Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 330: Discrimination

As described in a fairy tale, this little girl has brilliant blonde hair and wears brown boots and a red velvet hooded dress with two shawls extending over her shoulders and a ribbon around her neck. .

It’s like stepping out of a stage play.

Several players are no longer five or six years old, and they are not at all excited to see the characters in the fairy tale book,

On the contrary, if you look at it with normal people’s thinking,

It is a very strange thing in itself for such a pink and jade-carved little Red Riding Hood, who seems to have no fighting ability, to appear in the dense dark virgin forest.

Maybe this Little Red Riding Hood is a strong man who is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, can easily hunt down monsters and monsters, and can even pull out an anti-tank rocket launcher from his dress if necessary?

So, a few players just squatted in the grass a little far away, hiding their breath and observing Little Red Riding Hood.


Little Red Riding Hood was completely unaware that a group of people were watching her in the dark, and she was still walking in the woods, jumping and bending down from time to time, picking a fresh and elegant flower or two, holding it in her hand and turning it around.

No exceptions are seen at all.

Only until a wolf flashed out of the woods.

This giant wolf with gray fur is standing on its feet in a humanoid posture, at least two meters high,

It’s upper body is an inverted triangle, its burly and strong chest is covered with all kinds of scars left by swords and arrows, its fangs and claws are extremely sharp, like a dagger, and its eyes flash with bloodlust. .

On the outside, this wolf is a ruthless killing machine.

The black old man Bob subconsciously raised his shotgun and aimed to shoot, but the young Latino smoker next to him directly held the muzzle of Bob’s shotgun and pressed the barrel down,

“Don’t worry.”

The smoker said in a barely detectable voice, “Look at it first.”

In the sight of the players, Little Red Riding Hood, who saw the sudden appearance of the big bad wolf, was obviously startled,

She took a half step back subconsciously, a look of horror flashed on her face, but she seemed to have thought of something, so she calmed herself down, took another step forward, took a deep breath, and looked at the tall werewolf.

The big bad wolf standing in human form grinned and asked Yoyo: “Hello, little guy, what’s in your basket?”

“Some perfectly healthy green snacks for my grandma.”

Little Red Riding Hood turned sideways, put her hand over the basket, and calmly said to the big bad wolf: “I brought food to my grandmother, not to imply that she is ill, unable to live independently and further improve herself,

This is not at all oppressive.

Actually, my grandmother was not ill or incapacitated, nor was she mentally disabled,

Of course, even if she has these, that doesn’t mean she’s ‘unhealthier’ than everyone else. “

Little Red Riding Hood’s words sounded very strange to the players,

She doesn’t speak in the same way as in the fairy tale. Not like an innocent and cute little girl, but like a member of the ngo public welfare organization.

But the big bad wolf didn’t find it weird, “Wow, you’re an angel. But you know, it’s not safe for a little girl to walk through this virgin forest alone.”

Little Red Riding Hood’s face instantly showed offended anger, but this expression was quickly covered up,

She took a deep breath and said calmly, “I found your remarks full of sexism,

Are you implying that as a little girl, I don’t have the ability to carry out the mere act of ‘traversing the primeval forest’? “

“Of course not!” The big bad wolf was startled and waved his hands quickly: “Why do you think so? I’m just offering some advice.”

“Humph! It’s better.”

Little Red Riding Hood said sternly: “Also, I don’t think there is any danger in the virgin forest,

Contemporary society’s fear of the jungle stems from a cultural pattern instilled in patriarchal society that sees the natural world as a resource to be exploited,

In this cultural model, predators in nature, such as creatures with the same appearance as you,

It is generally regarded by the public as a competitor for natural resources with human beings, and a hazard that may endanger the safety of surrounding human life.

But I think, with the consolidation of Her Majesty’s rule,

All creatures marginalized by contemporary society can get out of the predicament and live freely in a way of life accepted by the vast majority of creatures.

So, I’m not afraid of virgin forests, and I don’t think there are dangers in forests. “

Little Red Riding Hood’s words were really watertight and extremely high-level, and the big bad wolf couldn’t help but turn pale with shock, and even a few players not far away were stunned.

Is this still the innocent little Red Riding Hood from a fairy tale?

How does it feel like an environmentalist speaking at a Western media press conference?

Little Red Riding Hood said, ignoring the big bad wolf who was standing there in a daze, and walked straight forward.

The big bad wolf froze in place for a second or two, letting Little Red Riding Hood pass by it, and completely disappeared into the forest.

Then, under the incredible eyes of several players, the wolf jumped high, stepped on the trunk of the towering tree, jumped out of the canopy, the rabbit rose and fell like a sharp arrow, galloping in a certain direction And go.

Several players reacted instantly. According to the story of the fairy tale, the big bad wolf should have taken a shortcut to Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother’s house, ready to eat her grandmother’s clothes, put on the latter’s clothes, and wait for Little Red Riding Hood to come to the door.

“Follow me!”

John Joyce stood up abruptly from the grass, gritted his teeth, and uttered a word from his teeth.

The agility of this wolf is probably still higher than that of the player,

Although the situation is still unclear, it is impossible for them to put the initiative in the hands of the big bad wolf.

Needless to say, John Joyce, Julia and Leon galloped through the woods chasing the wolf,

As for Smoker and Bob, run in the direction of Little Red Riding Hood.

In the woods, several figures are chasing ghostly.

The running speed of Li Ang and others is definitely not slow, but the big bad wolf is too fast,

I saw the giant wolf using all four legs, swiftly moving between the tree canopies, riding the dust without even giving the players a chance to attack. In a moment, it rushed to the top of a brick hut, leaned down and tumbled to the ground. , pushed open the door and rushed in.

The three players arrived, but they heard a wolf howling from inside. Through the window, the players clearly saw the giant wolf opened its **** mouth and swallowed an old woman.

Then the giant wolf with its belly held high took out the old woman’s clothes from the wardrobe next to it, put it on, and got into the bed,

At this time, the little red riding hood also jumped over,

Li Ang and the others looked at each other in dismay, so they had no choice but to jump onto the roof, watching Little Red Riding Hood jump up and push the door in.

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