Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 269: Crow

Soon, the first barrier contraction was completed, and the second barrier began to shrink.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building, his body is covered with ashes of burning and festering wounds. He is sitting on the ground and tapping on his mobile phone.

His forehead was covered in sweat, allowing his teammate Chu Yin to spray the terrifying burn marks with MTF-specific medical spray,

A sterile bandage in the shape of scotch tape was then wrapped around Ashes again and again.

These burns left by the resentful demons are very troublesome. Even if Ashes uses [Pyrotechnic Ash] to elementalize his whole body, he will not be able to heal completely. He can only use medical spray to cover it first to prevent the scars from getting worse.

Even the special affairs bureau can’t come up with so many life potion items to distribute to all elite operators,

Ashes and First Shade add up, and there is only one bottle of micro-life potion on him, which can only be used when it is absolutely necessary.

“There is trouble over there in the bureau.”

Ash ignored the faint pain coming from the wound, and said to Chu Yin with a solemn expression: “When we received this mission, the bureau had already sent a contingent with a consultant from the Abnormality Society. We arrived in the foggy area of ​​Qianhua Road.”

“…” Chu Yin Jiao’s good-looking face was solemn,

After escaping from the Wraiths, Ashes immediately used the privileges of an elite operator to gain access to the MTF’s internal network and obtain more detailed information about Mist.

“Five minutes ago, the entire team survived and walked out of the fog,”

Ash paused, and said faintly: “It’s just that they have suffered moderate to severe mental pollution and are undergoing amnestic and cognitive correction therapy from the medical department.”

When Chu Yin heard the words, the action of wrapping the bandages on Ashes was taken aback.

Mild mental pollution, Sanity value will drop to below 30%. At this stage, mental activities such as cognition, emotion, will, and behavior of patients will have different degrees of obstacles, such as sudden changes in temperament, emotional disturbances, strange behavior, sensitivity and suspicion, and so on.

With moderate mental pollution, Sanity will drop below 20%. At this stage, patients have begun to experience severe disturbances in sensation, perception, thinking, memory, emotion, and behavior, and it is extremely difficult to communicate with the outside world.

Severe mental pollution, Sanity value will drop below 15%. At this stage, ordinary people are completely unable to understand the way of thinking and behavior of patients, and some patients even have physiological mutations….

“The only fortunate thing is that the consultant of the Abnormality Society sent in, Comrade Zhu Xuemin, was able to stay awake for a short time by relying on the jade props he wore.”

Ash said with a sullen face: “After escaping from the fog, he shouted a word in the middle of Qianhua Road, and then immediately fainted and fell to the ground.”

“What did he say?!” Chu Yin asked subconsciously.

Ash looked solemn, looked at the direction of Qianhua Road, and said quietly: “Evacuate, everyone.”


Soon, the second barrier contraction was completed, and all players received a system prompt for the third barrier contraction.

This time, another special item is refreshed on the watch map.

[Special items have appeared, all players please confirm in the watch]

[Item name: Emperor Liujing*2]

[Type: Consumables]

[Special effects: Increase the user’s attribute value, physical energy value, spiritual power value, and sanity value, shorten the cooling time of the user’s skill equipment, reduce the user’s skill consumption, and enhance the user’s self-healing ability. The effect lasts for 10 minutes]

[Remarks: The Emperor’s Slurry will disappear after the end of this regular mission]

The word Emperor Liujiao refers to a magnet that does not attract iron, and the second refers to the essence of moonflower. According to the records of the anthology of strange and strange, its shape is like countless olives, thousands of golden threads, hanging down in series, the grass and trees in the world can become demons by its essence, and the foxes can show their magical powers.

Get rid of those crazy fantasies. In the eyes of players, this is a fairly comprehensive consumable. Not only can improve basic attributes, but also reduce the cooldown of various skills,

Although the system did not specify the specific extent of the enhancement, considering the strategically important moon phase locator that was brushed out before, this Emperor Slurry couldn’t find it anywhere.

Because the second barrier contraction has ended, all players’ activities have shrunk by a large circle, and they are also closer to the location of the Emperor’s Slurry,

However, the Wraith and the Caterpillar are being hunted by a task force at this time, Ashes of the First Shadow is slightly injured, and John Joyce is still lying under the bridge hole pretending to be a homeless… There are only two teams. , there is a plan to go to **** the emperor’s pulp.

It is the wine that holds the title, and Li Angliu has no slack.

The Epiphyllum organization has a lot of plans, and as the sacrifice wine of the senior members of Epiphyllum, it is natural to shoulder its own mission. What’s more, he also has his own plans.

Tap Tap.

The sacrificial wine carried Martin, a player belonging to the enemy team, who was compressed into a ball, triggered the ball technique, and ran along the rooftop of the high-rise building in the gray-white world to the refresh point of the emperor’s slurry.

Zhijue followed closely behind him, and every few steps, the various organs in the body would fall and fly away due to the vibration, and then flew back at a faster speed, reconnecting with the torso.

The two of them had already crossed several blocks in between.

“Apart from us, there is no ball technique in other areas of Yin City,

In other words, the grudge that killed the player Si Wenbin did not capture another of Si Wenbin’s teammates and activated the gray ball technique. “

Jue Hehe smiled strangely, “The people who came to participate in the mission this time are all elites. I don’t believe that other teams can’t think of a way to use the ball technique to avoid the pursuit of the special affairs bureau.

Either they can’t find each other, or they’re weak and in poor shape, or they’re being chased by the Mobile Task Force and can’t take care of themselves. In this case, there will be no one to fight with us for this emperor. “


The sacrificial wine running in front couldn’t help but look back at Zhijue silently.

Although they are both senior cadres in Yinshi Epiphyllum, they have not known each other for a long time.

According to other people’s words, it was normal to hold the title before, but since he mastered the passive skill of splitting the body (cannot be turned off, open all day long), the whole person has become more and more weird.

To drink tea, you must first eat the tea leaves and then drink the boiled water, claiming that the tea will be more fragrant in this way,

You have to take a sip before drinking Coke, then take off your head and shake it for a while, claiming that this will make the gas more even,

When you go to the toilet, you must put your torso and buttocks on the put your hands, feet, and head on the sink, applauding and shouting, claiming that the spray is perfect,

When staying in a hotel, you must split yourself into countless pieces and lie on the double bed, claiming that you sleep better this way,

He often lost his organs while walking, and he didn’t even know that his hands, feet and ears were lost. The Epiphyllum Organization had to send someone to follow him, pick up parts behind him, and eliminate the impact.

The most annoying envoy, this lord seems to have the invisible attribute of a crow’s mouth. Every time he opens his mouth, he will attract bad luck. He joined Epiphany early, and the upper echelons almost doubted whether he had defected.

Noticing Jijiu’s icy eyes, Zhijue smiled awkwardly, but couldn’t help but say, “Don’t be so nervous, even if players from other teams come over, they can still face us just now…”

Before he finished speaking, a wooden arrow feather shot silently and slantedly into Jujue’s chest, completely piercing his torso, and was nailed to the rooftop of a high-rise building by the arrow feather.

And the scene around the sacrificial wine also quickly faded, quickly turning into a gray world.

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