Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 355: Leprechaun

The story of Candy House Adventures is very simple. Hans and Gretel are the sons and daughters of a poor lumberjack family.

After the lumberjack married his second wife, the stepmother used “family poverty” as an excuse to convince her husband to abandon their children in the forest and let the two children starve to death.

Two children who were abandoned in the forest initially used the stones as markers to return home, but the second time, the crumbs as markers were eaten by birds, and they were trapped in the forest and strayed into the witch’s candy house,

After a battle of wits and courage, they eliminated the witch and returned home, just at this time the stepmother also died of illness, and the family reunited happily and sweetly.

In fact, the core of the original fairy tale is quite dark and cruel, and some plots are also very thoughtful, but in this magically changed fairy tale world, “Candy House Adventures” has been tampered with beyond recognition.

“Your son and daughter were kidnapped by them?”

Li Ang asked, “What’s going on?”

“When I was building a factory in Antimony Town, I moved my family here too. It’s a villa, on the high ground to the east of the town.”

Carpenter Hornburg gritted his teeth, clenched his fingers into fists, and said, “In order to prevent their intrusion, I have specially hired a group of security personnel to guard the residence.

Unexpectedly, yesterday evening, these people sneaked over from the woodland while my wife took the children to the lawn behind the villa for a picnic and kidnapped my two children.

I formed a team overnight, brought people to chase, and finally blocked them in this camp. “

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, “Just so many people? Didn’t call for official support? Searched all day to find it?”

“Called support.”

The owner of the paper mill said helplessly: “But this group of people seems to have some kind of weird special ability, they can hide in the forest, even if the crowd walks straight through the forest, they can’t find them.

Now other search and rescue teams are probably still in other parts of this vast and deep mountain. “

He did not complete the second half of the sentence. In fact, the leader of the children of the forest is an old witch who is registered, and is a natural spellcaster with reasonable strength.

And the witch seems to come from a long-standing secret organization, and some of its members are already high-ranking, holding important positions in various places – this is probably the reason why the son of the forest has been jumping for so many years and can’t die. .

But… the children of the forest standing here now are many teenagers who were lured away from the local town of Antimony (the local workers were **** just now because they were unwilling to kill their own sons and nephews),

Not all members,

More of the children of the forest, the witch, and the kidnapped children of Carpenter Hornburg, have yet to show up.

Li Ang nodded and turned to look at the child of the forest member, “So, where are this gentleman’s son and daughter now?”


The girl was silent for a while, how proud she was when she stood up to argue just now, how much she wants to pretend to be deaf now, “This, I don’t know this,

Well, maybe you can just stand here and wait,

Our children of the forest are definitely not the kind of mad villains. I believe that the two sides can communicate and negotiate, eliminate differences and reach consensus through civilized and harmonious methods…”

Before the girl’s stammering narration was finished, a deep, hoarse voice came from deep in the forest, “Dear Mr. Hornberg, please don’t be nervous, Hans and Gretel are safe. “

The owner of the paper mill instantly opened his eyes wide and stared at the forest.

This voice… is the leader of the Children of the Forest, that crazy old witch!

Old Dorothy!

In the dense forest, I saw an old and decayed old woman slowly walking out. She was wearing a heavy coat made of moss and a wreath of colorful flowers on her head.

A pale brown wooden staff is tucked under the right armpit, and many unnamed birds are standing on both shoulders-

One of the falcons seemed to suffer from severe sleep deprivation, and was almost marked with the words “This is an eagle about to be boiled to death” on its head.

Such a traditional and diverse style of dressing really has the temperament of a forest witch, but the most interesting thing is the two children who are holding her hands and walking slowly.

The two children were dressed in the same clothes as the children of the forest, and in appearance, they did look a bit like Carpenter Hornburg.

At the moment of seeing the child, Carpenter exclaimed in surprise, “Hans! Gretel! Great!”

In appearance, these two children do look a bit like Carpenter Hornburg,

It’s just that they wear the same clothes as the children of the forest, their faces are stern, their expressions are depressed and silent, they don’t look like children, but they look like bitter death sentence prisoners or philosophers.

Seeing that the children’s faces are covered with oil paint, and their mental state is obviously wrong,

Carpenter Hornburg roared at the witch angrily, “Let them go, you **** witch! What have you done to my children?!”

He subconsciously rushed forward, without Li Ang blocking him, the surrounding lumberjacks grabbed him firmly,

“I didn’t do anything.”

The old witch said calmly: “I didn’t cast a spell to change your children’s minds, and I didn’t give them ecstasy soup. They joined the children of the forest voluntarily.

To be precise, I didn’t kidnap them Yesterday afternoon, it was your wife who took care of the children and let them go into the bushes behind the villa by themselves,

If I hadn’t happened to pass there, they would have been eaten by dire caracals by now.

When I rescued these two children, they were already seriously injured, so I took them to the camp for treatment as a last resort,

As a result, before I can return the child or give an explanation, you have already formed a huge search and rescue team,

Shout out to our children of the forest.

If I say, it’s all a misunderstanding…”

Carpenter Hornburg didn’t understand what the other party was saying. He squatted down a little and stretched his hands forward: “For Her Majesty’s sake, my children, you are still alive, Great, come to Daddy soon!”

However, the two children didn’t seem to buy it. Instead of throwing off the forest witch’s palm and heading straight for their father, they scolded angrily: “Please don’t call us that, you cold-blooded butcher of the forest!

We were ashamed to use the surname of Hornborg, the bloodline paper-making company, and decided to use a new name in honor of our new born! This is to draw a clear line from the past eight long years of life. “

The little boy frowned and said seriously: “You can call me the fairy of the forest, Billy.”

The little girl took over the conversation, “You can call me the elf of the forest, VAN.”

Then, the two said in unison: “We will fight for the forest to the death!”

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