Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 376: Probability

Just as the teammates were learning from Li Ang’s experience of innocence and boundlessness, the door of their hotel room was knocked on.

The person who came was the secretary of the magistrate of Morey.

He explained the situation to everyone – just now, the consul who was receiving the mermaid mission in the conference hall received a secret letter from the capital of Loen Kingdom,

The letter came from a mysterious big man. The consul reported to him about Li Ang and his party before, explaining the situation.

The reply this time is that the big man is very interested in the magical medical ability of the Eastern Monk Order and wants to hire them to the capital of Ruen to perform a secret operation.


Li Ang stood in the living room, rubbed his chin, looked at the secretary and suddenly asked, “What’s the name of that adult?”

“Sorry, I don’t know either.”

The secretary said helplessly: “But I can guarantee that he must be extremely powerful, and to gain his friendship, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.”

Li Ang and his teammates looked at each other and agreed to the secretary’s request-they needed a reason to go to the capital of Loen Kingdom. They originally planned to go with the mermaid mission, but now it would be better if they could shorten the time.

The big man’s needs were very urgent, so he directly booked a first-class train ticket for Li Ang and the others for the afternoon departure.

The secretary handed the ticket to Li Ang and others, then walked out of the hotel and asked the Eastern monks to prepare a little.

After he left, Li Ang and others immediately discussed countermeasures.

“Judging from the current situation, that big person is likely to be Princess Anna or the Snow Queen directly.”

John Joyce hurriedly said, “Should we go?”

“Going is definitely going, we just need a reason for the past.”

Li Ang squinted and said, “If the Snow Queen is really sick, then it all makes sense.”

“Assuming that this consultation was arranged by the Snow Queen or her sister, then according to their arrangement, there must be someone watching along the way.”

Julia said softly: “And when we arrive at the target location, we are expected to be closely guarded, and there is no chance to use the magic mirror or inquire about information. We need to be prepared.”


Li Ang glanced at the ticket, measured the time, took out the magic mirror fragment, and activated the fifth special effect.

【Special effect: false prophecy. By touching the magic mirror, the user makes the magic mirror predict the probability of his own death in the next 24 hours, as well as the proportion of various root causes of death, no consumption, and a cooling time of 72 hours. ]

As Li Ang pressed his finger on the fragment of the magic mirror, the mirror surface also reflected lines of data.

【Probability of death in the next 24 hours: 0.05%】

【Percentage of underlying causes of death: 20% of cardiac aneurysm rupture, acute cardiac tamponade, 19% of mechanical injury, 17% of mechanical asphyxia, 11% of lightning, 10% of high and low temperature injury, 7% of exogenous poisoning, decapitation 4%, choking 1%…]

The data is so dense that just looking at it is very intimidating.

But Li Ang didn’t care at all. Instead, he observed with great interest the possible cause of death in the future.

“The probability of death in the next 24 hours is only 0.05%, which means that as long as you don’t die, there is no danger.”

Li Ang said calmly: “The root cause of death should be the possible cause of death after the accident and the battle between me and the caster army.

Ruptured cardiac aneurysm and acute cardiac tamponade are higher than mechanical damage…that’s interesting. “

Other people didn’t dare to say anything at all. No matter how small the 0.05% probability was, it wasn’t close to nothing. They were really afraid that Li Ang would blame them for the future cause of death.

Li Ang thought about it for a while, and buried the doubts in his heart. Since the probability of death is not high, he did not use the sixth special effect of the magic mirror [temporary immortality].

Afterwards, the players sorted out the equipment and props a little. Li Ang asked the smoker, Bob and John Joyce to wait at the train station first, while he and Julia went to the consul to resign (also to verify the situation), Then go to the train station to take the train.

Smoker, Bob, and John Joyce were already waiting in the train carriage, accompanied by two uniformed low-ranking officials—

These two should be high-level spellcasters directly affiliated to the capital, and they accompanied Li Ang for both protection and surveillance.

The tendency of the technology tree in the fairy tale world is very obvious. Most of the streets in the bustling city are carriages. Cars are rare objects, but the train technology is very good, stable and fast.

Lee Ang silently flipped through the books, John Joyce played cards with Bob and Smoker, and Julia drowsily slept by the window.

After an eight-hour drive, several people arrived at the capital railway station of the Loen Kingdom at night, and took a spacious carriage led by the two spellcasters.

The curtains of the carriage are as black as ink and airtight,

There were two officials waiting in the carriage, holding a few long black ribbons in their hands—this thing was not meant to strangle Li Ang and the others, but to cover their eyes.

Li Ang and his party put on black ribbons, blindfolded their eyes, sat in the carriage, and walked silently in the capital.

The carriage went around the city a few times, but this kind of trick is not very useful to the caster, not to mention Li Ang’s sense of direction is very good, he had already read the map of Loen Capital countless times before he came.

Using the pulse to calculate the time, the guidance of the sense of direction, and the map in his mind, Li Ang directly judged the place where the carriage stopped. It was an apartment building near the consul’s mansion.

There were also people outside the apartment building. They brought the blindfolded Li Ang and others into the apartment building and took them to the third floor.

There are obviously many people walking around on the third floor, and there is a strange smell in the air – Li Ang, who has basically been soaked in the potion these days, can clearly smell it, this is a kind of mandala Tea’s potion,

The specific effect is to increase the cardiopulmonary function of the user, and it is specially used to treat and alleviate serious congenital heart diseases.

The materials of mandala tea potions are rare, difficult to refine, and expensive, only the nobles can use them,

The most important thing is that the blind medicine of mandala tea is the fresh blood of human hearts – which means that refining mandala tea magic medicine usually costs a life.

This potion has long been officially banned and can only be found in the archives of museums and the treasures of secret sects.

According to the strong smell of medicine in the air, it can be judged that this person must be taking magic medicine for a long time, and the dosage is much larger than the ordinary dosage.

With the arrival of Li Ang and others, the sound of walking around in the apartment building has become much lighter, but this group of people has no idea that Li Ang and the others have special investigative skills, and they can see them through the black ribbon. appearance.

These people are all wearing uniforms, and judging from the nameplates on their chests, they all hold important positions in the capital.

That is to say… The big man lying here should be the consul of the Loen Kingdom, the younger sister of Her Majesty the Snow Queen, the actual ruler of several major kingdoms, Her Royal Highness Princess Anna.

Several other companions also realized something, and couldn’t help being a little nervous. They had been monitored by the caster before, and they didn’t have the time to use the detection function of the magic mirror to scan the mansion.

But if you think about it with your toes, you can understand that the most elite and powerful spellcaster organization in this land is responsible for Princess Anna’s security work,

They have already been trapped in the enemy camp, if the mirror fragments carried by the player are found, or if something is wrong…

John Joyce and others were a little nervous. Everyone was taken to the cubicle by the caster, took off the blindfold, and searched.

All the mirror fragments collected by the players were handed over to Li Ang for safekeeping, but the security personnel who searched the body did not seem to be able to find the mirror from Li Ang.

After walking out of the cubicle, the other teammates looked at Li Ang with strange eyes, as if wondering if he had a strange storage device such as four-dimensional chrysanthemum.

In doubt, the players were led by security personnel into the ward on the fourth floor of the apartment building. In the ward, they saw Princess Anna.

The player is fierce

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