Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 33: Ghost talk

Everyone has begun to get used to Li Ang’s intermittent play tricks, and even though they are slandered, there is no expression on their faces.

After laying the mines, the mission team walked out of the cellar and watched Li Ang take out the motor, welding machine and a lot of scraps of steel, and assembled a vacuum cleaner, sucking dust from the ground, Then spray into the cellar to cover up the footprints.

Then, everyone went to other places in Guhan Temple and set up all kinds of hidden mines. Because the day of banqueting demons is getting closer, the temple will soon be filled with demons, so these mines need to be triggered by remote control to avoid Automatic explosion due to accidental touch

Then, according to Chai Cuiqiao’s information and the terrain and topography of Guhan Temple, the task team formulated a plan to attack and kill the mandrill, and the plan also included how to target the demons who had come to participate in previous years.

The time has turned, and five days have passed. During this period, nothing happened, and everything was as usual.

On the night of the sixth day, the mission teams that were fully prepared for battle returned to their guest rooms to rest.

In the middle of the night, Li Ang was lying on the bed chatting with Chai Cuiqiao, discussing the world in the eyes of the ghost.

Li Ang asked: “When people turn into ghosts after death, don’t they send black and white impermanence, bull-headed and horse-faced, to detain the ghosts?”

Chai Cuiqiao replied, “It’s true under normal circumstances, but just like the yamen in the Yangjian government, there are things that black and white impermanence can’t take into account. , nourished by grievances and bad luck, cultivated into a serious ghost, and endangered one side, either cultivated into a big ghost, a ghost king, or was saved in advance by the Taoist monks and monks who came and went.”

Chai Cuiqiao paused, as if afraid of being misunderstood by Li Ang, and explained, “Of course, there are some ordinary ghosts who don’t have that much resentment, just because the bones are buried in the blessed land where Yin Qi circulates, and they can’t escape. Ghosts will live in peace with the living people on the ground and live in peace. Under special circumstances, ghosts will also help the living.”

Li Ang nodded when he heard the words, “Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes” wrote a story about ghosts helping others:

There was a man surnamed Liao in Nanxiang, Guangdong County. He collected and buried the unowned skeletons around the village, and built a grave for them, which he called a tomb of righteousness.

Then, a plague broke out around Guangdong County. The surnamed Liao dreamed of a hundred people standing in front of his house, and one of them walked up to him and told him, “The plague is coming, I hope you can burn a dozen noodles. of paper battle flags, and a hundred wooden knives wrapped in tinfoil, so that we can fight the plague ghost and repay the kindness of the village.

The person surnamed Liao was already a good person. According to the dreamer’s request, he burned the paper battle flag and the tin foil wooden knife.

One night a few days later, people in the village heard the noise from outside the village, the sound of swords and soldiers adding up, like an army fighting, until the early morning, the sound gradually stopped,

During the plague that ravaged Guangdong County, not a single person in the village contracted the disease.

There are many similar “little fresh” ghost stories in which humans and ghosts live in harmony. Some supplements have been made to the background setting of the afterlife world, so that Li Ang knows that humans and ghosts are not absolute opposites.

While Li Ang was listening to the ghost talking with interest, he heard the voice of poetry reciting outside the monastery, and there were two people arguing and arguing, followed by insults, and after a while there were beating sound.

A ghost?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows, and a ghost outside the wall shouted angrily: “This guy’s criticism and refutation of my poems really made me angry, so I beat him hard, so, Mr. Come and listen to my article and give it a good review.”

Speaking of which, the ghost recited aloud the self-created poems, while chanting, while clapping and rhythm to himself,

There are hundreds of stanzas in the poem, and another ghost moaned and cried while he was chanting, laughing at the clumsiness of the article.

Li Ang was listening by the window. In all fairness, this piece of poetry is really ordinary. There is always a sense of an old-fashioned landowner who has no culture, squeezes out some gorgeous words and phrases, and is arty.

“What do you think this article is, sir?”

Li Ang smacked his mouth and said with a smile: “I’m not very healthy, I’m afraid I can’t stand your old fist.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the beaten ghost laughed wantonly, while the ghost who read the poem was choked to the point of being speechless, and left in a huff, still muttering something like “That’s not right!”

The two ghosts left and the temple returned to silence. Li Ang and Chai Cuiqiao looked at each other.

After tonight, it will be the seventh day, the last day of the time limit set by the system task. Those ghosts who came to the banquet will arrive tomorrow…

In the early morning of the next day, everyone boiled water for breakfast in the monastery. Seeing that Wanli Fengdao’s dark circles were quite serious, Xing Hechou asked, “Did you sleep well last night?”

“Don’t mention it.” Wan Li Fengdao reluctantly said: “Last night I had a dream and saw a graceful figure in a palace costume cleaning and tidying up in my room,

The figure in the back is very I subconsciously got up from the bed, intending to look at her face – thinking whether I can develop this dream into a spring dream.

As a result, she turned her head when she heard the footsteps, her body was bulging forward and backward, and her body was bright and smooth, but her face was a black, fat, and extremely rough bearded man, surpassing Zhang Fei and comparable to Li Kui. .

I was terrified and lay in bed all night. “

Chunmeng had a nightmare, Xing Hechou and Monk Huiqi smiled slightly, but Li Ang nodded thoughtfully, “It’s not necessarily a dream.”

“Ah?” Wan Li Fengdao was taken aback. He didn’t say that he was afraid of some ghost, but if the monster with male head and female body was real last night, he would have known what he wanted to do to him that day.

Picking up soap…?

He suddenly felt a chill, and just as he was about to ask clearly, he saw Li Ang running to his room.

Everything was as usual in Wanli Fengdao’s room, but there was a faint aroma in the air.

sniff, sniff,

After careful identification, it seems that there is a pungent smell mixed in the faint aroma?

Li Ang frowned slightly, the sole of his shoe stepped on the ground, his feet stomped on the wall twice, and his palm hooked onto the beam of the house.

He turned over the beam like a cat and found that the gentleman on the beam was not the only one.

A male fox with gray-black fur and extremely long beard is also lying on the beam.

“Hello?” Li Ang said first.

“…” The black fox was stunned for a moment, and after holding it for a long time, he said in a rough uncle’s voice: “How is it?”

Li Ang was taken aback and asked, “Are you a fox from Fujian?”

“Huh?” The black fox said in surprise, “How does Li Su swollen know that I’m Hu Jian’s fox?”

Hehe, because the normal roaring is not standard.

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