Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 313: Turn

Li Ang and Miss Chai took advantage of the night to swim all the way and touched a coast in Yin City.

Miss Chai left Qing’ejia and got into the soul trap,

And Li Ang put the Qing’ejia into the package, and in the dark corner of the reef coast, changed his clothes, re-camouflaged his appearance, disguised himself as an ordinary resident, and walked on the coastal road.

At this time, the whole city was brightly lit, and the streets were crowded with vehicles and pedestrians,

Every few intersections, you can see official operators and armored vehicles maintaining order on the roadside.

Official operators are armed, wearing walkie-talkies and earphones. Some operators will stand on vehicles and use loudspeakers to command the crowd.

“Go right! Go right! Cross Qifu Road, then Xinshi Road, and cross the Sea-Crossing Bridge!”

“Don’t be crowded! Evacuate in an orderly manner, and the car in front will drive faster!”

“Citizens who don’t have a car come here to wait in line to get on the bus! It’s better to have an ID card or other ID! No ID is fine!”

“Citizens with problems and troubles, please come here for help!”

The armored vehicle parked quietly on the side of the road, painted with distinctive official signs,

Machine gun weapons loaded inside and outside the car are both unsettling and safe.

Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and many shops on both sides of the road are still hanging banners,

And now, these banners have been removed,

Instead, there are official signs and banners with various messages—maps of residents’ evacuation routes, and signs telling residents to travel light and not pack bulky belongings.

In addition, the large color screens covering the surface of many high-rise buildings also projected some pictures of directing the residents’ travel routes-it is estimated that these buildings were used by the Special Affairs Bureau for requisition.

The current measures taken by the government are basically in accordance with the “Extraordinary Disaster Emergency Management Instructions” jointly formulated by the Special Affairs Bureau and other departments.

All the organizational command systems, work processes, operating mechanisms, and work principles have been discussed countless times at the meeting, so they didn’t seem panicked when dealing with them.

And due to the shock of armed helicopters and armored vehicles, few people try to fish in troubled waters and loot property,

To dare to create a riot in the face of the bright searchlight and the dark muzzle, that is, go to the toilet and hit the lantern – courting death.

Li Ang mixed in with the residents who were still evacuating to the outskirts of Yin City, listening to the crowd chaotically discussing the mirage he had just seen and the black spots appearing on the moon now.

If you have good eyesight, the black spot can be faintly seen with the naked eye,

You can see better with a telescope,

If you use a more professional astronomical telescope, you can even clearly see that the lower left of the lunar surface seems to have the outline of a huge ancient building complex…

‘Those two seem to plan to settle on the surface of the moon? ’

Li Ang thought silently in his heart, with a flustered expression on his face like everyone else, ‘It’s so arrogant… The video of the mirage flying up, and the black spot on the moon,

It can be said that after tonight, the conjecture of ‘global mutation’ will become an established fact, and there will be no way to cover it up. ’

The announcement of the facts of global change is bound to have a profound and significant impact on the social structure of human civilization.

But Li Ang didn’t have the slightest honor to be the curtain lifter, and he didn’t think about the future direction of the world. He took out his mobile phone, looked at the series of missed calls on the screen, and sighed.

Li Ang dialed the phone, lowered his head, and said in his own voice, “Hello?”

“Hey,” Wang Congshan on the other end of the phone breathed a sigh of relief, “Where are you? Are you okay? Why didn’t you answer the phone just now?”

“At the Emgrand Hotel in the east of the city.”

Li Ang smiled bitterly: “I encountered a little trouble just now, but it has been resolved. Where are you?”

“My mother and I went to the shelter on the outskirts of the city,”

The background voice on Wang Congshan’s phone was a bit noisy, “It seems that my cousin called and sent us to the shelter first. What do you do? Do you want to come over? The tents distributed to our family can still be used again. Live alone…”

“No, no.”

Li Ang praised Wei Linglan from the bottom of his heart and refused: “You guys stay there now, I’m rushing out of the city… This time, there shouldn’t be any major disaster.”

The operators responsible for directing the evacuation of the citizens did not panic. There was no sound of weapons in the city, and there was no fire and smoke from Qianhua Road.

Enough to prove that the situation on Qian Hua Road is not too critical.

Li Ang continued to keep on the phone with Wang Congshan, and used his mobile phone to send a safety message to the current head teachers Tang Hanyi and Shi Qingsong – the school sent an inquiry text message to every student and student’s parents, and each head teacher also followed the list. One by one, they called the families of the students.

After sending the text message, Li Ang and Wang Congshan chatted for nearly half an hour before hanging up on the grounds that the phone was about to run out of battery.

Afterwards, Li Ang, as an ordinary citizen, lined up to get on a vehicle to the suburbs outside Yin City. Under the arrangement of the official staff, he lived in the tent group of the suburban shelter center.

Li Ang, like the others, registered residents’ information, received emergency supplies, and spent the night in a tent.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night,

It can be guessed that in this difficult Mid-Autumn Festival night, all countries are affected by the rising dragon and the black spot on the moon,

The aircraft carrier fleet left the port, and the intercontinental missiles were ready to The intelligence agencies did their best to collect information, and the scientific research department gave an experimental analysis report. Various meetings in the conference room were held in a daze. Dark, secret line in a private office, hardly a moment to stop dialing.

The fate of human beings is on the brink of destruction. The danger is not from the prison, but from other countries – a strangely shaped building in Arlington County, Virginia, America, which almost immediately regarded the mirage as the east. Some kind of secret supernatural weapon made by man,

And the black spot on the moon is some kind of space-based weapon that can destroy the North American continental plate at one time.

Fortunately, after communication, the rogues of Blue Star stopped the activation of the automatic nuclear counterattack system and exchanged relevant information,

And quickly focused the issue on how to announce to the world that “the world has changed.”

The final result of the discussion is to truthfully and publicly announce part of the content of the killing game to the people of the world through the United Nations organization, declaring that the world has entered a state of emergency.

With this supposedly calm Mid-Autumn Festival night as a turning point, the fate of human beings on earth has quietly turned.

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