, I only left a letter from home and a few coins for me to take with me to go to my relatives.

At that time, I was among the refugees, and when I saw the strong people among the refugees, I began to take the lead in feeding the sick and hungry.

Fearful, they found an opportunity to escape from the group and all the way to the mountain.

In the cold night, the barren mountains, the bleak wind and the rain, I hid in the tree hole and hugged the family letter given by my parents. “

Ma Bond drank all the wine, his face was reddish, looked at the wine glass in his hand, and smiled bitterly, “I fell asleep under the torture of hunger and hunger,

In a dream, I climbed a mountain, saw a pavilion, and met an old man. “

Li Ang frowned and asked, “What does the old Taoist look like?”

“I can’t remember.”

Ma Bangde shook his head, “That old Taoist immortal, with a kind face and kind eyes, and a childlike face, just like the legendary fairy godmother.

He said that seeing my misery and misfortune, he felt pity, so he gave me a pill that could help me survive the famine.

This pill can’t fill my stomach, so I don’t have to gnaw on bark to eat weeds,

I can’t let me grow up, and I will eat and drink dew from now on.

But one thing,

This medicine can give me the courage to live. “

Li Ang raised an eyebrow, “Courage?”

“It is Ma Bangde sighed, “According to him, after taking this pill, I will have a second life.

The more miserable and miserable I live during the day,

In my dreams at night, the happier and richer I am. “

Li Ang asked: “Have you eaten?”

“Of course I ate.”

Ma Bond said in a low voice: “There is no way out, I can’t beg for death, how can I care so much,

What’s more, it was just a dream. “

Li Ang shook his head, “Looking at the county magistrate’s expression, I’m afraid it’s not just a dream.”

Ma Bond nodded silently, picked up the entire ceramic jug, and gulped down all the drinks.

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