Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 294: Control

Chu Yin asked hesitantly: “Then the current fog has changed”

“It’s also because of the Mirage.”

Sacrificial wine said slowly: “As a real dragon, Mirage is born with a divinity that transcends the mundane world.

The misty illusion created by him is absurd and illusory, but real and reasonable. It can even deceive the entire world and create an independent space that is completely isolated from the world.

Thoroughly trap the demon, and use the never-ending illusion to obliterate the demon’s self-consciousness, making it an ignorant and unconscious dead thing, and finally wiped out by the formation in the prisoner’s den into scum, and turned into the fuel and energy of the prisoner’s den. nutrient.

In the real world right now, the dense fog gushing from the ground is just the edge of the most insignificant fog in the outer layer of the prison. “


Ashes was startled, “You mean, the Prisoner’s Den is being combined with the real world of Yin City?”


Jijiu glanced at Ashes with some irony, and said softly: “When the Abnormality Society set up the prisoner’s den, this place was a barren swamp and beach, completely uninhabited.

After the prisoner’s den was set up, the demonic aura that kept escaping outwards completely destroyed the ecological illusion of this swamp area.

It’s just because the misty illusion created by the mirage makes the prisoner’s den independent of the world and eliminates the negative effects of the devil’s qi,

It allowed the ancients to settle around this area,

There was Songjiang Prefecture and the modern Yin City.

It’s not so much the combination of the prison and the real world,

Rather, the den is returning to where it should have been. “


Ashes asked with a livid face, “Where are the physical coordinates of the prisoner’s den in the real world?”

“Oh, didn’t you already know it?”

Jijiu shook his head, “It’s just below Qianhua Road. Although I don’t know how many demons are still living in the prisoners’ den today, compared with the records on the bamboo slips a thousand years ago, it is conservatively estimated that there should be at least one Tens of thousands.”


Ashes let out a turbid breath and resisted the urge to run outside the ball technique and pass this information on to the Mobile Task Force. He needed to get more information from Jijiu,

And now that the barrier has been shrunk, I am afraid that he will become a lunatic because his Sanity is exhausted before he runs out of a kilometer.

Chu Yin, who was standing beside him, glanced at Ashes indistinctly,

From this angle, Chu Yin could see the metal ball in Ash’s hand that was specially used for lie detection.

In fact, when Jijiu began to disclose information before, Chu Yin quietly took out a palm-sized ultra-small drone from the backpack, and turned on the drone’s video recording function to record Words of sacrifice.

As a native of Yin City and an operator of the Mobile Task Force, she also understands the importance of this information, and directly uses the hands behind her to control the ultra-small drone and fly silently along the ground. out,

I want to send the drone to a thousand-meter ball outside the sphere, and pass the information to my colleagues in the Secret Service.

In the silence, Li Ang said: “How long will it take for the prisoner’s den to come completely? Why did the mutation happen and come to Yin City?”

Jijiu shook his head, “I don’t know the exact arrival time. But it’s probably tonight.

As for the reason for the mutation, according to the information I got from the Epiphyllum Organization, I guess it is probably the ancient alchemist organization, and the agreement with Mirage has expired. “

“Guess?” Li Ang narrowed his eyes.

“That’s right.” Jijiu was a little helpless, “Although I am a member of the Epiphany Organization, I haven’t joined my teammates yet, and the information they have disclosed to me is very limited.

If it wasn’t for the mysterious death of Zhuang Pengpai, the previous director of Epiphany, during the script mission, I would not have been entrusted with the responsibility.

And I suspect that the information obtained by the Epiphyllum Organization itself is incomplete, or concealed. “

“Where did you get this information?”

Ashes couldn’t help asking.

As a member of the Mobile Task Force, he really couldn’t understand why a senior member of the Epiphany Organization could know so clearly something that was not even known to the Abnormal Society.

Jijiu glanced at him indifferently, “In the past, the Abnormality Society naturally had the largest and most comprehensive database of abnormal events in the world, but now that the inheritance of the Abnormality Society has been cut off, it is no different from tearing it down. /

What’s more, the Epiphyllum Organization is not as simple as you think,

Its birth is inextricably linked with another alchemist organization.

That organization is called Kuiyang Sect. “

No one answered, and Jijiu said to himself: “It’s a secret organization composed of a group of alchemists who are about the same age as the Abnormality Society, or even older.

The number of members of this organization is sparse and secretive, sometimes maintaining order, sometimes destroying the balance, and it is impossible to say whether it is good or bad.

They are behind almost all the large-scale mutations in ancient times.

There are some opinions that,

It was Kuiyang who sent to deliberately guide the new generation of alchemists and helped them establish the earliest organization of the Abnormality Society.

In some ancient bamboo slips of the Abnormality Society that have been passed down to the Epiphyllum Organization, there are indeed records of the Abnormality Society and the Kuiyang faction working together to capture powerful demons. “

Jijiu coughed and said slowly: “Contrary to the imagination of the outside world, the Epiphyllum Organization is not so strict and orderly, except for a very small number of senior personnel, no one knows the specific strategy and development direction of the Epiphyllum Organization in the future. .

Epiphany’s middle and lower classes basically hold the idea of ​​making as much money as possible, while the middle and upper classes who are lured and seduced basically believe the Epiphany’s trick of continuing to maintain their vested interests in the changes brought about by the killing game. interests of the people. ’”


Liu Wulan still had no expression on his face. In fact, she also knew that her father, Liu Kejian, had contracted the Epiphyllum disease. I am afraid that he also attended some high society gatherings, and was actively or passively involved in the Epiphyllum organization.

I have to say that the slogan of the Epiphany Organization of “maintaining the existing class and ensuring the unshakable wealth and status of the upper class”, when paired with the Epiphyllum 3 potion that can give people low-level supernatural powers, is indeed delusional,

It can lure many upper-level people who have little knowledge of the killing game, or who feel that their lives and property are at risk.

It is not difficult to understand that Liu Kejian was recruited.

“Before, although I was a member of Epiphyllum, I had no idea about Epiphyllum’s slogan.

During my work for Epiphyllum, I used some players’ special skills to obtain the real secrets of Epiphyllum Organization Kuyang Sect, an alchemist organization in ancient times. Epiphany organization.

Epiphyllum is a subordinate branch of the Kuiyang Sect, a secret child set up by one or some members of the Kuiyang Sect.

The fundamental purpose of its establishment is to realize the Kuiyang Sect’s plan for the prisoner’s den. “

Jijiu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “They have already made adequate preparations countless years ago,

Bury all kinds of extraordinary items in advance, in order to promote the killing game to spontaneously form the task of lifting the seal of the prisoner’s cave at a critical time.

And left a prophetic poem for the Epiphyllum Organization.

Yeguang is so virtuous, death will give birth again, Jue Liweihe, Gu Dou is in the belly, why not die, the elders are guarded, the dragon bridle rides the thunder, leaving the cave east.

This sentence is the prophecy poem about this mission that the Kuiyang Sect left to the Epiphyllum Organization and finally handed over to me.

roughly means:

What qualities does the moon have to be able to come back from the dead?

What is the black spot in the middle of the month, is it a rabbit hiding in the belly?

Where is the kingdom of immortality, and what does the immortal species depend on?

The dragon carriage left the cave with the sound of thunder and headed east.

According to the understanding of the upper echelons of Epiphyllum, the change in the fog state means that the mirage is about to leave the prison and fly away on its own.

Their purpose is to let me use this Bafang bright moon palace lantern to enter the fog, and finally control the mirage that is about to leave. “

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