Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 297: Nightmare

The Bafang Mingyue Palace Lantern in Li Ang’s hands emits a peaceful and firm light. Once the mist gushing from the cracks in the ground touches the light, it will quickly dissipate.

All the dense fog is tightly attached to the surface of the underground crack,

The spatial structure under the fog also seems to have undergone some unobservable but real changes.

As soon as they stepped out, everyone did not touch the imaginary rock formations and gravel, but stepped on a dense fog like a soft carpet.

[The structure of the space has been changed, players who enter the abnormal space will not be punished by deduction of sanity]

【The mission objective of surviving until the “sixth barrier contraction is completed” remains unchanged]

Li Ang’s heart moved, and as the system issued a prompt, [Bafang Mingyue Palace Lantern] also updated a note.

【Remarks: This lantern is the key for the Abnormality Society to enter the bottom of the Qiugong Cave】

A group of players walked down the obliquely downward fog passage. Under the light of the palace lanterns, the thick fog that was so thick that it could hardly be melted quickly dissipated, opening up a new straight downward path.

The electronic positioning device and drone equipment used by Chuyin have all failed,

The positioning rope that ash wrapped around the beams and columns of the subway station was also broken in two due to the fog closing the rear passage.

In the beginning, Ashes also held a multi-function mechanical watch to record the time, orientation, and travel distance of everyone entering the underground tunnel.

However, this fog channel is not static. Sometimes, before the light of the Bafang Mingyue Palace Lanterns goes away, the rear channel will be cut off on its own, and the players will directly fly away under the stare of the players.

The crowd continues downward,

And the fog passage under everyone’s feet began to look like a subway train car that was quietly accelerating,

Under the premise that the scene ahead remains unchanged, I will lead the players to move forward, backward, left, right, up, and down in various directions.

Of course, the most obvious is the sense of oppression brought about by the downward acceleration.

This feeling is weird to the extreme.

Only by relying on the sea level positioning function on the Ashes multi-function mechanical watch, everyone can know that in just one and a half minutes, they have descended to a thousand meters underground, and they are still descending.

The mist passage under the feet of the players, like a train car with self-awareness, flew into the interior of the giant tower along a crack somewhere in the tower,

During the journey, the grayish-white fog around the passage became thinner and lighter,

People can clearly see the outside scene through the nearly transparent passage wall.

Outside is a dark and dark space, and every corner of the space is flickering with countless tiny spots of light,

Numerous spots of light together form the outline of a giant pagoda building that stands tall in the sky. The oppressive feeling brought about by the sheer size even caused the players present to subconsciously hold their breath.

As the fog tunnel approaches the front, players can clearly see the structure of the buildings there.

It was the ruins of a tower-like building, in the shape of a twisted cone, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The diameter at the narrowest part was more than a kilometer, and the widest part was hidden by fog, making it indistinguishable.

The main material of the building is some kind of cyan stone, with a small amount of brown giant wood, and various metals,

The style of the giant tower is simple and authentic, revealing a sense of savagery and even evil similar to the ancient times,

empty, depressed, silent, deep,

Even if you just glance at it, you can easily judge that this building does not originate from any civilization in human history.

The middle of the giant tower is not hollow, but a bridge with a strange structure,

Most of the bridges have been broken, in the form of countless boulders, suspended in mid-air,

A small number of intact bridges are dotted with more light spots.

Beside the bridge, there are also various stone buildings suspended,

Some of these buildings are similar to Gothic castles, some are Baroque churches, some are oriental temples, some are like goose egg-shaped museums, and some are even modern skyscrapers,

I can’t imagine the specific role of these buildings and the meaning of their existence.

As the distance from the giant tower keeps getting closer, everyone can finally see what the light spots look like – those light spots are not lights, lights or stars that dot the building,

It’s a deformed monster similar to a deep-sea anglerfish.

They have the shape of a monkey and baboon, with blue-faced fangs, sharp-nosed monkey gills, no hair on their body, only a layer of ugly blood-red skin full of blood vessels,

The tail wraps around the waist like a whip,

The entire body is extremely thin, with flesh-like protrusions above the head, shaped like small lanterns, and it is those lanterns that emit light similar to incandescent lamps.

These apes, crawling tightly on stone walls, bridges, and buildings,

Regardless of their size, their ankles are tied with a slender chain of mist that connects to the tower itself.

Most of the monkeys were sleeping, squinting, digging into the stone walls with their sharp nails and hanging from the surface of the building.

Because a small number of apes were not hung properly, their fingernails fell off the surface of the building, and the whole body fell freely,

Fortunately, there are boulders suspended everywhere in the tower,

Even if it falls, it will slam on a boulder below with a “bang”, open red eyes, stand up, shake his head, and continue to climb the surface of the building and fall asleep.

There are too many ape monsters here. The buildings and giant towers are densely packed on the surface. It is almost impossible to see the number at a glance.

Millions? Or ten million?

Everyone silently turned off the flashlights,

In the dark foggy space, the light from the palace lanterns became the only solace.

Suddenly, as if they noticed something, millions of ape monsters all over the giant tower opened their red eyes and looked at the players in the foggy carriage.

There was a dead silence, and there was no sound in the air. Players looked up and could only see thousands of white lights mixed with red eyes.

As if some signal was triggered, millions of ape monsters roared and jumped out in unison, and fell toward the fog channel where everyone was like a rainstorm.


The Bafang Mingyue Palace Lantern quietly burst into a more magnificent and bright light. As soon as all apes and monkeys came into contact with the light of the palace lantern, their whole bodies would fester, inexplicably spontaneously ignite, and burst into bright fireworks in the air.

Apes died in piles and piles, but more apes kept falling, impacting the light barrier created by the Bafang Mingyue Palace Lantern.

Everyone was ready for battle, but the fog tunnel carriage under their feet suddenly accelerated, falling straight down and rushing towards the bottom.

The speed of falling down was too fast, and everyone was pinned to the top of the fog car by the acceleration,

The scene of the outside world flies by like a horse, and the players can only vaguely see the changing architectural style of the giant tower.

In each floor of the towers with different styles, there are all kinds of strange monsters that are difficult to describe in words.

These monsters even rely on various plants growing inside the giant tower, and hunt and devour each other to form a complete ecological environment.

The further down you go, the more terrifying the shape of the demon, and the bigger the size of the monster. Everyone even saw a ten-story-high scorpion, a giant human-headed snake that stretched for hundreds of meters, and a titan with hundreds of eyes, arms and faces. , a giant one-eyed ball covered with tentacles.

Each monster is like the evil creature that the creator unintentionally created in the nightmare of deformed Unlike the upper-level monsters, these monsters, which are extremely powerful at first sight, generally fall into a deep sleep,

The fog chains that bind them are also stronger and more secure,

And with the efficiency visible to the naked eye, the dark magic energy is continuously extracted from the body of the monster.

However, the descending speed of the mist tunnel is so fast, the powerful monsters seem to be able to sense something, opening their eyes one by one, moving their huge bodies slowly and sluggishly, rushing towards the mist tunnel to chase after each other, and even for this He did not hesitate to fight and smashed countless cracks into the walls of the giant tower itself.

Seeing that everyone was about to be swallowed up by the giant snake with a woman’s head, the mist tunnel slammed through a certain layer of invisible and intangible barriers and reached the bottom of the giant tower.

The player is fierce

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