Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 241: Swamp

At the corner of the corridor, Dong Fengpo with a livid face said softly, “This is the house.”

The wooden door in front of everyone is as tall as two people. It is simple and heavy, and has great weight.

The ring door handles on the left and right sides are made of brass, and are carved with intricate ornate patterns, which can be vaguely seen to be in the shape of a deer.

On the walls on both sides of the gate, there are iron hollow brackets, on which are placed two extinguished torches covered with dust and spider webs.

It’s kind of like the gate that appears during the transition of the Conan animation.

“The embryo is the last abnormal organ left.”

The forest cat stared at the wooden door and said faintly, “According to the clues obtained before, the ultimate goal of the reindeer **** in this script mission is to resurrect himself.

But why would it place these organs in separate areas? Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to put them all together? “

Li Ang, who was studying the doorknob, turned around and said, “This may be because of the power of the mansion itself.

The wood in this mansion is transformed from Senmin’s body, and it has a negative energy that can be nourished. “


The forest cat frowned and said, “That makes sense.

But along the way, we haven’t encountered any more dangers than abnormal organs.

This is weird. If the reindeer is already integrated with the mansion, why doesn’t it attack us?

And we’ve removed seven abnormal organs, can it still perform rituals normally? “

The mason said quietly: “Now the heart, kidneys, intestines, trunk, head, limbs, and lungs are all in our hands, and the reindeer has only one embryo to manipulate.

It is possible that he can be resurrected by using only the embryo. “

“Then let’s hurry up.”

Wan Wu Nian frowned and said, “If you drag it on, what if he’s resurrected?”

According to his temperament, he should have stepped forward at this time and pushed open the wooden door.

But the near-death experience in the elevator shaft just now was so impressive that he didn’t dare to act rashly, so he could only stand there and encourage his teammates.

‘So far, I haven’t found any other clues to the phantoms of women I’ve encountered before. ’

Li Ang thought silently: ‘According to the handwriting left by Mrs. Leslie, the descendants of their family will return to the mansion under the inspiration of the reindeer.

That woman, most likely a descendant of the Leslie family…’

He shook his head, without explaining to the other teammates, he just waved his hand and said, “It’s pointless to think about it any more, it has to be positive.

Let’s go. “

Li Ang stretched out his stone arm and pressed it against the wooden door, and with a harsh creaking sound, a cold current roared out from the door.

The space inside the door is much larger than everyone thought, similar to a standard football field,

The floor near the door is paved with neat blocks of dark blue ashlar, cold and sturdy.

The walls are covered with pieces of red ceramic masonry in the shape of fish scales, which are spliced ​​together and uniform, looking like the scales on the body surface of some kind of giant beast.

The only light source in the room comes from countless light blue cold lights embedded in the ceiling,

These lights flicker, flicker and flicker, decorating the vast space like a splendid galaxy.

After careful identification, everyone discovered that the so-called lights were actually a pile of columnar worms that grew from the ceiling and fell vertically.

Those spots of light are actually the glowing torsos of the worm hanging down.

The closer you get to the middle of the hall, the more messy the bluestone floor becomes. There are various kinds of flowers, plants and vines that cannot be distinguished at all. They grow tenaciously from the ground, overturn the thick bluestone bricks, and grow and spread arbitrarily.

The liquid that slipped from the glowing worms formed a low and shallow moor in the flowers. Mosquitoes and flies fluttered lightly above the moor, and were preyed on by predators such as spiders lurking in the grass.

This scene is like a swamp of vigorous grass.

“What the hell,”

The forest cat only felt a cold current from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, “What…”

Dozens of wrist-thick iron chains extend from all over the wall, traverse the house, and pierce a huge translucent sphere, causing it to float in the air above the swamp.

The sphere was more than seven meters in diameter, the surface was covered with a pale film, and the interior of the sphere was filled with turbid water.

With the faint light, everyone could clearly see that in the sphere, there was a vague outline of a human figure huddled up and down, floating up and down with the flow of the water.

Light, pure and holy light, escaped from the sphere, gentle and calm like a hug.

Everyone felt dizzy, and their expressions froze.

Li Ang smelled the fresh herbal aroma in his nostrils, heard the rustling sound from his scalp, his skin was itchy, and the pores all over his body were wriggling, as if something was about to grow out of the pores.

Miss Chai, who was staying in his body, hurriedly shouted at him (inaudible to the outside world),

Li Ang came back to his senses and saw the green moss slowly growing on the surface of Evil Wunian’s body,

Dongfeng’s broken hands and feet quickly grew various mushrooms,

Even the mason had a large pink flower in his heart.

“Don’t look at him!”

The forest cat’s expression changed suddenly, and he pulled off a string of obsidian bracelets on his wrist that had begun to mold and rot.

From the backpack column, I took out the necklace made by myself, which was made of eight stones connected with hemp rope, and put it on the necks of myself and Li Ang and other teammates.

These rare quality stone necklaces have the effect of protecting the soul. Once activated, they can only last for fifteen minutes. If they encounter strong mental pollution, the time limit will be further Put them in the real world , For these functional equipment, the Forest Cat should put at least a thousand game coins to sell on the forum, and it is absolutely impossible to give it away for free.

It’s just that the shadow of the humanoid bred in the sphere is too terrifying, forcing her to take out props that could have been sold for money and use it for several teammates.

In case a few teammates just hang up like this…. She can only bury herself with the props.

With the stone necklace wrapped around the neck, Evil Wunian and the others instantly became clear-headed, and hurriedly pulled off all kinds of plants growing on their bodies, feeling a strong fear afterward.

They almost became plant-covered vegetative people.

Evil Wunian’s face turned blue, and his heart palpitated: “What the **** is this?”

“A debilitating evil with a ray of divinity that is trying to revive.”

The forest cat said blankly: “Whoever looks directly at the gods will be punished by the gods. These necklaces can only last for fifteen minutes, let’s hurry up.”

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