Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 411: Talent

The van was charged to full speed and was racing all the way. Seeing that it was about to hit the woman in white on the side of the road, Li Ang turned the steering wheel abruptly, causing the car to suddenly veer to the left.

The slanted and upturned body, with the wind, brushed the hem of the woman’s skirt.


The body lifted up and fell heavily, and while the vehicle swayed, it had already driven a distance of tens of meters.

Shake it off?

Li Ang looked into the rear-view mirror from the corner of his eyes, but saw that the dark street behind was completely empty, and there was no pale figure anywhere.

“Next to you!”

Miss Chai’s exclamation sounded in Li Ang’s heart. With a glance out of the corner of his eyes, he only saw a pile of thick, black, twisted long hair slowly rising from the passenger seat.

These hairs seem to grow out of the seat,

Gush out, spread,

wriggling, trembling,

Accompanied by the sound of “rustling” hair interlacing.

The temperature inside the car dropped sharply, and a thin layer of ice quickly formed inside and outside the window, and a small amount of hoarfrost spread out slowly from the center of the passenger seat.

In just one breath, that group of hair has changed from a small pile to a big ball like a basketball.

Beneath the strands of hair, the outline of a woman’s head emerged.

Next, shoulders, arms, torso

A woman in a pale long dress, with both arms hanging down naturally, palms facing up,

The head, which was firmly covered by the hair, slumped against the shoulders,

Like a silent passenger, naturally sitting in the passenger seat.

“She came up, what should I do?”

Miss Chai was a little nervous, and the pale figure beside her was even less textured and more evil than the usual ghost.

The sudden appearance of the female figure did not make Li Ang panic,

He slowed down a little bit, looked at the situation calmly, turned his head slowly, and said calmly to the woman in white: “Miss, do you know the man’s passenger seat?

You can only sit for your wife or girlfriend.

You sat up so silently, are you attracted by my appearance, do you want to show yourselves?

Sorry, I’m not a casual person.

But if you insist, maybe I’ll give in. “


No response.

This is normal. The other party is not breathing at all, nor has any temperature, and is definitely not a living thing.

Miss Chai was startled, suppressed her voice, and said softly, “What are you doing!”


Li Ang said silently in his heart: “Don’t worry, I was a taxi driver when I was young, and I am best at chatting with passengers,

I often have passengers write down my license plate after getting off the bus, so that they can order my car later. “

When were you young? What are you not in high school now? And the passenger’s license plate is probably not to order your car, but to find someone to hit you, right?

Chai Cuiqiao snarled wildly in her heart. Li Ang cleared her throat with her eyes open. After a while, she smiled at the figure in white and said, “Miss, is it because you are shy that you won’t answer me?

Hey, sorry, I didn’t notice that your hands are frozen blue,

Well, in the front passenger seat storage box, there is a mineral water cup I urinated in, take a sip to keep warm,

I just happened to get angry recently, and I often drink chrysanthemum tea,

There is a sweet taste with a long aftertaste. “


There was still no response, the woman in white just sat there, motionless.

Li Ang frowned and said softly, “Miss, why don’t you speak? Are you shy?

Are you worried that because of your bad breath, your words will damage your image?

Don’t be afraid, my mouth also stinks,

Known as the little prince of Zaun, a keyboard pianist,

If you win, your parents will be alive, if you lose, your family tree will ascend to heaven.

Tailwind is all brothers, Deadwind Canyon horse hunters,

The simplest bad breath, the most extreme enjoyment.

So, don’t feel inferior, just talk to me. “


The pale figure was silent for a long time, and finally, a soft voice as thin as a gossamer came out, “Bible”

Li Ang’s heart moved, and he continued to drive the car, and asked, “What?”

“Give me, speak, the Bible”

The woman said stumblingly.

Li Ang’s eyes flashed, and he took another look at the other party’s dress.

It can be vaguely seen that the shabby long dress is a bit like a nun’s white religious dress, but there is no brown robe, cloak and black turban.

Li Ang took a deep breath, the meaning of the previous teaching level of the monster under the bed,

It is to say that only by following certain rules can abnormal events be solved without injury.

Miss Chai was a little nervous, “I’m going to tell a Bible story this time, will you? If not, let’s kill her directly.”

“Don’t worry,”

Li Ang said silently in his heart: “I am familiar with the Bible. I used to sing it every day. Don’t worry.”

“That’s good.”

Miss Chai breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while, she realized, “Wait, sing?”

Before she could ask her questions, Li Ang took a deep breath, and after half a second of deliberation, he sang in a Peking Opera voice: “Moses, leave Egypt,

I will come before the Red Sea,

I have never said that I have a good heart~ Miserable,

Angels of the past, please listen to me,

Which one goes to heaven,

He said, ask God to help me drain the sea water,

Don’t kill Judaism,

In the next life, the dog will be repaid! “

The Peking Opera singing in this section is the famous “Su Sanqijie”,

Li Ang, in contrast to the ghost crying and wolf howling when he sang just now, made the mournful singing of this play decisive, shocking,

But this line is about the story of Moses going to sea in the Bible,

The combination of the two is really contradictory to the extreme.

Miss Chai was stunned, but Li Ang was still singing, what Henan Opera version of “The Gospel of John”,

The Huagu Opera version of Joshua,

Allegro version of Mark and even rap version of Revelation.

Sings in a good manner, urging people to urinate,

Stop talking about this pale figure,

Even Miss Chai herself has the urge to devoutly convert and just ask Li Ang not to sing any more.

“Where did you learn this skill?!”

Miss Chai said with a bit of a breakdown.

“The elderly activity center run by Yinshi Sub-district.”

Li Ang sang the “Book of Isaiah” in the version of “Liu Hai Cuts the Woodcutter”, and silently said in his heart: “When I had no money, I often went to the elderly activity center to do volunteer activities,

As long as you play games with grandparents and grandma, and sing,

You can get free lunch and dinner, as well as air conditioning and WiFi.

Well, I have to say that the old men and the old ladies are really versatile and can do any opera,

Especially they had a Christmas song garden event before,

After listening to it for a week, I can master all kinds of dramatic singing of all scriptures.

Do you want to learn? I teach you. “


Miss Chai was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

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