Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 362: Accidents

When the player checked into the hotel, he pretended to be a foreign tourist and opened several double rooms. Of course, they had to gather together during a meeting.

Everyone bought a recent newspaper and made a plan to go out at night to collect intelligence. During this process, Frederick the lumberjack volunteered and said that he could help contact the high-level personnel in Morley City.

After the Kingdom of Huoma was conquered by the Snow Queen, many nobles and high-ranking bureaucrats of the kingdoms have been exiled to the major kingdoms,

With the wealth they brought out, their abilities, and the original relationship network (the nobles have the habit of marrying), many of them have gotten along quite well, and have even become kings of major kingdoms. dignitaries.

People in this fairy tale world are still relatively traditional and simple. After the Snow Queen gradually disappeared from the world’s attention, these dignitaries scattered everywhere in the Kingdom of Horses also quietly searched for Frederick’s whereabouts. .

Not to kill him, but to make Frederick admit his mistake to the current official-the Snow Queen is more tolerant of her enemies, and did not directly kill the entire royal family when she conquered various countries,

Just killed some of those who resisted fiercely, and exiled some of those who resisted more fiercely,

The kind of aristocratic Snow Queen who surrendered completely could not be completely exiled, leaving a lot of them to continue to hold important positions (many nobles in the kingdom themselves hold important official positions).

The king is gone, replaced by the consul of the city-state.

Now that the Snow Queen doesn’t care about the world, as long as Frederick is willing to admit his mistakes, under the operation of the old ministers of the Hema Kingdom, he might be able to return to Heima and become a consul of the capital.

In the past, Frederick would rather die than give in, and was unwilling to see the old officials of the Kingdom of Horses who had already “fallen the enemy” and contact them.

However, the group of monks from the East brought him new hope.

He has seen with his own eyes Li Ang’s superb ability to confuse black and white. This kind of eloquence that can fool the dead and lame is almost the same as the brainwashing ability of the Snow Queen.

Maybe this monk can really subvert the current situation

Frederick, who made up his mind, showed the players the seal he had treasured on his body over the years – this secret seal belongs to the royal family of the King of the Horses, and the former officials of the horses will surely recognize it when they see it. .

And Frederick wants to contact the current Treasurer of Morley City, Gunther Leonard, the former Marquis of the Horse Kingdom,

Also Frederick’s cousin.

The two were extremely close, and according to Frederick, they were still inseparable and played together all day long when they were young, and they were almost thought to have some kind of relationship beyond friendship.

Anyway, it’s not a loss to try, Li Ang asked Frederick to write a secret letter to his cousin to see if he could arrange a time,

Others continue to interrogate old Dorothy.

This forest witch is worthy of being an old river and lake who has been fighting for many years in various major kingdoms and is still safe and sound,

She has a good understanding of almost all hidden organizations, and is familiar with their underground bases in major cities, as well as their contact information – whether it is to run or buy supplies, they must be done through these hidden organizations.

After extracting the contact information of several secret organizations in Morley City from old Dorothy, Li Ang took the gold and silver money (kindly gifted by Carpenter Hornberg), and took advantage of the night to change his appearance. to the stronghold of the hidden organization,

Spend money to buy the seeds, finished products, cultivation methods of various potions, as well as the corpses of two spellcasters.

The casters in this fairy tale world are a bit like gifted psychics. Medical autopsy results show that their body structure is no different from ordinary people.

However, some hidden organizations don’t think so. They will keep the bodies of dead spellcasters for various experiments to try to figure out the source of special abilities.

After so many years of exploration, these spellcasters don’t seem to understand the mystery of the source of their power, nor how they can systematically increase their power.

After Li Ang got things from the secret organization, he went to squat outside the cathedral for one night and observed the topography, garrison strength, and guard rotation time.

The rest of the party was not idle either, leaving one to look after old Dorothy,

Other players take advantage of the night to travel around the city, delivering secret letters and gathering intelligence. It would be great if they could get a private photo of the priest in charge of the church, or the secret diary of the city consul.

The next morning, all players returned to the hotel, and after taking turns resting for a while, they heard a knock on the door at noon.

“Dong dong dong.”

Carpenter Hornberg’s voice sounded outside the door, “Is Your Excellency the Monk there?”


Lee Ang opened the door and saw Carpenter Hornburg in a suit standing outside the door, nodded, “Come in and talk.”

The owner of the paper mill entered the room and saw several apprentices of the oriental monk and the forest witch tied to a chair.

Li Ang closed the door and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Carpenter Hornburg suppressed the idea of ​​asking what the other party wanted to do with the forest witch. He knew very well that in dealing with supernatural beings, the more he managed, the faster he would die, “I went to see Morey City this morning. The consul’s private secretary, he said that the city will hold an anniversary celebration of Her Majesty’s birth in the near future, and it is estimated that there is no way to arrange time for several to visit the church Okay.”

Li Ang nodded, but was not disappointed,

They also have Frederick’s connections behind them, and if they can’t get permission from the authorities, they have other options.

For example, creating a big explosion in a secluded place in Morley City, attracting the caster away, and then rushing directly into the church to take away the mirror fragments,

Anyway, of the three remaining fragments, two of them are very close to Morley City, and it is not difficult to **** three fragments in one day.

“Anything else?”

Leon asked when he saw that Carpenter Hornberg hadn’t left.


Carpenter Hornburg’s expression was a little embarrassed. “The consul’s private secretary, after hearing that several monks from the East with mysterious powers, made an invitation”


Li Ang was taken aback for a moment, “What invitation?”

“The son of Your Excellency the Consul of Mori City, I encountered some, er, more supernatural things in the past few months. The Secretary-General meant to ask if you have any way to exorcise the demons”

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