Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 449: Hanging


Li Ang slowly opened his eyes and saw a narrow and closed room.

The four walls of the room are clad with long, flax-colored fiber acoustic panels, which are spliced ​​together to minimize noise transmission both indoors and out.

One of the walls is embedded with a single-sided opaque glass that is placed horizontally.

An external square LED light is placed in the middle of the ceiling, and a surveillance camera with a flashing red dot is installed in the corner.

A heavy wooden long table was placed in the center of the room. Li Ang sat on the chair behind the long table, facing the single-sided opaque glass on the wall. His eyes were just shrouded in the light of the lamp on the table.

At the other end of the long table, two figures are sitting,

One is a middle-aged man in the uniform of a Nishima police officer, with a solemn and unsmiling face, with a pile of thick documents in front of him, looking at the badge, he is still a police department,

The other is a half-bald old man, wearing a white coat, with gold-rimmed glasses, holding a pen and paper, and looks like a doctor with a kind-hearted look.

On his left hand, there is also a portable black tape recorder,

Through the translucent glass cover, the recorder can be seen running continuously.

“Mr. Pingyuan? Lord Fushen? Can you hear me?”

The doctor frowned and called out his name.

Li Ang shook his head and let himself recover from the dizziness. Only then did he notice that he was wearing a yellow prisoner’s costume.

Hands and feet were handcuffed to a metal chair.

Li Ang let out a sigh of relief, looked at the two people across the table and asked calmly, “Where am I?”

The police department and the doctor looked at each other, and the latter said, “You are now in the interrogation room of the Kashan County Police Department.”

Li Ang nodded and sat on the chair looking left and right, “What is the exact date of the year?”

The doctor frowned, but still looked at his watch and replied: “May 12, the first year of Linghe, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, three o’clock in the afternoon.”


Li Ang raised his eyebrows. When the players and others first entered Geshan City, it was around 6:00 pm on May 11th, which means that almost a day has passed.

The doctor tapped the paper with a pen, hesitated for a moment, but then asked, “Can you remember your name?”

“A name is just a code name used to refer to an individual’s life,

It does not guarantee that the individual will develop a life trajectory according to the meaning of the name,

And can not accurately and clearly describe a person’s character, morality, way of thinking.

It is meaningless by itself. “

Li Ang leaned back on the seat back and said with great interest: “But my answer seems to be very important to you, right?”

The doctor’s face changed slightly, “You are not the Plain of Fortune.”

“This statement is not rigorous enough, doctor.”

Li Ang said with a smile: “Personality is related to people’s biological genetic factors and is a reflection of past life experiences.

It is the integration of abilities, temperament, character, needs, ideals, values, etc.

Is a self with dynamic consistency and continuity.

I have a part of the memory of the plains of the God of Fortune, and at this moment, I am the commander, manipulating his body,

So, I am the Plain of Fortune, but I am not the Plain of Fortune. “

The doctor asked with piercing eyes, “So, what should I call you?”


Li Ang thought about it and said, “Since this is Ridao, then we have to name Ridao.

Let me think, Nanako Matsushima?

No, the name is too feminine,

Then Luhua peanut oil, Wang Zai Xiao Xiao Chou, or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, happy Xiao Xiaole…”

Li Ang’s naming level is really not very good, and finally let the other party call himself “Meichuan Cool Purple”, or “Chuan Sang” for short.

“So, Chuan Sang,”

The doctor put his arms on the table and asked earnestly, “Do you know what happened to you?”

Li Ang spread his hands, “Considering my current situation, I, or the former Fushen Plain, should have been arrested for committing a crime.”

“A crime?”

Sitting next to the doctor, the middle-aged police department who had not spoken for a long time finally said with a sneer: “You are suspected of murdering four family members including your wife, son, daughter, and mother.

The evidence is conclusive, but there is no argument,

Do you think you can get away with hanging by pretending to be crazy? “

Li Ang knew it,

Sure enough, the scene I saw in the bedroom compartment of Fushen Plain really happened,

Four family members were strangled and hid in the cubicle.

Thinking like this in my heart, Li Ang laughed loudly: “Hanging? Hahaha, police department, don’t bluff me, I’m not the kind of rookie criminal who is inexperienced and commits crimes on the spur of the moment.

Sentence to hang is so easy,

Even if the sentence is true, I have countless ways to delay the death penalty and grow old in prison. “


The middle-aged police department stood up from the chair angrily, his fists clenched, and the leather holster around his waist was exposed from the hem of his clothes.

However, Li Ang pointed to the surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling and gestured for the other party to put down the fist raised in the air.

As a long-established punishment, the death penalty has been used in most parts of the world,

With the development of the times, some countries have abolished the death penalty system due to disputes such as “permanent deprivation of life” and “irreparability of wrongful convictions”.

As a developed country, Nijima rarely retains the death penalty system, and unlike the execution methods such as lethal injection and shooting in other regions, Nijima has one and only one type of death penalty execution.

Of course, very few people were sentenced to death on the island of Japan, and even fewer were actually executed,

Because there is a “retrial system” in Nishima Penalty, as long as the criminal does not want to be executed, he can file a petition or request for pardon with various reasons, thus delaying the execution time.

In other words, even if they commit horrific crimes that are innumerable and inhumane on the island of Japan, there is still a high probability that the criminals can die peacefully in prison.

In recent years, there has been controversy about whether or not to abolish death in Japan.

Considering that Japan’s polls show that the support rate of civilians for the death penalty has stabilized at more than 80%, and the Japanese elites who firmly support abolition are often the elites…

The profound meaning of this is really intriguing.

“You can’t do anything to me, sir.”

Lee Ang said with a smile, “It’s better to sit down and cooperate well.”

The middle-aged police department gritted their teeth and stared at Li Ang, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, but in the end he sat down slowly and sneered: “Do you think you are very powerful?

Make no mistake,

Fukushen Plain has confessed to his crimes and recorded his confession,

Even if not sentenced to hanging, there is no escape from life imprisonment. “

“If that’s the case,”

Li Ang raised his arm, indicating that he was being tightly bound by handcuffs and shackles, and leaned lazily on the back of the chair, “Then why are we still doing useless work here?

There is absolutely no reason for the police to continue wasting resources on a convict who has already pleaded guilty. “

“Not for you.”

The middle-aged police department leaned forward and stared at Li Ang like an eagle, “It was for the purpose of being kidnapped and hidden by the Fukushen Plain, Emon Shion.”

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