Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 229: Ballet

In the vision, the little blond girl with a bright smile on her face, clumsily holding a colored brush, scribbling and drawing on the book,

She sits awkwardly with her legs crooked, and next to the pile of toys behind her, there are two metal child aid crutches.

The blond woman sitting next to her stared at the little girl silently with kind and gentle eyes mixed with some pity and sadness, and gently stretched out her palm to stroke the girl’s soft hair.

“Mom, do you see what I drew?”

The girl held up the book on which two pink human figures, one large and one small, were drawn. She was wearing a ballet tutu, making the appearance of dancing. She used the book to cover half of her face, and she used two exposed water Wang Wang looked at his mother with big eyes, and said coquettishly, “Mom, when I get better, you will teach me to dance.”

A trace of untraceable sadness flashed in the woman’s eyes, she blinked, showing a shallow smile, took her daughter into her arms, and kissed her forehead, “…Okay, Alice.”

The illusion was interrupted, and as the fog slowly dissipated, the room returned to its rotten and broken appearance again.

“It’s over?”

Li Ang frowned, glanced at the note in his hand, and muttered to himself: “Well…it seems that Alice has polio, and her parents can no longer take care of her for some reason.” /

Is the couple going out of town? Or did they sense something unusual about the house and send Alice away? “

Just as he was lost in thought, there was a sudden burst of hurried footsteps above the ceiling.

Tread, tread, tread, tread.

The footsteps are very regular, from the direction of the sound, the owner of the footsteps seems to be bouncing back and forth in the floor above the ceiling, drawing circles?

Li Ang silently turned off the flashlight, took out the triangular bone point gun, held it in his hand, pointed the tip of the gun blade at the source of the footsteps, and followed the other side to draw a circle,

In Mu Ran, the sound subsided, everything was quiet, Li Ang bowed down silently, leaned on the spear, and looked up indifferently.


A square plank door, embedded in the ceiling, was slowly opened, revealing a dark passage to the upstairs room.

In the moonlight, the fine dust slowly falling from the room above can be clearly seen.

In the dead silence, a calf wearing dirty ballet shoes and dusty white pantyhose stretched out from the narrow wooden doorway and slowly rested on the edge of the wooden door.

Next, another calf.

With Li Ang’s keen insight, it was easy to tell that the two legs did not belong to any teammate.

As early as when the five players were still in front of the villa, Li Ang had a general understanding of the height, weight, body and other data of several other teammates by scanning and observing.

These two legs, although not as long as the forest cat, are better in terms of curves.

Compared to a statue, it is very beautiful and beautiful.

People? Or a monster?

Li Ang hid in the darkness, holding his breath, covering his breath, quietly watching the two calves hanging from the ceiling sway back and forth like a pendulum.

For a moment, the two calves seemed to have finally made up their minds, moved forward slowly, and jumped down from the wooden door.


Two legs fell to the floor of the room, almost losing balance, and it took some effort to regain her footing.

By the moonlight, Li Ang also completely saw the other party’s appearance.

It was indeed two long legs wearing ballet shoes, pantyhose and a skirt, but the body above the crotch was missing, and only two slender arms were suspended in the air above the long legs.

The palms of the two arms looked more dirty than other parts. The blood scabs and dust from the torn wounds and healed were mixed together, showing a dull red and black color.

The “Ballet Dancer” with no body, only hands and feet, continued to dance in the room with an extremely awkward posture.

Because it has no eyes, it often hits table and chair debris and falls to the ground, looking pitiful and not at all threatening.

“There is a mole above the elbow on the left shoulder…”

Li Ang said silently: “Just like Alice’s mother in the illusion.

And this picture of her now has only limbs and no torso, which most likely corresponds to the abnormal organs marked as ‘limbs’ in the mission target. “

Li Ang didn’t take the initiative to attack the other party, but huddled against the wall, watching her stand on tiptoe, dance awkwardly, and slowly move to the center of the room.

Afterwards, she made a roughly “bend over” motion, leaned down, knelt on the ground, and groped back and forth on the ground with both hands. Seems to be looking for something.

Li Ang moved in his heart, rubbed his fingertips on the note written to Alice, thought for a moment, stretched out his spear, and gently flipped through the pile of debris on the ground with the spear blade,

Find out the same fairy tale book as in the illusion just now, pick up the blade of the gun, and threw it steadily half a meter in front of the opponent.

Soon, the inhuman monster with only four limbs found the fairy tale book. She held up the book with trembling hands, turned to the page with graffiti on it, knelt on the ground and shrank into a ball, her hands and feet slowly lost their color and turned into a sculpture.

【Anomalous limbs have been removed, seven abnormal organs remain】

The system prompt sound not only sounded in Li Ang’s ear, but other teammates also heard the prompt sound.

At this moment, the mason is standing in a spacious and bright room.

The doors and windows of the house are closed, the heavy curtains are airtight, and the wall lamps emit light, illuminating the rows of shelves that almost fill the room.

“It was solved so quickly,”

The mason nodded and said to himself: “Unfortunately, I don’t know who solved it.”

He took out two ordinary plastic utility knives and held them in his hands. He approached the shelf cautiously and looked carefully, “This is the utility room?”

What is placed on the shelf is not ceramic tableware, cultural relics and antiques,

It’s bizarre items like stuffed spiders, dried lizards, wild boar skulls, glass jars filled with unidentified dark green mucus,

There are even glass jars in which deformed unborn lambs are soaked in formalin.

It is hard to imagine that a luxurious and exquisite manor will be associated with the strange and bizarre items on the shelves.


The mason scans the shelves muttering.

His mysticism is not bad, the items placed here are all alchemy props in witchcraft.

“The owner of Williams Manor, a wizard? Or even further, the family that owns the mansion itself is a wizarding family… That would explain why this manor is so weird.”

He murmured, his eyes swept across a row of shelves, and Mu Ran stopped in his tracks, staring at a glass jar.

It was filled with pale yellow transparent liquid, and a thumping human heart was suspended in the liquid.

Under the glass jar, there is a label sticker – Mr. Williams’ heart specimen, 10, 8, 1830

The mason stared blankly at the pounding heart, his breathing became more and more rapid,

He could feel that as Williams’ heart became more and more vigorous, his own was slowly shrinking until it came to a sudden stop.

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