Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 335: Aisha

“A long time ago,”

The lumberjack paused, “In fact, almost nineteen years ago, the world was still as normal.

A low-intensity chaotic war continues between several great kingdoms,

The upper class is still intoxicated, with townspeople crowded into sweatshops that have begun to use steam engines, and rural dwellers overwhelmed by dark creatures and relying on witchers walking in the countryside for shelter.

Like thousands of years ago.

Well…I was a king at the time, King of the Horse Kingdom, Frederick III.

My father was Frederick II the Blood Eagle! My mother is Princess Orisa of the Kingdom of Aio! I have noble blood flowing in my body, and like my ancestors, I am qualified and able to rule an entire kingdom. “

The lumberjack’s face flashed with pride, then a look of frustration,

“But all of this was changed by the Princess Elsa of Arendelle Kingdom.”

The lumberjack scratched his chin with a long beard, “The Kingdom of Huma is in the northeast corner of the world, an island country covered in ice and snow, while the Kingdom of Arendelle is to the southwest of the Kingdom of Huma, also It is also an ice island country.

I had heard about that Princess Elsa, when I heard that when she was a child, she had some kind of ability to control ice and snow – which is not a good thing for the royal family of all kingdoms.

The royal family can hire wizards and warlocks with extraordinary abilities, but the members of the royal family themselves have extraordinary abilities, which is regarded as a shameful scandal – all kingdoms believe in the gods of the Aura pantheon, as pure-blooded human beings Be proud, though the gods of the Aura pantheon have not performed miracles for a long time. “

Li Ang and the other players moved in their hearts and glanced at each other out of the corner of their eyes.

The Princess Elsa of the Arendelle Kingdom, who the lumberjack said can control ice and snow, is probably the Snow Queen in this mission.

“At that time, I was just a prince, and the most important daily activity was to attend various social dances and make friends with the noble ladies of the right age from various kingdoms – this is basically the main daily activity of unmarried noble men.”

The lumberjack’s overly hairy face flashed a look of self-deprecation and nostalgia, “Hehe, I don’t know if it’s the favor of God, the princes of several big kingdoms and many small kingdoms all have a handsome face I was pretty handsome back then.”


Julia couldn’t help but glance up and down at the lumberjack. The only difference between this man and the gorilla is that he has brown hair.


I don’t know what the player has in mind to choreograph his lumberjack and continued: “The Kingdom of the Horse and the Kingdom of Arendelle have been friendly for generations. After I heard that the king and queen of the Kingdom of Arendelle passed away due to illness, I, as a representative, led the mission. to neighboring countries,

Expressing my grief at the passing of their king, but also wanting to propose a marriage to the princess Elsa, whom I have never met – which will be of great benefit to my future succession to the throne.

The result…”

The lumberjack shrugged, “We met Princess Elsa in the capital of the kingdom of Arendelle. She was indeed a beautiful child when she was a child, but she was very bad-tempered, mature and stubborn, and she was a bit rambunctious. .

She rejected my proposal, calling this behavior ‘Men’s attempt to use kidnapping marriage to exploit, oppress, and exploit independent new-age women out of fear of losing their dominant position in society ‘

Sounds like the girl in the little red riding hood just now, right?

I was expelled from the kingdom of Arendelle before I could figure out what it meant.

Soon, Princess Elsa became the new queen of Arendelle, and she began a drastic renovation right after her coronation ceremony.

For example, dismissing a large number of court workers – she claims that the servant system is the oppression of human rights by feudalism.

Adding more female offices to the kingdom’s capital city system – she claims it’s a correction of sexism in the workplace.

Amend the law to make the abandonment of babies, especially girls, a crime punishable by hanging.

As a queen, she certainly has the right to make innovations, but when she started to confiscate many noble properties in the Arendelle Kingdom on the grounds of ‘cleaning up the oppressive forces of the nobles’, some court officials finally couldn’t stand it anymore and were ready to take action.

A group of the most radical court ministers who tried to replace the queen’s position with Queen Elsa’s sister were directly frozen into ice sculptures by her,

And those ministers who were only admonishing were imprisoned and deprived of their family property.

Soon, a civil war broke out in the kingdom of Arendelle, and nobles who were unwilling to sit still formed an army to try to overthrow Queen Elsa’s rule. “

Speaking of this, the lumberjack’s expression turned gloomy, “On the vast field, the noble army composed of 2,000 cavalry and 30,000 soldiers was blown by Queen Elsa before they could roll out the formation. , all turned into ice sculptures.

No one dares to rebel against the rule of Queen Elsa, who has carried out numerous renovations throughout the kingdom of Arendelle in an attempt to transform the kingdom into what she claims to be a paradise on earth.

After half a year of silence, the Kingdom of Arendelle began to wage war with the outside world, and the Kingdom of the Horses was the first to bear the brunt. “

The lumberjack shook his head with a wry smile, “My father used to be a powerful and arrogant warrior. He cut off the heads of more than a dozen troll chieftains and hunted thousands of beasts.

But in front of Queen Elsa, who has the power of a god, he and the army he leads are vulnerable.

The Kingdom of Huoma is After being the king for three days, I was forced to surrender to the Queen with my courtiers—these three days were almost the time when the Queen’s army arrived at the capital of the Kingdom of Huoma .

According to Queen Aisha’s wishes, I would be frozen into an ice sculpture if I didn’t surrender immediately, but the queen’s sister, Princess Anna, who was amiable but had no ice and snow ability, persuaded her sister.

I was exiled from the Kingdom of Huoma by myself, and ended up in the Kingdom of Loen. As you can see, I became a lumberjack. “

The lumberjack, or Frederick III, shrugged, a see-through calm, or exhaustion, on his face.

“Over the next few years, Queen Elsa’s army—actually mostly herself, with the magic of ice and snow, swept through all resistance and swept all kingdoms.

Although the royal families of various countries are still preserved, they basically have no distinction between the subordinate nobles and have lost all power.

Queen Elsa completed her rule alone on this land and began her plan to transform the world. “

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