Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 433: Pocket

Latest URL: The social order of the real world has a very, very weak resistance to extraordinary power.

Invisibility, blur, and shape-shifting abilities can make any security force useless;

A low-level charm skill can cause great damage;

Not to mention the unpredictable and unpredictable witchcraft that can easily kill others thousands of miles away, or more simple and rude abilities such as calling for wind and rain, moving mountains and reclaiming seas.

If hundreds of millions of monsters with all kinds of strange abilities came out, I am afraid that even the Special Affairs Bureau and the Global Occult Alliance would not be able to control the situation.

The scene described by Xing Hechou is definitely not alarmist.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly suppressed,

Wanlifengdao holds the hilt and the fingers turn white,

Liu Wulan frowned,

Li Ang rubbed his palms in thought, “Hundreds of millions of monsters. If a Poke Ball is developed and seven billion people around the world play live-action Pokemon together, it must be spectacular.

What a garlic **** and a yellow-skinned mouse, just think about it and get motivated. “


Xing Heshou’s eyes twitched, the ecosystem in the prisoner’s den is extremely complex, and the number of monster species is unknown,

There are really some docile beast species at the bottom of the food chain that have the potential to be domesticated and domesticated – there are a series of research projects in the scientific research department that are slowly going on.

In addition to the low-level monsters that may be used by humans,

In the first few floors of the prisoner’s den, there are humanoid monsters with high intelligence who have established small and medium-sized tribes in a dangerous environment, which may be used by the special affairs bureau.

These information have nothing to do with the situation that everyone is facing at the moment, Xing Hechou didn’t talk about it in depth, and went back to the topic and continued: “The magic tide has been recognized by us as the highest level of world-destroying disaster,

Although it is unknown when it will erupt, as long as the Prisoner’s Den exists for one day, it will always be a threat to all mankind.

The colleagues stationed on the outskirts of the prisoner’s den are ready to burn all the jade and stones, and they can take any means when necessary to curb the occurrence of the disaster. “

Xing Hechou solemnly said: “Of course, before that, all we can do is to increase our exploration of the prisoners’ den, and at the same time try our best to strengthen our own strength.”

Li Ang’s eyes narrowed, “Let me guess, this method of enhancing strength is not related to the current dream of Shengnan Wang…”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

Xing He smiled bitterly: “When the expedition team was conducting exploration work in the prisoner’s den, a strange-shaped monster found them.

That monster has a horse body, elephant trunk, lion face, rhino forehead, ox tail, and tiger feet. “

Liu Wulan subconsciously said, “Tapir.”

“That’s right. The tapir, with elephant trunk, rhino, oxtail and tiger feet, was born in the valleys of the south. Sleeping on its skin wards off plagues, and drawing its shape to ward off evil spirits. Born in the southern country, it does not eat non-iron.”

Xing He sadly recited a passage of Bai Juyi’s “Praise of the Tapir” and said solemnly: “The tapir, also known as the dream tapir, the dream-eating tapir. It comes from ancient legends, and it is impossible to verify whether it is related to the “Shan Hai Jing”. .

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a custom of depicting tapirs on screens, which is said to prevent the owner from having nightmares and catching a cold.

This custom spread to Nishima, where the people of Nishima interpret ‘avoiding nightmares’ as a tapir that can eat bad luck, regard it as a lucky thing, and add some secondary settings.

The Nightmare Tapir living in the prisoner’s den took the initiative to find an exploration team, claiming that it was born in the Han Dynasty and had been imprisoned for more than a thousand years, and wanted to represent itself and cooperate with the Special Affairs Bureau. “


Li Ang couldn’t help but ask: “The prison is set up so that the stronger the monster is, the more restricted it is? How can the dream tapir, who has been born in the Han Dynasty, still maintain his sanity and move freely.”

“According to the tapir, although it was born for a long time, its strength is not strong.

The innate ability of the dream tapir is to dissociate from each dream and feed on it. Powerful dream tapirs can even abandon their bodies and use dreams to construct their own reality. “

Xing Hechou spread his hands and said: “As a prison guard, Mirage relies on dream hallucinations to suppress demons, and the nightmare tapir with the same ability can move freely to a certain extent.

Such a long time is enough for it to deeply understand the operating mechanism of the prisoner’s den, and occasionally it can use loopholes to analyze a part of itself into the real world, and draw dreams and information from the outside world.

We don’t trust it, but it’s a very interesting plan, which is to use the inexhaustible human mind power in the real world to create artificial urban legends,

Make it a stable, recyclable trial site,

A steady stream of experience, equipment, and props are provided to players in the real world.

If the plan can be carried out smoothly, players will not have to wait for abnormal events to slowly form tasks, and they can go directly to the trial site to exercise and upgrade. The benefits can be said to be endless. “

Wanli Fengdao’s eyes widened subconsciously, “Can that dream tapir do this?”

“It’s absolutely impossible on its own.”

Xing Hechou shook his head and said, “In fact, the content of what it said was also found in the ancient books of the Abnormality Society. Those monks have long confirmed that ‘thought can affect reality’,

Only due to various considerations and confidence in the Abnormal Society itself, the implementation of artificial legends has not been promoted. “

Wanli Fengdao frowned and said, “The dream of giving birth to King Nan, shouldn’t it be…”

“Not really.”

Xing Hechou seemed to have guessed what Brother Xiaodao was thinking, shook his head and explained, “The concern of the ancient Abnormality Society is that the thoughts of all beings are too complicated, and even if they are integrated with legends, they are likely to lose control.

Inside the Secret Service Bureau, dozens of seminars and discussions have been conducted on the content of the Nightmare Tapir, but no decision has been made on whether to conduct a small-scale experiment.

However, before we could discuss the results, the urban legend of Shengnan King spread in the real and the Nightmare Tapir, who has stayed with the front-line expedition team since it was discovered, also lost track. “

Li Ang stepped on the ground with a very real texture and asked in a deep voice, “Is this caused by it?”

“Not sure yet.”

Xing Hechou shook his head and said, “The result of the estimation from the Abnormality Society is that the Nightmare Tapir is not enough to break free from the shackles of the prisoner’s den and stir up the storm in the real world.

Moreover, urban legends must have a source,

In such a short period of time, there must be a driving force behind it. “

Speaking of this, Xing Hechou’s tone sank and whispered: “King Shengnan has become an abnormal event with an unknown degree of harm. As an employee of the Special Affairs Bureau, no matter what, you can’t back down here.” /

I implore you all to help me to find the body of King Shengnan and find out the driving force behind this. “

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