Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 379: Surgery

It is not too late, Princess Anna’s subordinates will collect all kinds of extraordinary materials according to the list provided by Li Ang.

It is said to be collecting, but it is actually dispatching materials-the royal warehouse was originally full of rare treasures of the entire Loen Kingdom, and there was no shortage of everything. After the Ice Queen conquered Loen, the royal warehouse was responsible for storing tribute from other kingdoms. , the stockpile does not decrease but increases.

However, in order to increase the difficulty, Li Ang specially made up some materials that did not exist on the list.

This is mainly to let John Joyce and others show their subjective initiative, and take the Loen Kingdom security team to go around the capital a few more times to go to secret organization strongholds, auction houses, pharmacies and other places Beat the autumn wind.

That is, the whole process still has to be closely monitored.

Li Ang is not idle here. The apartment building next to the mansion has been transformed into a temporary clinic. There are ten patients who are suffering from various serious diseases and have been refused treatment by many doctors.

Four of these patients also had heart disease, two of whom had similar symptoms to Princess Anna.

Obviously, Princess Anna’s medical team wanted to test Li Ang’s medical treatment level, at least not allowing him to treat Princess Anna without seeing a successful example of treatment with his own eyes.

Li Ang did not show any anger, and naturally monitored all the patients in the temporary clinic.

After the security team brought the first batch of materials, Li Ang modified the extraordinary materials a little and was ready to start the first operation directly.

He left John Joyce and others behind and brought a tumor patient to the operating room to begin preparations for surgery.

When the patients were operated on in Morley City before, Li Ang was the only one alone. Before the patients were pushed into the operating room, they also drank strong anesthetics and were unaware throughout the whole process – this made it easier for Li Ang to directly take out the biological The master is remodeled.

Now, behind the single-sided glass of the operating room, Princess Anna’s medical team and security team are standing, closely monitoring Li Ang’s every move,

It can’t be as easy as it was in Morley City.

The only way is to make the medical process as confusing as possible, so that the other party can’t understand it at all, so as to allow players to operate.

“Draw the pattern according to the drawing and put things there, yes.”

Li Ang instructed the apprentices to draw complicated and complicated patterns on the floor of the operating room, and placed extraordinary materials throughout the pattern.

What dahlia bat moth larvae grease candle, withered thylacine forepaw, rosemary calamus, sinister silver tongue spider placenta

These messes are obviously not in line with the management regulations of the sterile operating room, but the more excessive is still to come——

Li Ang asked his apprentice to move in to a long table, covered it with yellow silk, put melons, vegetables, grains, a sound box disguised as a wooden box, and a tablet carved by himself.

Then put on the red silk robe provided by the Loen Kingdom, holding a slender wooden sword in one hand, a cinnabar talisman in the other, wearing a crown, and looking like a fairy,

Several apprentices, all wearing formal surgical gowns, masks and hats, stood side by side at the back of the operating room with a solemn expression.

The tumor patient who was promoted is a young man, and he is estimated to be a rich second generation with good economic conditions based on his physical appearance.

Li Ang didn’t give him anesthesia according to the rules before, so the young man was completely speechless when he saw this exaggerated and outrageous battle in the operating room.

After getting ready, Li Ang opened his eyes and shouted violently: “Om, um, ni, ba, mi, hum!”

The roar came so suddenly, it startled the doctor Carly and others outside the one-sided glass,

Before they could make up their minds, Li Ang waved the wooden sword in his hand and performed radio gymnastics in a serious manner to the pure music accompaniment of “The Second Set of Radio Gymnastics for Primary and Secondary School Students”.

At the same time, he said, “Knowing one in everything, knowing everything in one. Equality is the view of the Tathagata, all the dharmas of the three worlds. The immeasurable gods, the immortals touch me if there is light, there will be light. Feudal superstition is necessary, and scientific treatment is guaranteed. health”

This mashup of loose prayers is really indiscriminate, quite a post-modern magical realism and black humor spirit of Wang Lama, the chief priest of Wudang Mountain in the Shaolin Temple Office.

However, the natives behind the one-way mirror couldn’t understand it at all. They looked at Li Ang drawing his sword and dancing, and they only felt a bit of confusion.

Li Ang thought about drawing his sword and dancing, so he slapped the wooden box with his sword and turned off the sound.

Dropped the wooden sword again, picked up the scalpel placed in front of the tablet, poked the fruit pot, lifted the fruit into the air and cut it into countless pieces,

I immediately picked up some rice and sprinkled it on the table. After examining it carefully, it showed a mysterious and solemn expression.

At this time, several teammates behind him also began to sing the famous “Hallelujah” according to the previous plan.

Smoky, melodious singing, fruity aromas,

Li Ang jumped to the operating table, looked at the terrified young tumor patient and said with a smile: “Are you afraid? Brother, if you are afraid, type the word “fear” in the public. on the screen.”


The young patient looked bewildered. He looked at the scalpel in Li Ang’s hand that was dripping with various juices. The expression on his face was uglier than crying.

“Master, why don’t you clean the scalpel? Will you get infected if you perform the surgery like this?”

“How can I wash it? It has good juice on it.”

“Then Master, can you give me an anesthetic?”

Li Ang shook his head, “No, I never use anesthesia during surgery, I’m afraid of pain.”

It hurts me not to take anesthesia! What are you in pain!

The young patient wanted to growl and complain, but Li Ang put the scalpel on his lips,

“Come on, I’ll give you some good juice.”

Under the ice-cold blade, the young patient licked a mouthful of good juice in fear. Before he could swallow it, Li Ang raised the knife and slashed it on his left leg.


The patient screamed in pain, “Doctor, my tumor is in my right leg.”

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