Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 323: Leek

In the next few days, Li Ang was mainly busy with a few things.

The first thing is to use the remaining mirage dragon back mane, plus bulletproof nylon, aramid fibers and other materials to weave a full set of close-fitting wool armor.

After so many years, his craftsmanship hasn’t deteriorated much. The sweater he knitted is still very nice, warm and strong, and won’t fall apart easily.

And these bristles are extremely smooth and less thorny when worn.

The whole set of Mirage Red Mana must be worn close to the body. A layer of ordinary body armor can be worn on the outside, and a night cloak can also be worn on the outermost layer, as the first layer of defense and to cover up the mane clothing.

Anyway, the killing game system does not have the setting of “only one piece of equipment of the same attribute can be worn at a time”,

In fact, as long as they wear it, qualified players can even wear seven or eight pieces of plate armor at a time, put rings on each of their fingers and toes, and hang seventeen or eight necklaces around their necks.

Become an equipment display rack that makes all players envy and hate.

The second thing is to explore Roanoke’s divine spark.

This item, derived from an anomalous embryo beneath the Williams mansion, is part of a former Roanoke Island native god, the Reindeer.

At that time, it was not the original reindeer who was ready to be resurrected in the mansion, but a warlock from the 19th century, Williams.

Just an abnormal embryo that has not yet completely completed the resurrection ritual, and was not manipulated by the gods, it caused great trouble to Li Ang and others, and almost wiped them out,

Enough to glimpse the power of anomalous embryos.

Combined with Williams’ statement that “the reindeer **** once sank into the swamp and used his last force to prevent the island from being destroyed by an earthquake”,

It is difficult to estimate how strong the reindeer **** in full form is.

Judging from the experiments in the past few days, the divine spark provided to Li Ang,

is a brand new attribute.

[Swamp power:]

This attribute, like Spiritual Power and Sanity, is a hidden attribute and is not directly displayed in the player panel. It will only be displayed if the player takes the initiative to look at it.

In addition to the divine power attribute of the swamp, the divine spark also provided Li Ang with a wide variety of divine arts with varying effects.

Communicate with plants: By touching a living plant, learn what the plant has seen and heard over the past period of time. The strength of the plant itself determines the clarity of the memory.

Growing Plants: Transfer your own vitality to plants to speed up plant growth. Activation of soil: to soften and harden the soil.

Purification of water sources: To make otherwise turbid water sources clear, and to turn poisonous stagnant water into pure water that can be quoted.

Create Plague: Contaminate the soil, plants, and animals in an area through contact, or attach the Plague Curse to weapons.

Cure Diseases: Guide plant vines to drill into the living body, and use a certain method to cure some diseases of the living body. There may be side effects during the healing process, such as plant vines taking root and sprouting in the living body… In short, it is not very practical.

Evolving life: By touching a plant with vitality, guiding its growth, and evolving a series of life structures that do not exist in nature, such as pears that taste apples, or tree people with legs.

You can also use vines to invade living objects and transform them into living monsters that are half-animal and half-plant.

All of the above are magic tricks that Li Ang discovered.

Each divine spell consumes swamp divine power, as well as a certain amount of spiritual power and sanity,

The greater the release strength and the longer the maintenance time, the greater the consumption, which is basically similar to some low-level skills.

Among these magical techniques, the most crucial one is naturally the last item [Evolutionary Life],

After testing, he found that he could create a rabbit-sized living being covered with moss and vines,

To a certain extent, manipulating creatures of this size to perform activities,

You can even perceive everything that living beings see and hear.

This magical technique is tailor-made for the modified Zerg created by the biological master.

The combination of the two can completely create a biological weapon that obeys Li Ang’s command.

Li Ang tested several creatures in the automated pet breeding box for the first time.

After being parasitized by the vine moss, the nematodes and earthworms produced a lot of slender plant vines on their bodies, and their bodies were also full of twisted and green dense plants.

This doesn’t kill neemworms or earthworms, but improves their physiology – these worms can now burrow into the ground and use their vine roots to absorb soil nutrients and grow like plants.

With the improvement of vitality, the resistance of these worms to the transformation of biological masters has also been greatly enhanced,

The worms won’t die easily, even if Li Ang uses the biological master to transform them beyond recognition.

This is really great news. Li Ang directly cut the modified nematodes and earthworms into pieces and planted them in the soil like leeks.

Watching these half-plant, half-animal life forms grow at a speed visible to the naked eye like bamboo shoots.

“This is more convenient than Karma leeks.”

Lee Ang exclaimed.

The improvement of the vitality of the nematode earthworm directly doubles the transformation efficiency of the biological master, and there is no need to wait for the worms that are cut into two to slowly heal and grow.

Enhanced resistance to sample modification and increased sample size,

means an increase in the number of options available.

All kinds of imaginative biological transformation schemes were concocted by Li Ang. In a few days, Li Ang used leek-like swamp worms to create all kinds of strange modified life.

For example, the two-meter-long, fat, almost immobile, Burner-type worm — this thing has an exaggerated sac inside, and the inside of the sac is covered with a layer of insulating material,

The inside of the capsule is filled with a large amount of flammable liquid doped with active alkaline metals.

And in the head of this worm is a long, narrow and muscular throat,

In the mouth, there is an arc lighter that can be controlled by vines.

This Burner model worm, as the name suggests, is basically a biological weapon designed to fire a flammable liquid fire column,

Li Ang can use the vines in the worm to inactivate the worm, and then put it in the backpack slot,

Take it out when necessary, and use the resurrection technique to revive the dead,

Then, using the magical control ability, the Burner Worm raised its head, contracted its body, and used its strong muscles to fire napalm in the distance.

This type of worm is basically a one-time use weapon, but it’s quite powerful, no worse than some flamethrowers, and it’s very useful for destroying some large targets with poor mobility.


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