Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 257: Car


Miss Chai, hiding in Li Ang’s body, asked, “Why are you riding a bicycle here?”

At this moment, Li Ang is wearing the cloak of justice, a character in cospaly One Piece, riding a bicycle in the park.

In this park, there are many students who come to play skateboarding, roller skating, and bicycles, and there are a circle of parents standing outside.

Li Ang, wearing a white cape and obviously much older, is very conspicuous among the students,

What’s even more flamboyant is that he also rides a shared bicycle, doing front flips for three weeks, back flips for three weeks, side flips for three weeks, and throws the bike to start somersaults for three weeks and ends with hip-hop, etc. Cool action, stunned a group of students and parents for a while.

“I’m bored.”

Li Ang replied in his heart to Miss Chai: “Anyway, there is still some time before the mission starts. And according to my estimation, another teammate of mine is also rushing to the outskirts of the city.”

“Well…” Miss Chai asked, “Then you’re not worried about him running to the other side of the city?”

“This is impossible.”

Li Ang did a difficult hip-hop somersault without changing his face, and said silently in his heart, “This kind of team death battle that maliciously induces players to kill each other, it is better to trust your teammates than to trust yourself.

You must know that for ordinary players, hiding whereabouts is the primary purpose of this mission, and teammates are only a guarantee that they will meet the enemy. “

“Then you are so flamboyant?”

Miss Chai looked at the edge of the field, and the crowd who kept applauding Li Ang and recording short videos said with a headache, “Aren’t you afraid of attracting players from other teams?”

“My vest is not the only one.”

Li Ang said, “As long as I keep changing the vests, the enemy will not be able to catch up with me.”

Under the admiration of the little kids around him, he silently got up from the ground, patted the dust on Justice’s cloak, and pushed his bicycle to the woods on the edge of the park in a cool and calm manner.

Seeing that his figure was about to disappear, Li Ang bent down abruptly, and half-covered his mouth toward the landscape bushes and retched for a while. The vomit was extremely loud,

It even overwhelmed the audio equipment that some people in the park had brought and were playing Tuhai songs, as if they were about to vomit out their liver and intestines.

After a while, Li Ang straightened up and gave a thumbs up to the crowd who looked over, “I’m sorry, I danced too hard just now.”

After all, he ignored the crowd’s reaction, wiped the tree trunk with his hand, and rode his bike away.

Ms. Chai clearly saw that Li Ang was spraying something into the bushes just now with the small bottle of disinfectant care solution for glasses,

And put a thumb micro-camera made from parts and put it into the bark by wiping hands.

“Uh, is that the queen bee pheromone?” Miss Chai asked. On the way here, Li Ang told her about all the equipment, skills, props and trump cards that the two of them currently have, so that they can cooperate at that time.


Li Ang nodded and said casually: “At that time, I will wear this cloak of justice and go out to find fault, and other players will find it here through monitoring equipment or short videos shot by these parents according to my appearance,

And approaching the bushes where I pretended to vomit, would be exposed to these queen pheromone components.

At that time I will be able to find their location through the Scout Soldiers. “

Miss Chai asked, “What if they don’t come or the arrangement is destroyed by ordinary people?”

“It doesn’t matter, it just wastes a little queen pheromone and takes up a scout bee.”

Li Ang said leisurely: “The number of scout bees is large enough to allow trial and error.”

In fact, it is more efficient to use hacking software to hack into the surveillance cameras in the surrounding area.

But in the modern information environment, the use of hacking software will leave too many traces, it is easy to be misled, be tracked and locked, and even be followed by people to find the real identity,

It’s better to use bio-pheromone with tiny cameras that are too simple to track.

Li Ang rode his bicycle out of the park. Seeing that the time limit for the start of the mission was getting closer and closer, he did not panic at all. He walked slowly in the dark, and put the very conspicuous cloak and shared bicycle into the backpack.

I walked into the subway entrance slowly, and found a place to stand against the wall.

Chai Chai said in surprise: “Are you going to take the subway?”

“Yeah.” Li Ang replied: “To be precise, it’s waiting for the rabbit.

In this mission, it is not only necessary to consider how to hide whereabouts,

It is also necessary to consider the possibility that players of some teams, with the advantage of the early stage, plan to attack other teams from the beginning.

For example, they have equipment items that are powerful enough to easily crush players of the same level, or they met each other at the beginning and quickly formed a two-person team, trying to use the advantage of numbers to open up the situation in the early stage.

The setting of automatically triggering the ball technique at a distance of 1,000 meters allows teams that meet each other in the early stage to ‘plough’ across the outskirts of Yin City like a compass at the beginning of the game. “

Lee Ang paused, looked up at the clock hanging inside the subway station, and said quietly: “After the mission begins, see if the enemy finds us first, or if we will meet with another teammate first.

If he’s not stupid, he should be near the outskirts of the city by now…”

The teammate Li Ang said was driving an inconspicuous black sedan slowly along the road.

As one of the established successors of the Liu family, Liu Wulan drives this car, which uses many novel technologies obtained by the Special Affairs Bureau from the scripted world. It is not only as strong as an armored car, but can also be used when necessary. The jet device, against the wall, accelerates briefly.

As one of the chaebols, after receiving the news of the killing game, the Liu family also moved some thoughts – the emergence of extraordinary factors is an all-round shuffling of social order,

As a vested interest in the Liu family, it is impossible for the Liu family to allow the shuffling process to take place in front of their eyes without personally participating in it.

Unfortunately, the Special Affairs Bureau’s attitude was quite tough. Before the Liu family took any practical measures, they were visited by the staff of the Special Affairs Bureau who received the news.

In addition, the physical condition of the head of the Liu family (Liu Wulan’s grandfather) is not optimistic. Liu Wulan’s father, Liu Kejian, is suffering from a strange disease.

The Liu family simply put aside their thoughts and surrendered to the Special Affairs Bureau in all aspects.

The fire rat fur that Li Ang had previously traded to Liu Wulan only eased the pain of her father Liu Kejian.

In order to cure the disease and find out what’s behind it, the Special Affairs Bureau will treat Liu Kejian’s patients with the same disease in two or three different underground hospitals, and report the research progress of this disease to the headquarters every day.

As a partner of the special affairs bureau, the Liu family also has a certain level of confidentiality – the special affairs bureau will pass on some patient health reports to them, and sometimes allow Liu Wulan to accompany her mother to the isolation ward of the underground stronghold , and Liu Kejian met across a few panes of glass.

Everything is getting better,

Until an hour ago, Liu Kejian, together with all the patients admitted to the underground base, were engulfed by a cloud of mist from the void without any warning under the gaze of the surveillance camera, and completely disappeared.

At the same moment, Liu Wulan received a mission briefing from the In any case, it is impossible to say that there is no causal relationship between these two things.

If not, as the future heir of the Liu family, she can use the family’s money and power to open the way to get enough powerful equipment and props for herself, and she doesn’t need to accept such a routine task that can be refused.

While thinking about it, the digital clock on the front panel of the car finally jumped to exactly nine o’clock, and Liu Wulan only felt his right hand sink, a plain aqua blue metal round watch, I don’t know when to set it on her wrist.

Mission, start.

Liu Wulan took a deep breath and glanced at the 2D virtual map of Yin City on his watch.

The red dot, which symbolizes her teammates, is located in a subway station north of her.

Teammates, hold on.


Liu Wulan slammed the brakes and spun, turned the front of the car, stepped on the accelerator, and galloped toward the north.

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