Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 332: Workers

Li Ang has always considered himself to be a gifted child with a wide range of ideas and actions. He has never been the only one who has made others amazed, and no one has made him feel completely speechless.

However, after witnessing the bizarre behavior of these fairy tale characters and hearing their bizarre remarks,

Li Ang’s heart couldn’t help but be filled with a strong urge to complain.

These fairy tale characters are so **** inexplicable.

Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma, Big Bad Wolf and Lumberjack were visibly startled when they suddenly saw someone jumping into the house from outside the window.


Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother reacted immediately after being surprised for a while,

The wrinkled face was red with anger, like a wrinkled and shriveled tomato,

The original benevolent eyes and benevolent eyes were also occupied by ferocious ferocity.

The old woman waved her skinny arms, raised her fists, and roared at Li Ang: “You actually broke into the lady’s private room at will!

Oh, sure enough, this is what a man in the Loen Kingdom looks like,

Always treat women as appendages and use male power recklessly to oppress them. Men in your country will always be like this!

The eyes are full of aggression that objectifies women.

Because I’m wearing a pink nightdress, do you assume I’m seducing you? Girls should have the right to wear whatever we want, not be pointed at!

It’s really empty hell, the devil is in the world, can the 80-year-old lady be okay? I couldn’t hold back my tears…”

Maybe because the large scythe in Li Ang’s hand is very deterrent,

The old woman didn’t rush up to Li Ang with her old fist, but stood there chattering, drooling and cursing.

“Shut up!”

Li Ang listened to the other party’s nagging and muttering, not only was his heart irritated, but his killing intent suddenly flared up. He turned the sickle in his hand and slammed it diagonally behind, smashing the fireplace by the wall of the house.

The gravel splashed and dust was thrown everywhere.

Li Ang clenched the scythe murderously, stared at the old woman, and said faintly, “You are the one who is arrogant, narrow-minded, rude and rude.

Why do you assume this person’s gender? “

His finger points to the lumberjack.

The lumberjack was wearing a shoddy grey cloth trousers with a wool waistcoat,

The brown hair is tousled and fluffy, and a pair of small blue eyes can be seen below through some of the dry and stiff strands.

Obviously, this lumberjack must have had a hard life. He is no more than middle-aged, but his face is full of wrinkles, and there are many razor scars hidden under his scruffy sideburns. ,

The palm of the hand is like the surface of dead wood, showing an unhealthy dull brown-gray color, with a thick layer of calluses on the pulp of each finger.

The appearance of the lumberjack is undoubtedly that of an ordinary middle-aged man with a very low quality of life in the Middle Ages,

But Li Ang pointed at him and scolded the old woman: “I originally thought that someone who could say something like ‘becoming a new-age woman with an independent mind and an independent personality’,

Have more wisdom and tolerance than others,

Unexpectedly, you are only judging people by their appearance.

Can you tell the gender of the worker just by his appearance?

Just because his face is angular, his skin is not delicate and pale enough, and he even has a little stubble, do you assume that he is a man? “

As soon as these words came out, not only Little Red Riding Hood and the old woman were stunned, but even the teammates who had turned the window and entered the house were stunned.

Although Li Ang now wears a red hood, bulletproof vest, and looks like a dangerous person,

But. Due to the constant presence of the game-killing effect,

His image in the eyes of fairy tale players such as Little Red Riding Hood is quite normal,

For sure, it’s just an ordinary Asian youth – there are indeed Asians in this fairy tale world, but in a slightly smaller number.

Actually, Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother really wanted to take advantage of this time to ask where the other party came from, but there is a giant talking wolf in this wooden house, and this kind of trivial logical problem can be ignored.

For Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother,

Prove yourself as a new-age woman with independent thinking, profound wisdom and multicultural tolerance,

It is far better than the trivial question of ‘questioning the identity of the other party’,

Much more important.

Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother will never tolerate anyone questioning her fraternity, democracy and freedom.

“Hug, sorry, I wrongly judged your gender based on your appearance”

The old woman stammered and said in awe,

By the way, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the lumberjack with the sideburns and beard, and hesitantly said, “Dear compatriot.

Our Loen Kingdom women in the new era should stand on the same front to fight against the oppression of society. “

Mr. Lumberjack blinks, blue eyes filled with confusion.

Fortunately, Li Ang spoke for him.

‘This fairy tale world is full of eccentricities. Everyone speaks with a stinky smell of white and left, and their words extremely emphasize their fraternity, freedom and tolerance of multiculturalism.

The only normal person seems to be this lumberjack who tried to rescue Little Red Riding Hood from the Big Bad Wolf.

Well…the strength of this big bad wolf is almost equal to that of ordinary players of the same level, so it should be easier to solve it,

However, this little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother can open the wolf’s mouth and pop out from the inside, and there is no trace of stomach acid corrosion on her body, so she can’t tell the depth of her strength at all.

The best way is to use Bai Zuo’s way of thinking and speaking to stabilize them with words and obtain information. ’

Li Ang thought silently, took a deep breath, and continued to speak for the confused lumberjack like a lawyer in court,


Li Ang waved at the old woman, pointed at the lumberjack and said, “Actually, this worker is not a woman.

His appearance is just a camouflage. Under this camouflage, there is a delicate soul that should not be divided and divided by gender. “

“Huh?” The big bad wolf glanced at the burly man lumberjack whose hair was even thicker than him, and couldn’t help but said, “He is neither a man nor a woman,

What the **** is that? “

“Absurd, narrow-minded!”

Li Ang’s eyes widened, “The traditional biological division of gender is only male and female, and the rest are classified as others. This division method is rooted in the two most basic **** differences in animals. reproduction.

For beasts, this gender division is enough,

But for humans who claim to be intelligent life, gender is not only a way of dividing categories, but should be one of everyone’s basic self-identities,

Gender, not only two or three, but should have their own choice,

For example, genderless, i.e. people who do not have a developmental gender, or who do not feel any strong gender affiliation.

Intersex People with mixed traits or both.

A cisgender male. He was born with a male biological sex, and felt himself male.

A cisgender woman. She was born with a female biological sex, and felt herself male.

Female becomes male. A person who was identified as female at birth, but who has completed or is in the process of making a transition to a male self-identity.

Transgender Men, Transgender Men, Transgender Men, Transgender Women, Transgender Women, Transgender Men, Transgender Women…

This worker uses his sweat and labor to exchange living materials from human society,

Due to the many injustices in society, He was in fact subjected to severe and multiple exploitation,

But he did not give up his dream, but as a guardian of nature, he used his own way to guard this piece of his favorite forest.

When you ask questions about his gender, you should respect his own ideas first! “

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