Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 43: Barrel

Each anesthesia syringe is filled with different animal anesthetics,

Urethane, etorphine combined with methoxazine, combined with ketamine, dihydroetorphine….

Some of these anesthetic preparations were purchased by Li Ang in the name of a small pet clinic, and some were prepared by Li Ang himself using chemical knowledge. Each tube is enough to make elephants and even blue whales, within minutes and seconds Muscle paralysis, falling into a deep sleep.

Sleepy mandrill Kogoro, it’s you!

The cat’s eye in Li Ang’s eye socket suddenly released a splendid brilliance,

The mandrill, who was turning around, suddenly appeared in front of a bunch of…chickens wearing black shirts and gray suspenders?

The big roosters, with their plump, shiny coats, soft feathers, and red cockscombs, lined up in a neat square in front of the mandrill, and danced inexplicably to the sound of music.

“Chicken you are so beautiful, chicken you are so beautiful, chicken you are so beautiful, hold back.”

The music is loud and piercing, the dancing is ugly and weird, and the chickens dancing recklessly have a demonic nature that can be called ghosts and animals.

One second, two seconds, the flock of chickens’ fantasy suddenly disappeared, and the mandrill’s eyes were clear.

Instantly aware of the mandrill that he had been fooled, he was shocked and angry in his heart, and turned his head suddenly, only to see Li Ang, whose face was as pale as snow, looking at him with a very provocative smile, his hands still Carrying a sedative gun with an empty magazine.

Li Ang, who combined most of Chai Cuiqiao’s spiritual power, tried his best to confuse the mandrill for two or three seconds with illusion.

But these two or three seconds were enough for him to put all the anaesthetic into the flesh and blood hole created by the ak47 bullet.

The angry mandrill was about to throw a punch, but was horrified to find that his back was numb, followed by his shoulders, neck, waist, legs, arms…

In those anesthetics, a lot of muscle relaxants called N2 choline receptor blockers are mixed.

As long as it is still flesh and blood, as long as it is a living body based on cells and motor nerves, it is impossible to escape the claws of muscle relaxants.

The mandrill felt that all the muscles in his body were trembling and paralyzing, his blood pressure continued to drop, his heart was slow, and his heart rhythm was disordered. It staggered a step and almost fell to the ground.

Its **** mouth opened unconsciously, with its red tongue sticking out, sticky saliva dripping from its sharp teeth, pulling out a long thread, its dark brown eyes full of brutality, gradually Cloudy.

Mandrill, with his eyes wide open, fell to his knees on the ground.

Everyone in the mission team looked at each other in dismay. The Wanli Sealing Saber, which barely climbed out of the rubble, wiped the blood from his lips and asked vaguely, “It’s solved?”

Li Ang shook his head, “No, it’s just numb.”

“What are you waiting for?!”

Wanli Fengdao, like pulling a carrot, propped himself out of the pile of rocks, flicked his long sword, and shouted with a big tongue: “Fix it!”

“Don’t worry! There may be changes, it is best to try a few long-range attacks.”

Xing Hechou grabbed the Wanli Fengdao who was about to rush up, and said gloomily, “Miss Liu, can you still shoot arrows?”

The expressionless Liu Wulan released his left hand holding his right shoulder, letting everyone see the almost torn shoulder tendon.

“I’ll come.”

Li Ang let out a foul breath and picked up his assault rifle.

Ninety percent of his mental energy has been consumed, and now his brain is roaring like a pile driver back and forth, and his temples are swollen and stinging to the limit.

Breathing, breathing, Li Ang adjusted his breathing and shot at Mandrill’s wide-open lips.

Da da da da, the bullet mercilessly penetrated the soft tongue of the mandrill, which was placed on the outside of the lips, and blood splattered everywhere.

Raise the muzzle slightly, aim at the eyelids that are not covered by the purple-gold cassock, and continue to shoot.

The bullet was slightly blocked by the eyelid, but the eyeball was sunken in part, and the mandrill remained motionless.

“Really numb?”

Li Ang muttered to himself, frowned and looked at it for a while, put away the assault rifle, and took out a landmine that he secretly greedy for a few days ago.

The broad blade mine swept out an arc in the air, and finally fell into the mouth of the mandrill.


The mine exploded in an instant, the iron pieces splattered, and the steel **** scattered and shot out. The mandrill’s mouth could no longer be seen, and the lips were red and swollen like two sausages.

Xing Hechou, Monk Huibin and Wanli Fengdao gasped. They could see clearly that the mandrill whose mouth was blown by a mine just now moved his eyelids.

It was almost out of strength and paralyzed all over, but it was not completely numb. It just pretended to faint, waiting for someone to get close to it.

Even if it dies, it will perish with the enemy!

Just as Xing Hechou was about to remind him, he saw Li Ang rubbing his chin, squinting his eyes, and muttering in a fake and fake voice: “Is the anesthetic so effective?”

While speaking, Li Ang took out a rustic gray-blue steel oil drum from the backpack.

The oil barrel was hollow, with a bottom but no lid, and at the bottom of the barrel was a dusty, flat cake-like package.

“We’d better test it remotely.”

In the face of everyone’s pain, Li Ang used his battle axe to quickly carve out a medium-sized pit, and put the steel oil drum into the pit.

As a former professional soldier, Xing Hechou certainly knew what this oil barrel was.

No Conscience or Flying Thunder Cannon. It is said to be a gun, but it is actually an explosive projectile barrel. After filling the interior with propellant, put the explosive package bundled into a disc shape into it, and then ignite the propellant, and then the ten kilogram explosive package can be ejected to 150-200 meters. distance.

This kind of earthen weapon that can no longer be earthed is just a strategy for the rights and interests of the lack of equipment, but its power is not small at all, flesh and blood, steel chariots and even strong fortresses, in the thick and long barrels of unconscionable guns You have to be defeated in front of you, even if you don’t die, you can still be killed by explosive shock waves.

No matter how big the barrel is, the caliber is so big. The caliber of the empty oil barrel that Li Ang purchased was a maddening 400 mm. The pie-shaped package inside was also filled with hand-made explosives with amazing power.

Xing Hechou watched Li Ang skillfully dig cannon pits and install oil drums,

I couldn’t help but look stiff and the corners of my eyes twitched wildly. I decided from the bottom of my heart that after this mission is over, I must ask the Special Affairs Bureau to notify the police to check the residents’ files.

This kid….it’s too dangerous…. God can make a selfless gun…

The mandrill, who had no idea what Li Ang was playing with, was still pretending to be in a coma. Hearing the movement, he couldn’t help but slightly opened his eyelids, revealing a gap.

The last thing it saw was a pie-shaped explosive pack flying straight towards it.

Boom! ! !

The explosive pack exploded in an instant, wrapping the mandrill’s head, a purple-gold cassock known as indestructible, and instantly shattered into strips of cloth. The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread around the mandrill’s eyebrow center.

The full moon climbed high into the sky, and the mandrill fell to the ground.

【Spent 7 days in Guhan Temple】

[The script task “Lonely Mountain Han Temple” has been completed, and there is still 1 minute before the teleportation]

【Reward settlement in progress】

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