Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 309: Dragon

To be precise, it was not a real voice, but a voice that sounded directly in Li Ang’s mind.

The voice was dreamlike, ethereal and ups and downs, the melody was slow and weird, like a distant rolling thunder, and like a vague dream babble.

Li Ang’s mind was instantly filled with the sound, and other distracting thoughts disappeared as quickly as they were thrown into the toilet.

“Tread, step, step”

In the darkness ahead, the sound of footsteps approaching slowly,

The fiery heat wave turned into substance, and the pavement came, the temperature suddenly rose, and the surrounding air was wantonly distorted,

The fine sand ground under Li Ang’s feet dried up and cracked in an instant, and even appeared crystallization features,

His own skin also shrank and cracked due to the sudden rise in temperature.

The imprint of the **** on the back of the left hand slowly exudes a slight coolness, nourishing the skin burned by the heat wave. Emperor Liujiao, who was still in the continuous period, was also constantly repairing Li Ang’s injuries.


A cold sense of fear originating from the instinct of life enveloped Li Ang’s whole body. Every part of his body was under the pressure of a sense of threat, screaming and screaming wildly, urging himself to escape from here.

But both feet, like trees rooted, could not move at all. Together with the entire body, it was firmly nailed in place.

Li Ang can see, outside the fog gate, in the ocean trench shrouded in moonlight,

The standing players seemed to notice something and looked at Li Ang’s direction subconsciously.

Through the fog gate, their gaze stopped abruptly,

Like being struck by an invisible lightning, she fell to the ground before she could even struggle—even Miss Chai, who was staying in the Blue Era, was the same.

Li Ang, who was stiff and unable to move, tried his best to close his eyes.

However, the figure in the dark has an extremely strong “sense of existence”,

Across the eyelids, he can project his own image into Li Ang’s retina in the form of “sense of sight”.

Li Ang “saw” the other person’s image.

It was a short girl,

She has a bright red fiery complexion, which contrasts sharply with the cyan flowing gauze thin wings on her body,

The long black hair reaches to the waist, and the ends of the hair ends and the arms and ankles are burning with flaming flames.

There are no whites in her eyes, and the dark eyes like night are dotted with countless bright lights, as deep as the vast starry sky.

And the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, like an innocent smile, and a mocking sneer.


The other party took a step forward again, and the fine sand ground in the entire space, under the attack of the heat wave that swept the earth, turned into a flat crystal like a mirror,

Only the part under Li Ang’s feet remained in the shape of fine sand.

“You’re good.”

The other party didn’t speak, but the voice entered Li Ang’s mind, “For thousands of years, you are the first human to open this door.”

Under the pressure of such a huge force that it almost crushed the bones, Li Ang barely opened his mouth and spit out a word from the gap between his teeth, “… 魃?”

“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”: There was a man in Tsing Yi, and his name was the Yellow Emperor’s Girl. Chiyou attacked the Yellow Emperor, and the Yellow Emperor ordered Yinglong to attack the wilderness of Jizhou. In response to the water of dragons and animals, Chiyou invited Feng Boyu to take care of the wind and rain. The Yellow Emperor came down to the heaven and called the goddess, and the rain stopped, so he killed Chiyou. I can’t go up again, and I don’t live where it rains.

It’s for the sake of it, scorpion!

The other party, or the scorpion, was silent for a moment, then raised his head slightly, his eyes stared at the boundless quiet and dark sky, and said softly in a nostalgic tone: “Oh, I haven’t heard this name for a long time.. .”

She lowered her head, looked at Li Ang, and said lightly, “Just call me a widow.”

The heavy burden on Li Ang disappeared in an instant. He looked at the mythical life who seemed to be in a very happy mood. He didn’t act out of his control or escape, but stood silently in place, sorting out his thoughts.

This is the first time he has faced the existence of such a legend with a clear consciousness.

Even the false reindeer **** trapped in the underground space of the Williams mansion is far less than one thousandth of the imposing manner.

On Li Ang, I am afraid that only the perfect quality [damaged biological master], after being completely repaired and upgraded, can be compared with the “mystery” in terms of “mystery”…

She didn’t pay attention to Li Ang’s silence. She seemed to be in a very happy mood. She walked slowly with her bare feet (the ground she stepped on would turn into crystals due to the high temperature before it touched the soles of her feet. So there will be crisp footsteps),

He took the Bafang Mingyue Palace Lantern directly from Li Ang’s hand, and looked back and forth with a nostalgic look in his hand.

Li Ang was silent. Facing this mythical life in front of me, whose mere existence is enough to cause a natural disaster, keeping silent may be the best choice.

However, I didn’t seem to ignore Li Ang’s plan. She held the palace lantern in one hand and waved it in the air with the other, and asked Li Ang casually, “Are you from the Abnormality Society?”

When she was talking, the black cloud connecting the crown of the moon **** broke in mid-air, and the thick dark cloud above the ocean trench in the distance was like being wiped by an eraser, torn apart and divided into pieces. Two, gradually dissipate.

Li Ang let out a sigh of turbidity, his brain was running frantically, guessing the other party’s purpose, and at the same time replied cautiously: “No, but the few lying outside are related to the Abnormality Society.”

She nodded indifferently, broke the skeleton of the palace lantern, and took out a yellow candle with a bright flame, “After you go out, inform them of the Abnormality Society and let them get ready.

Shuiyun and I are leaving soon. With their current strength, they are not enough to suppress the prisoner’s den and prevent the den from immersing in the world.

The magic tide is inevitable,

The sooner you prepare, the less damage you will lose later. “

The amount of information in these words of Han Xiao is too huge. Li Ang was silent for a moment, and then slowly asked: “…What does it mean to be immersed in the world of prisoners?”

“Don’t you know?”

She said indifferently: “ too, how sloppy is the current Abnormality Society? Even the handover ceremony of the prisoner’s den must be completed by outsiders.”

She shook her head, looked at Li Ang and explained casually: “Thousands of years ago, Shuiyun, Mirage, and I reached an agreement with the Abnormality Society.

They promised to protect the dragonborn bloodline for the dragons, and provided me with the right to live at the bottom of the prison, so that I could hide in the prison to avoid the catastrophe,

In this way, I and Shuiyun will guard the thousands of demons in the prisoner’s den.

For thousands of years, Shuiyun has been sleeping half-dreamingly, and I am here to accompany her, by the way, I use the fog to spy on the vicissitudes of life on the ground.

Now the appointed time has come,

Someone opened the gate with a palace lantern, and it was time for me and Shuiyun to go.

As for the den…that’s something you should consider for yourself. “

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