Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 401: Strange talk

Li Ang took the phone and saw the screen opened by the monitor, which was an anonymous version of the app forum.

This post is a nightmare described by a netizen that he had a few days ago.

【taijthr】: Nightmare at night. I dreamed of playing hide-and-seek with a blind grandmother in an old house with dark lights and burning oil lamps. When I was hiding, I saw an altar enshrined with a grotesque deity. Out of awe, I folded my hands and bowed to the altar.

I was immediately caught by the grandmother and said I couldn’t worship.

Said it was Shengnan Wang.

King Shengnan is also a child, a **** who holds children in peace. But because of the special physique of the individual, it is easy to see the charm. As a baby, you don’t live to 5 months. So he was forcibly sealed with the children’s ghosts and restrained them. So don’t worship them.

I turned around and saw a child at the door looking at me fiercely.

【】: Don’t ask, ask is Eph.

【ILlbIZ3】: (????Д??`)! want to see

【VkKOkoA】:What about the follow-up|????

【N2FGazV】: What the hell? ! I also dreamed of a **** named Shengnan Wang a long time ago. At that time, I couldn’t find it on Baidu and thought it was my own imagination|д??)

【Y7DZtXy】: What the hell? I also dreamed of Shengnan Wang before. It was in a forest full of fallen leaves. The time was night. There was a stone altar in the forest. Above it was a black human-shaped statue. Three words of Wang.

A bunch of children and I approached the altar while picking up the fallen leaves on the ground. Every time I took a step closer, I felt a little more fear in my heart. As we approached the altar, we woke up.

Li Ang glanced at the words and raised his head suddenly with a serious expression.

This forum is an anonymous discussion board with the theme of otaku culture, similar to 2ch sticker style, all the names of netizens are anonymous strings,

Each post is also a string of pure numbers.

Li Ang’s serious expression made the monitor feel a little strange, “What’s wrong?”


Li Ang shook his head, didn’t say anything, and continued to look at this urban weird post.

It stands to reason that urban weird stories that record abnormal events are the most likely clues to trigger regular tasks.

It’s impossible for the Secret Service to not know.

But now, the killing game has been put on the table, and the special affairs bureau has also announced the contact number, constantly publicizing it to the public, and you must contact the official in case of any situation.

This kind of anonymous forum’s urban weird talk section must have hidden officials from the Secret Service Bureau,

Look at the time of the post again, it was four days ago.

Even if this strange urban talk may be related to an abnormal event, the official of the Special Affairs Bureau must have solved it long ago,

Otherwise, it would not have been kept until now.

Li Ang felt a little more at ease, at least now he doesn’t have to worry, the abnormal event will affect Wang Congshan.

He continues to browse the posts,

I found that many anonymous netizens below are also talking about the information about “Shengnan Wang”.

Some people say that they have also had strange dreams about idols, broken temples, old houses, and the birth of the King of Nan, near or far.

Some people scoffed, saying that it was the landlord’s self-directed and self-acted performance.

Some people searched for information on the Internet and linked Shengnan King with some folk fables and legends.

Some people are in high spirits, saying they have witnessed the birth of a new artificial urban legend.

There are also exceptionally talented netizens. In the first time, based on the information of Shengnanwang provided by various netizens, they made a tabletop game with CoC rules.

Li Ang browsed through the posts roughly and found that in this anonymous forum, in addition to this thread talking about Shengnan King, there are other threads discussing this strange urban story.

Li Ang raised his head slowly, looked at Wang Congshan, and asked slowly, “What did you want to say?”

The monitor licked his lips and said hesitantly, “Do you remember, when I was in junior high school, I told you one day that I had a strange dream?”


Special Affairs Bureau, headquarters, in an office.

The air was so oppressive that it seemed like water could be squeezed out. A group of people sat on chairs smoking cigarettes, their solemn faces hidden in the thick smoke.

“The so-called urban legend, in the literal sense, is a story that is widely circulated among the cities with the city as the background.

Most of them are horror themes. Of course, there are also sensational conspiracy theories, humorous anecdotes, or daily life encyclopedias.

Generally speaking, it is fake, but sometimes there are real elements – because many urban legends are inspired by real events, and in the process of word of mouth and Internet communication, they continue to add fuel to the story and evolve into different versions.

Urban legends are widely circulated in the United States, Europe and Japan. One reason is that although urban legends are generally vague, the details are fine and conclusive.

Second, because the content of urban legends is close to life, it is in line with the knowledge and reading tastes of contemporary people. “

In the office, a tall and thin young man wearing glasses is standing next to the projector screen and giving a report.

“Urban legends are born in the following three ways.

The first type is a seemingly unbelievable normal event created by many coincidences.

For example, in western Pennsylvania, America, there are many people who claim that every night, there will be a demon with no eyes, no nose, and a green light all over the body to haunt the streets.

This legend may seem bizarre, but it actually exists.

A man named Raymond Robinson lost his face in an electrical accident and his skin turned turquoise from radioactive contamination.

He is strong and has not given up hope in life. Since it is not easy to go to the street during the day, he can only take a walk on the street at night to relieve his misery and loneliness.

Someone happened to see him, so this urban legend was born. “

“The second way of birth of urban legends is that of some real events. After people’s propaganda, they spread more and more bizarrely, and finally evolved into strange stories.

For example, in the 1970s, the legend of the girl with a rift on the island of Japan swept across the campus of the island like a plague, causing extreme anxiety among the public. Parents of students panicked, officials stepped up patrols in various campuses, and some areas even suspended classes on a large scale. “

“And the third type is the one we’re dealing with right now.

After individual netizens made some weird remarks on the Internet, other netizens were affected by factors such as memory ambiguity, curiosity, conformity, etc.

On this basis, we will continue to improve,

The result is an urban legend with amazing detail, wide applicability, and even further witness records.

For example, Kisaragi Station in Hijima. It was first circulated on the 2ch forum, and the main content is that a girl took a train in the middle of the night and arrived at a non-existent station called “きさらぎ駅”.

The girl eagerly shared what she saw in the station with 2c** friends for advice and help.

But with the passage of time, with the gathering of the popularity of the post,

The girl eventually lost contact.

In addition, there is the Slender Ghost of America. In the beginning, it was just a random rumor made up by netizens, but unexpectedly it aroused widespread response. More and more people claimed that they had seen or heard of slender ghosts, and there were also a large number of untrue and false photos circulating on the Internet.

In the end, it even had a huge impact on the real world, resulting in stand-alone games and related movies.

Finally, it is what we are facing now, King Shengnan. “


Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: . Mobile version reading URL:

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