Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 423: Out of Sheath

  Wanli Fengdao hides his figure. With the rapid consumption of psionic energy, his figure seems to be integrated with the brown bark.

  In the dark night of the torrential rain, it is difficult to tell each other.

   bang, bang, bang.

  Wanli Fengdao’s heart was beating violently, he held his breath and looked not far ahead, the black figure slowly straightened up, turned his back to the sky, and gently sniffed the air.

   With the occasional flash of thunder, the true face of the shadow disappeared in a flash.

  It was an extremely thin human figure, with gray hair and dishevelled hair,

   is covered with a layer of dark rags that are so messy that you can’t see the original appearance,

   The pale skin all over his body was slumped down, and it had lost its elasticity. It looked like the skin was pulled down due to excessive weight loss, and it looked weird and terrifying.

   And the monster’s waist is tied with a long iron chain.

  The iron chain was about the thickness of an arm and was extremely heavy, in stark contrast to the scrawny humanoid monster.

The    iron chain was wrapped twice around its waist, and eighteen slightly thinner chains were separated—the thin chains were hanging on the ground, and the other end was still in the stream.

   The thunder roared, and the electric light flashed away. It was faintly visible that there seemed to be something tall and heavy on the other end of the eighteen thin iron chains.

   That is, a human body.

  There are men and women, old people, babies, corpses with white bones, and fresh corpses soaked in rain and soaked white,

   He turned his back to the sky, staring at the rainy night with his empty eyes.

   The ends of eighteen iron chains are tied with sixteen human bodies.

  Xing Hechou is tied to the sixteenth iron chain.

   This iron-tower-like man, with his eyes closed, his body covered with scars kept pouring blood, sinking in the torrent of the stream, not knowing his life or death.

  ”people, what about”

  The humanoid monster raised its head high, sniffed the air, and murmured, “The smell of strangers, why is it gone

   Obviously, only the last two are missing. “

  It seems to be waving its thin arms to vent its emotions, and slams it on the tree trunk beside it,


  Wanli Fengdao pressed his back against the trunk of the tree tightly, letting the sawdust splashed from the tree break down his face, but he did not dare to move at all.

   He gripped the hilt of the sword firmly, his fingers were extremely pale due to the excessive force, but he could not pull the blade out of the scabbard no matter what.

   This monster is too strong, and his breath alone made him tremble, and his muscles trembled involuntarily.

  Would you like to leave here?

   As long as he has a thought, he can send this bizarre and outrageous dream of the King of the South and return to the real world.

  Safe, smooth, no one will know what’s going on here,

  No one would know, he left his companions behind.

   He can, continue to be his bounty hunter. With the status of a non-staff employee issued by the Special Affairs Bureau, he can be respected and sought after by all parties wherever he goes.

  The status of a player is a gift from God.

  Before becoming a player, Wanli Fengdao had an ordinary name.

   Zhang Wei.

  He lives in the city, but does not belong to the city,

   His childhood memories are small towns, villages, urban-rural junctions, dry and cracked land, creeks flowing with sewage, withered factories, foul-smelling poultry, straw dust flying in the wheat fields, and rising from the factory chimneys. Thick smoke.

   His father was a peasant, and he was not very expressive. The picture left to him is always in dim light, drinking low-quality beer, and his face is red.

   His mother is also a farmer, kind and cowardly, docile and patient, always embroidering a sweater when the whole family is having dinner and her husband drinking silently, telling him that theory I don’t know how many times.

   Study hard, only by studying hard can you leave here.

  At the time, he didn’t understand this,

   He likes fireflies flying in the mountains and forests, he likes to pass firewood into the stove, watch the fire rise, he likes to chase chickens and dogs, laugh and play with his companions, and even like the broken TV that is always not working and his cousin used game consoles.

   He did not understand why his parents worked hard, hoping that he could change the fate of his ancestors and walk out of the loess and mountains that spread far and wide.

   Until he went to middle school, left the countryside, walked into the city, and came to the reinforced concrete fort.

  He discovered for the first time that the world is so gorgeous and prosperous,

   His future is not the same as his father’s, the road of repeated work day after day without end.

   However, mediocre, ordinary, ordinary,

   is like gravity, gripping his ankles firmly and throwing him to the ground.

   After graduating from the vocational college, he was unwilling to return to Dashan, living a numb life that was long enough to see the end at a glance, and chose to stay in the city.

  He became a city builder, or rather, a construction worker.

  This job is no different from the farm work that my parents did. It is numb, mechanical, repetitive, day after day, just like a rotten and rusted machine, burning fuel, moving forward in silence, without any glory at all.

  On the high pendant, he saw the prosperity of the city with a safety rope, and he was even the founder of this prosperity,

  Unfortunately, that prosperity has nothing to do with him, he is just a tool.

   However, even as a tool, he still wants to stay in this cold and unfamiliar steel jungle, enjoying the Internet, games, movies, mobile phones, feasting, everything that these numb villages will not have.

   Even, he can read two books in his spare time – it is painful to acquire knowledge, not because the books are obscure and profound, but in the process of reading books, he can always slowly comprehend something.

   realized that some truths are as cold and hard as steel.

   There is destiny in this world, and there are class barriers that cannot be crossed by manpower. He acts as fuelwood for the prosperity of the city, but the fuelwood that burns out the flames will eventually be abandoned, just like the degrading ancestral villages.

   He doesn’t belong here.

Under the great era, his comprehension, his pain, are worthless, no one cares,

  The nameless person buried in the mine, the worker whose finger was engulfed by the machine The old and numb farmer who was sitting on the bank counter with old coins and waiting to send money, lost the ability to work in the countryside Bedridden elderly without life insurance

   This is the fate of the same kind as him.

   Until, he was selected by the killing game and became a player.

  Ding Lingdang——

  The chains collide with each other, rubbing against the fallen leaves.

   The pale humanoid monster, muttering something, walked forward, and fifteen corpses were dragged from the bottom of the river, together with Xing Hechou, who did not know his life or death, and slowly dragged past Wanli Fengdao. .

  God chose me,

   Wanli Fengdao tightened the hilt, and his body slowly tightened.

  I refuse and accept my destiny

   He exhaled a foul breath, and the airflow was clearly visible in the icy forest.

  I think, change the world


   The pale monster seemed to sense something, turned around, and looked somewhere in the dark forest.

  I think, be a hero.

   Wanli Fengdao’s face was hideous, and he drew his sword out of its sheath. Under the vast thunder, the frost blade was cold and gloomy.

  Three feet of autumn water, when slaying demons.

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