Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 234: Bottom

The cargo well made of flesh and blood is shaking slightly with a subtle frequency, the surface of the wall is constantly oozing dark red blood, and the extremely stench and disgusting yellow-brown thick juice,

Even if you hold your breath, the rotten smell of hopelessness still fills the nostrils and flows into the lungs.

I can’t die here!

Evil Wunian’s eyes widened, and his physique far beyond ordinary people made him like an ape. He quickly climbed along the hemp rope and climbed towards the wooden door at the top of the cargo well.

However, that wooden door is always out of reach, and no matter how hard Evil Wunian tries, it can’t shorten the distance between the two.

The cargo well is shrinking little by little, and those squirming and trembling pieces of meat continue to devour the space, and they are about to completely engulf Evil Wu Thought.


Evil Wunian’s back was cold, and a cold current surged through his body. Driven by fear, his feet were wrapped in hemp ropes, his arms were straight together, his thumbs intertwined and turned into knives, moving towards the oppressed. The wall is split.

[Skill Name: Hot Plough Flash Storage]

[Type: Fighting]

[Special effect: use the hand to turn the knife, and after a short charge, release two crossed knife gas forwards]

[Consumption: 50 stamina points]

【Cooldown: 15 minutes】

[Remarks: In the second year of Hongwu in the Daming Dynasty, the original Kongtong School, now the No. 1 factory of Pingliang Kongtongshan Iron and Steel Plant, was created by the assembly line worker Nie Yuanqing and Nie Shaoxia]

“Break me!”

Soundless roaring, the palms of both hands glow with red light. The unstoppable sword energy, like two crescent moons, fell to the wall with unrivaled instructions.


As the crimson knife gas tore apart the layers of flesh and blood, the scarlet blood splashed wildly, and in the huge gap as wide as one person, Evil Wunian clearly saw the stone wall buried under the flesh, which was dissolved into a deep scar.

However, before he could show a happy face, the cargo well began to shake violently, and the flesh and blood around the huge gap in the wall surged like a tidal wave, quickly covering the cross-shaped gap and healing as before.


Evil Wunian’s mind has been occupied by despair, as if provoked by his attack, the entire deep well shrank violently, burying him alive in flesh and blood.

“Want me to die? Then don’t take it easy!”

With a ferocious face, Evil Wumin took out a large amount of chewing gum from the backpack slot, threw it against the wall of the meat block in the cargo well, and touched the button of the remote control device with trembling fingers.

“Recycling, old refrigerators, old color TVs, old fans, washing machines”

The rather brainwashing audio sounded indistinctly in the distance, and a spark of hope suddenly rose in Evil Wunian’s heart.

In the narrow space, he raised his head and shouted hoarsely: “I’m here! Can you hear me?!”

“Why are you yelling so loud?”

A low voice rang from the wooden door directly above, Li Ang lay on the ground, opened the wooden door, glanced at the cargo well, and said indifferently to evil: “These are all illusions, cut the rope quickly, Jump down holding the rope.”


Evil Wunian roared: “Hurry up and pull me up, I tried it before, and the cargo well below is getting narrower and narrower, it’s a dead end!”

“Listen to me, cut the rope and jump down holding the rope.”

Li Ang repeated it, with the forest cat’s head showing next to him, “Trust him, cut the rope and jump down.”


Evil Wunian glanced down and saw that the cargo well below was narrower and more congested than above, and there was no light at all.

Around him, the walls of the flesh were squirming in a “guchiguchi”, and the holes under the white fascia sputtered a little pus, which was drenched on the evil and thoughtless red suit, dissolving holes one by one.

There is no way out.

Evil Wu Nian gritted his teeth, raised his head and stared at Li Ang and the two of them, tearing the hemp rope with both hands, pulling the rope, falling under the pull of gravity, falling.


A few seconds later, Evil Wunian fell heavily on the hard ground, his legs and ankles were firmly grasped by something, and the whole person was taken out of the cargo well.

Although the back suffered a fall, Ei Wunian, with his extraordinary physique, suddenly turned from the ground and looked around vigilantly.

This is probably a utility room, which is used to store all kinds of clutter that are not used in the mansion.

In front of him stood Mason, Forest Cat and Li Risheng three teammates, all three of whom were at a distance from him and seemed to be examining his mental state.

“Everything you saw in the cargo well just now was an illusion.” The mason asked, “Are you okay?”

“…” Evil Wunian lowered his head and glanced at his body, and found that there was no pus on his red suit at all, only a lot of wall ash.

And the hemp rope in his hand, I don’t know when it turned into a half intestine with a length of more than six or seven meters,

The two ends of the intestines are withered and dry, gray-brown, and there is a rough and uneven fracture surface at the upper end.

The part in contact with his palm is full, ruddy and full of vitality.

“This is…”

Evil Wunian tried to loosen his large intestine, but found that a round mouthpart full of fangs grew out of the middle of the intestine. It was firmly attached to his palm like a leech, and it was difficult to pull out or pull it off.

Under the light of the flashlight, Evil Wunian can clearly see that blood is surging inside its intestines – it has been sucking the blood from its own palm just now.

“I’ll do it.”

The mason stepped forward, and after observing for a while, lightly pressed both ends of the mouthparts of the intestines with both hands, and gently broke the intestines that had lost their vitality to both sides, and lightly removed the round mouthparts.

At this time, Ei Wu Nian also felt dizzy, not only because of the blood loss, but also because of the electric shock-like numbness from the wound on his palm.

He shook his head and raised his head, “What I saw just now was an illusion?”

“Yeah.” Li Ang nodded, letting Evil Wu Nian bow slightly, and got into the elevator shaft to take a look.

Everything is normal in the well, there is no meat spewing thick juice or the like,

There is indeed a pulley block at the top of the goods well in the mansion, and there is also a hemp rope hanging under the pulley block – but in addition to the hemp rope, there is also a small half intestine hanging under the pulley block,

Looking at the shape, it is the same root as the one in the hands of Evil Wu Nian.

I want to come After being teleported to the Ladder Well, Evil Mindless has been hanging in the bowels.

The mouthpart of the large intestine bit his palm, sucking blood while creating all sorts of realistic hallucinations in front of his eyes, in order to trap him alive in the elevator shaft.

Even the teammate he thought was at the top was actually in the utility room at the bottom of the elevator shaft – if he climbed up, he would only touch the stone wall at the top of the mansion, only to jump down There is only one chance of life.

There was a fear in Evil Wunian’s heart. If his teammates didn’t arrive in time, I’m afraid he would have turned into a mummified corpse now, hanging alone in the cargo well.

“Come on, give me your intestines.”

Li Ang took the intestines that had lost their vitality from Evil Wu Nian as a matter of course, wrapped them around his waist,

And with the accompaniment of the system beep, quickly climb along the wall of the cargo well like a spider,

Go to the top and pull down the remaining small intestine.

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