Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 4: Jungle

Below the bridge, the sea water surging and churning, boiling with countless bubbles.


Wanjun sea water suddenly rises, condensing into a huge water element giant.

His body is made of sea water,

The waterspout-like columnar waist stands in the sea, the upper body is extremely burly and sturdy, the helmet is made of blue-brown salt crystals, the shoulders and arms are covered with a circle of dark gold alloy armor, and the hand is holding a siege ram General sharp trident.

“Stop! Stop!”

The water element giant looked down at Li Ang, who was as small as dust, and spoke slowly,

His speech is extremely slow and his voice is very loud,

The sea breeze that spewed out shook the steel cables on the sea-crossing bridge.

What is the hidden power of the Secret Service?

Li Ang is not so strange in his heart. The Special Affairs Bureau has such a huge amount of resources, if there is no trump card, it is something to be strange.

“Stop here!”

Seeing that the ants below did not slow down, the water element giant drifted forward, tearing two V-shaped white waves on the sea,

The trident in his hand is flowing with water and light, wrapped in the salty sea breeze, and nailed to the deck of the bridge.


The fearful warhorse leaped vigorously and stepped on the cars and trucks one after another, surrounded by a faint golden light.

【The Overlord Henglan Lan·A Thousand Armies Divide Yi】

The broken lance spilled out the ethereal golden light,

The feared warhorse did not fall down in mid-air, but instead accelerated again, hitting the tough arm of the water element giant head-on.


The long lance infused with divine power fell vertically, and the arm of the water element giant broke off like a gel, cracking a gap.

Li Ang passed through the gap, and out of the corner of his eye, he could clearly see the air bubbles and seaweed in the arm of the water element giant.


The fearful warhorse landed heavily, and the arm of the water element giant behind him had healed, roaring and turning around and swinging the trident.

The car on the bridge is like a child’s toy, cut off by a giant trident and pushed away,

The steel cables that hold the bridge together snapped, whipping the air and crackling.

Too slow.

Li Ang didn’t look back, the bully slammed into the ground, the divine power of the swamp spread out, and a large number of plants and vines flew up the reinforced concrete masonry, growing wildly.

The vines grew rapidly, hooking the bridge ropes hanging in the air, climbing up, and connecting into a large green net.

The trident of the water element giant is on the Internet, the halberd blade is flowing with water, and the vine fibers are cut arbitrarily,

However, the plant vines grow even faster, spreading all the way along the trident, piercing the arm of the water giant like a dense venomous snake.

Coodong coodong.

Hollow plant vines turn into water pumps, efficiently pumping seawater and releasing a large amount of thick and dense venom.

In the arm of the water giant, the purple liquid spreads upward at a speed visible to the naked eye,

Wherever it goes, the water element emits steam, it is difficult to maintain a fixed shape, and it disintegrates into seawater splashing down, corroding and melting the vehicles below.

The water element giant roared in pain, grabbed his right shoulder with his left hand, and cut it off with force, finally stopping the erosion of plant vines,

However, this time was enough for Li Ang to drive off the sea-crossing bridge and hide into the steel jungle.


The water element giant roared furiously, his waist like a waterspout sucked a huge amount of seawater, making his right arm heal as before, holding a trident and smashing it to the sea, setting off a raging wave, but it was still useless.

There is a bustling urban area ahead, full of high-rise buildings, his power system is special, and it is not suitable for use there.


The water giant gasped, his chest heaving violently,

He took a steady breath, and suddenly turned to look as if he felt something.

I do not know when dozens of figures appeared in the air, standing in the air,

Judging from the clothes they wear, these people are not operatives of the Special Affairs Bureau,

It is the representative of other forces stationed in the city.

European Heavy Industries Group, the FBI’s Unusual Accidents Division, the Global Occult Coalition, Prometheus Labs, GRU Parapsychology Department…

“What are you doing here?”

The water element giant held a trident with a gloomy and low expression, and let out a low growl from his throat, “Leave!”

“Don’t be so impatient, Comrade Xiahou.”

The representative of the European Heavy Industry Group, a middle-aged white man in a white suit who looks like a business elite, rubbed his palms with a smile, and said in eloquent Chinese: “No matter how we say it, we are also orderly. Friends of the camp, if you encounter any trouble, you should solve it together.

Need help? “

“Not required.”

The water element giant known as Xiahou clenched his trident and said coldly: “You jumped out at this time, you want to be liquidated afterwards,

To be dismissed collectively and kicked out of Yin City? “

“It’s not up to you or I to decide whether to kick or not.”

The representative of the European Heavy Industry Group said with a smile: “Besides, we didn’t do anything,

The front is the office area allocated by the Special Affairs Bureau to other forces. We didn’t walk around and cause commotion,

I’m just afraid that our stronghold office will be hurt by the aftermath of the conflict just take precautions in advance.

Protecting our personal property shouldn’t be considered a taboo, right? “


The water element giant snorted coldly, how could he not know that these external forces represent the abacus in his stomach, he is nothing but gloating and watching the fun,

By the way, see if you can fish in troubled waters, get benefits from the Special Affairs Bureau, or let the Special Affairs Bureau suffer a dull loss.

Unfortunately, the chaotic times are coming, and it is far from the time to turn against these people…

“Ah, it looks like our friend is almost at his destination. We’ll talk later.”

The representative of the European Heavy Industry Group looked into the distance, smiled at the water element giant, walked in the air, and disappeared over the bridge.

Others followed suit.


The water element giant standing on the sea looked gloomy as these people disappeared at the end of the line of sight, slowly lowered the arm holding the trident, gradually shrank, and disappeared under the sea again.


Lee Ang galloped through the steel jungle of skyscrapers, and the bustling street scene quickly retreated in sight.

The sun is shining and the wind is whimpering in the silent city,

On the big screen at the bottom of high-rise buildings, loud advertising videos are still playing, rendering the festive atmosphere.

Suddenly, Li Ang seemed to feel something, he lightly pressed the horse’s back, the front hooves of the fearful warhorse raised up, stopped the charge, and neighed in the sky.


The horse’s hoof landed, Li Ang patted the fearful warhorse breathing like a dragon, released the summoning technique that was about to reach the time limit, and landed on the ground lightly.

With a calm expression, he stepped forward and walked towards the dark mobile task force phalanx.

“Long time no see.”

At the crossroads, Xing Hechou, standing in front of the MTF members, said slowly, “Brother Li.”

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