Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 34: Ghosts

Li Ang laughed and asked, “Why did you tease my companion last night?”

“…I saw that he was handsome, so I wanted to tease him,” said the black fox.

At this time, the other companions of the mission team also rushed over, and they were quite surprised to see the fox who could speak Hokkien.

“Since everyone is here to attend the banquet, we should get along in harmony,” Li Ang smiled and took out a glass marble, shook it in front of the fox, and said, “I will give you this jewel, Can you show us the skills of the fox spirit?”

Last night, he knew from Chai Cuiqiao that the reason why most monsters want to transform into human beings is because they are greedy for the wealth in the world and want to eat, drink and have fun in the world.

In other words, luxury goods such as gold and silver jewelry are also valuable to the monsters…

When the black fox saw the perfectly round glass marble with golden leaves hidden inside, his eyes lit up and nodded, “OK”

It jumped off the beam with ease, and there was a puff of white smoke around its body,

With a sound of “bang”, a beauty in a palace dress appeared on the spot, but her dark face was covered with flesh, and her beard was extremely thick.

Everyone’s heart was full of slander, Wanli Fengdao’s face turned blue, Xing Hechou scratched his forehead and said, “…Shouldn’t all the foxes be beautiful women?”

The male fox, who was being watched by the strong crowd, also looked embarrassed and defended: “I haven’t reached the realm of transformation, this is just a clumsy eye-catching method…”

After saying that, he changed back to the appearance of a fox, oohed twice, and immediately a large group of foxes rushed in from the door.

This group of foxes had different hair colors, large and small, male and female. The largest white fox coughed twice and said in an old voice: “I’m sorry everyone, this kid is naughty by nature, and he is not good at illusions. I just wanted to show off and make everyone laugh.”

“No, no, this….” Xing He looked at the black fox hesitantly, and continued: “This young master’s illusion is very strange, and it opened our eyes, and our eyes widened.”

A group of foxes were laughing and laughing. The black foxes who felt that they were being ridiculed by the group hurriedly took out glass marbles and played with them in front of the old fox. “Look, grandpa, they gave me a bead.”


The old fox grinned when he saw the golden leaves hidden in the marbles, his extremely anthropomorphic expression was quite horrifying, “Since it’s a gift from a distinguished guest, you should take it. By the way, are you all here for the banquet? Why haven’t I seen you before?”

Li Ang, who had been prepared for a long time, lied calmly without changing his face and heartbeat, “We are a few of us, the master Awato from the overseas Ayutthaya Islands, the teacher asked us to return to the Central Plains to experience, I heard that there are If there is an unlimited banquet, you will not be invited.”

“So that’s the case.” The old fox nodded and didn’t go further.

A group of little foxes chattered and quarreled, all of which were short gossip from parents. For example, a certain female fox recently went to seduce a down-to-earth scholar and was chased by a shrew to beat his mistress. A male fox carried his daughter-in-law behind his back. The brothel in the world was looking for fun and ended up being locked in the cellar without bringing any money.

In the strange novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the fox spirits are not all cute sisters who think about harvesting yang and nourishing yin all day long. On the contrary, fox spirits also have male and female, live together with their families, and coexist peacefully with people.

“Yuewei Caotang Notes” records a story that the second floor of a pawnshop building was occupied by a group of foxes, and the voices of the foxes could be heard every night. All is well.

Until one night, loud whipping and scolding came from upstairs, everyone rushed to listen, and suddenly heard a man’s voice reluctantly shouting from upstairs: “Everyone downstairs is a reasonable person, there is no wife in the world. Beating a domestic abusive husband?”

Coincidentally, in the crowd, there was a man with his wife’s scratches on his face. The crowd laughed loudly and replied, “There are some, it’s not surprising.”

The foxes upstairs also burst into laughter, and the sound of whipping and scolding stopped.

It may be that female foxes generally have higher mana than male foxes,

There are many stories of female foxes and male foxes in strange novels – Song Village farmer Zhou Jia couldn’t stand the beating of his wife, so at night when his wife was asleep, he fled to the ruined temple at the entrance of the village and hid alone , I want to wait for the dawn to let the neighbors think of ways to help.

His wife got up at night and found that her husband was not there. She followed the traces to the ruined temple, detailed Zhou Jia’s sins in front of the statue, and yelled and scolded Zhou Jia to lie down and be beaten.

A group of foxes lived in the temple. After hearing the sound of whipping and begging for mercy, they jumped out from behind the statue and shouted loudly, “How can there be such injustice in the world? It’s unreasonable, I can’t bear it!”

Many male foxes swarmed up and took away the whip from Zhou Jia’s wife’s hand, stripped her clothes off and whipped her until she bleeds.

Suddenly, a group of female foxes appeared, arguing: “You male foxes only know how to help stinky men. This man is carrying his wife behind his back and cheating on a woman from a certain family. Shouldn’t he be killed?” /

So the female fox took Zhou Jia’s wife away and put it in the corner, and then caught Zhou Jia and whipped him. The male fox and the female foxes quarreled and quarreled for a long time, and snatched the two big living people, which attracted the villagers. Only then did the defenders disperse, making Zhou Jia go to great pains to carry his wife back to the village—on the way back, Zhou Jia’s wife murmured swearing at Zhou Jia.

The same rice raises a hundred kinds of people. Just like people, demons and ghosts also have seven emotions and six desires, as well as greed, anger, hatred, hatred, love and separation, both wicked and ugly, and righteous and awe-inspiring. com~ There are also those who sacrifice their lives for righteousness, and understand what is right and wrong.

The foxes who came to the banquet in front of them are all dragging their families, there are males and females, old and young, and the gossip is full of trivial and trivial parents, just like the uncle and aunt’s family tour group that goes abroad for sightseeing in modern society.

After arranging the foxes to stay, there was another noise outside the temple, and many ghosts came.

There is a white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes, walking upright, wearing a robe, and holding a whisk;

A giant with a height of more than four meters and a one-eyed giant holding a giant wooden stick;

An old man with thief eyes, holding a stick, and being guarded by a group of brown rats;

There is a plague ghost with poisonous sores all over his body, a blue-purple tongue hanging down on his chest, and a white coat and black hat;

All kinds of monsters and ghosts gathered in the courtyard of the temple, forming a small circle, making loud noises, greeting each other, and looking like they had not seen each other for a long time.

Aside from the weird appearance, these ghosts live in harmony and greet each other, just like the rural entrepreneurs attending the reception…

How to see, how soil.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk…” Wanli Fengdao saw the ghosts in the courtyard, his heart was beating, his body was stiff, his palms were sweating, and he also secretly thought that these are all rich reward packages for walking upright. …..

Xing Hechou secretly breathed a sigh of relief, as Li Ang said, if the mission team did not discover the truth about Guhan Temple, they would directly conflict with Chai Cuiqiao and destroy it,

Then, the mission team, who knows nothing about the banquet, is likely to panic when these monsters arrive, and they will directly fight with the group of monsters. At that time, everyone will die.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Xing Hechou wiped the cold sweat from his hands, and silently assessed the fighting power of these demons with a blank face.

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