Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 265: River map

? ? ?

The sudden appearance of Li Ang directly attracted everyone’s attention.

The two younger operatives of the Special Affairs Bureau looked at each other, their faces confused. Xun Zian glanced at Li Ang, who was wearing the cloak of justice, and then looked at Liu Wulan, who was expressionless, and said with a little hesitation: “This is…”

Before Liu Wulan could speak, Li Ang rubbed his hair with one hand and smiled sternly, “When the sea is flowing, Fang shows his true character as a hero, the green hills stand tall, and he will not fall into the will of rising clouds.

Raising the sky with white jade pillars and supporting the sea with purple golden beams, they can turn the tide and help the building to collapse.

The official height of the 3-meter Leo sportsman, codenamed ‘Akainu’, is a natural-type ‘Rock Berry’ ability, currently serving as a miso in the Navy Headquarters, Sakaski! “

I believe you are a ghost!

The young male Secret Service operative’s eyes widened and his heart went wild. He is also a loyal fan of “One Piece”. If it weren’t for the uncertainty of the situation now, I’m afraid he would have started to complain loudly-is there anything similar from head to toe except for the online shopping cape? !

As a player affiliated to the Mobile Task Force, Xun Zian has also roughly watched “One Piece”, and naturally won’t buy it,

I immediately raised my eyebrows, and a pair of pink plastic handcuffs with a rather rough workmanship appeared silently in my palm, “Is it also a player…”


Li Ang stretched out a hand and blocked it in front of him, and said solemnly: “This leader Xun, you must have noticed it too,

The riots here are not made by us,

Instead of another non-human player who has committed a serious crime and is on the run.

My mission with Xiaoliu is to hunt him down in the city.

If it is delayed further, it will sooner or later do something that will seriously harm the lives and property of the general public. If you can let us continue to complete the task, we will take the initiative to report to the special affairs bureau after the incident…”

“I know.”

Xun Zian, holding pink handcuffs, walked slowly with a blank face, his aura continued to rise, “That ‘non-human player’, my other colleagues have already gone to hunt him down, and it won’t take long for him to be captured. Arrested and brought to justice.

Since the two of you have regular tasks, you can follow me to the base and accept the normal investigation process.

If there is no problem, we can completely help the two of them to complete their regular tasks and ensure that they will not suffer any loss…”

On this point, Xun Zian did not lie to the two of them.

The Anomaly Society made a new breakthrough in the deciphering project of ancient legacy books two months ago, and unearthed a formation called “River Map”.

Hetu Great Array is extremely complicated and complex, and the Abnormality Society has only deciphered less than one thousandth of the content, but this one thousandth of the content is enough for the Abnormality Society to develop various mysterious effects.

For example, the scan detects all extraordinary energy fluctuations.

The Abnormality Society cooperated with the scientific research team of the Academy of Sciences to prove the controllability of Hetu through numerous experiments, analysis, and demonstrations.

And take Yin City as a pilot to test the effect of Hetu.

The experimental results were quite successful. In less than 20 days since the launch, the sensing range of the Hetu device has expanded to the entire Yin City.

If the fluctuation of extraordinary energy is relatively slight, it is good to say, if the fluctuation of energy is relatively severe, the Hetu device can directly scan and locate the energy source accurately, and continue to track it for a long time.

If before this, players (especially most non-human players) did not dare to use their extraordinary abilities to break the law and commit crimes because they were afraid of being arrested by the Special Affairs Bureau’s Mobile Task Force,

Then the appearance of Hetu greatly deterred all the players who were hiding in the dark.

Tap Tap.

Xun Zian’s footsteps stomped heavily on the ground, and the indestructible concrete pavement actually showed ripples like patterns.

Every time he took a step closer, Liu Wulan’s heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and it was about to split.

Absolutely, can’t be taken away like that.

Liu Wulan suddenly widened his eyes, a simple wooden bow appeared in his hand, and his fingers were already clasped on the bowstring.

According to the system’s annotations, no matter how she explained, I’m afraid she won’t get the help of all the special affairs bureau personnel, including Xun Zian.

Not to mention that this mission may be related to the safety of her father and all the epiphyllum patients. The time limit for the next barrier contraction is really close. Once exposed outside the barrier, the player’s sanity will continue to be depleted.

If her sanity is depleted….it’s no different from being insane – the Special Affairs Bureau will not dispatch elite operators and explosion-proof vehicles to **** her to continue chasing the barrier’s shrinking range in this special situation. .

That’s all I can do…

Liu Wulan tapped his toes on the ground, and his figure retreated sharply. He pulled a short bow and stretched the bowstring like a full moon.

However, Li Ang moved faster than her. Almost at the moment Xun Zian approached, he took out two scar-Hs and swept them towards Xun Zian’s feet like splashing water.

As one of the six leaders of the Mobile Task Force, Xun Zian was naturally unable to be harmed by an attack of this level. He roared forward, manifesting a golden color that occupied a small half of the street. Lion Elephant,

The bullet hit the surface of the lion elephant, stagnating like a ballistic gel, and tinkling to the ground.

The two Special Affairs Bureau operatives standing behind Xun Zian also rushed towards the left and right, armed with two standard electric shock rods.

Tsk, trouble.

Li Ang aimed at Xun Zian and directly activated the [Drowning Assassination Technique], causing the latter’s airway to be filled with warm water, unable to continue to maintain the roar of the lion elephant and beast king,

Miss Chai, who had not expressed her expression, also controlled the green moth armor to rush forward. Under the incredible eyes of the special affairs bureau operatives, she slammed an electrode long stick attack, and hit her hard with a backhand punch. I stumbled under the traffic light opposite the intersection and couldn’t stand up again.

Since the teammates have already shot, Liu Wulan has no reason to hesitate,

A wooden arrow is fired at the last young man.

The single wooden pole with no feathers exploded into countless fragments in mid-air, forming a circle of sawdust around the operator,

As soon as the latter attempts to pass through the circle barrier, the sawdust will rise without wind, cutting him all over.

Neither side had any intention to kill, but Xun Zian could just sit back and ignore the attack on his subordinates, endure the suffocation of vomiting the water, and stomped the soles of his feet heavily on the ground, spanning a distance of more than ten meters, He waved out the pink handcuffs and put them on Li Ang’s hands.

In the process of releasing the [Dragon Assassination], if the user actively attacks or is attacked, the special effect of the assassination will be interrupted.

Lee Ang hurriedly rolled back Avoiding the pink handcuffs,

Xun Zian was about to go again, but Miss Chai, who was behind him, took off a street lamp and hit the back of his head with the wind.


Xun Zian was hit hard with a sap on the back of the head, but no blood was seen,

On the contrary, it is a solid street lamp made of metal, which has been smashed and bent, vaguely showing the outline of a human head – just like the effect in the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”.

With this short delay, Liu Wulan also buffered the cooldown of Kiya’s prison skills,

Shoot an arrow at Xun Zian, temporarily blocking his footsteps,

At the same time, he jumped into the driver’s seat of the black car and shouted at Li Ang: “Get in the car!”

Li Ang grasped the roof of the car and jumped into the back of the car by using the window that was pulled down when he pretended to be Li Dakang.

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