Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 228: Iron lung

Li Ang looked at the wooden ceiling and calmly said, “What’s the situation?”

Several seconds ago, he was standing on the steps with Dong Fengpo, looking at the corridor on the second floor,

Suddenly, a tile on the ground beneath Li Ang’s feet suddenly sank, and he subconsciously raised the three-edged bone spear, trying to place the spear sideways to block the falling.

However, the speed of the fall was far beyond his imagination. Li Ang didn’t even have time to shout, and fell into the dark space under the collapsed tiles.

Suddenly, I saw myself slamming open a wooden door, entering a bedroom, and stably and lightly planted into a huge and cumbersome cylindrical metal instrument,

This metal cylinder is 2.5 meters long, hollow inside, and the cavity is nearly one meter in diameter, enough to accommodate the next adult male,

Under the metal cylinder, there is a bracket also made of metal.

Li Ang’s body was firmly trapped in the cylindrical instrument, with his neck and head exposed, resting on a rusted metal plate extending from the front end of the metal instrument.

It looks like it’s lying in a cylindrical metal coffin.

As someone else, he must have struggled in a panic at this time, trying to break free from this metal coffin,

However, Li Ang didn’t panic at all. After realizing that he was not in danger for the time being, he moved his body, changed to a more comfortable lying position, turned his neck, and called out to Miss Chai in his heart, “Chai Chai, what did you see just now? “

“As you can see, the ground is sunken, and you are flying sideways into the house.”

Chai Cuiqiao paused, looked at the slowly closing wooden door in the corner of the room, and said, “The outside of this room is the corner of a horizontal corridor—it doesn’t look like a corridor on the second floor. /

This house has weird, abnormal gravity, and equally abnormal spatial structure. “


Li Ang nodded, turned his neck on the metal plate to the left and right, and glanced at the room, “Bookshelf, small desk, piano, cloth doll… This should have been a children’s room before.

Accurately, the room of a child with polio”

Chai Cuiqiao was taken aback when she heard the words, “Polio? How do you know?”

Li Ang did not answer, his hands trapped in the cylindrical metal instrument, groped back and forth in the hollow cavity of the metal cylinder, and quickly found the valve device,

Li Ang twisted the valve, and the front end of the cylinder that restrained his neck slowly opened from the right side, allowing Li Ang to slide into the cylinder. After the door at the front of the instrument was completely opened, he could climb out of it.

After standing firm on the floor, Li Ang patted a lot of dust on his body, tapped the metal cylinder instrument with his knuckles, and said calmly, “This one looks a bit like a tea stir-frying machine. The thing, called the ‘Iron Lung’, was invented to help polio sufferers.

Polio has a long history. Due to muscle weakness and difficulty in mobilizing respiratory muscles, patients often die due to breathing difficulties and respiratory failure.

In the seventeenth century, a British scientist proposed the idea of ​​promoting breathing by applying external negative pressure ventilation based on the principle of breathing movement.

Until the 1830s, there was an upsurge in the design of negative pressure prototype breathing muscles in the United States. One of them was an instrument called an iron lung, which artificially created a negative pressure environment to assist patients in breathing.

In the 1940s and 1950s, iron lungs spread across hospitals across the United States, providing a lifeline to tens of thousands of polio sufferers.

However, with the advent of the poliovirus vaccine and a truly effective treatment for polio, the iron lung has disappeared from the stage of history. “

Li Ang glanced at the degree of rust on the surface of the instrument, and said calmly: “If the background of this scripted mission is the modern Earth, it must be around the 1920s, 1930s, or later.”


Miss Chai’s eyes widened, “You know this…”

Li Ang paused for a while, scratched the iron lung lightly with the pulp of his fingers, and said indifferently: “I used to have a friend who suffered from this disease. For this reason, I specially went to understand the relevant history of this kind of disease. “

Li Ang did not disclose the specific information of the friend, but Miss Chai automatically thought and knew in her heart – Li Ang came out of the orphanage…

She said a little embarrassedly: “…Sorry.”

“It’s fine.”

Li Ang patted the iron lung casually, stretched his muscles and bones, walked straight to the door of the children’s bedroom, and opened the door.

Outside the door is a dark corridor with a very strange and bizarre structure. The corridor is sometimes narrow, sometimes spacious, sometimes rising, sometimes falling.

A suspended wooden door is set up where it should be a window, and a translucent window is set where it should be a door.

“It’s like taking hundreds of houses apart and putting them back together again.”

Li Ang said silently in his heart, instead of stepping into the corridor, he returned to the house, closed the door, and searched for the children’s bedroom in a hurry.

“Hey, aren’t you going to find teammates?” Miss Chai asked softly.

“Yes, but it’s not necessary.” Li Ang shook his head and replied: “Just now I was on the stairs on the first floor, and I was forcibly teleported here by the agency without doing anything.

With my strength, I didn’t realize what happened just now,

I have reason to believe that several other teammates may have received the same teleportation treatment at the same time.

This kind of manor covers a large area, and the structure of the house is strange and bizarre. Now, looking for them scattered everywhere will only waste precious mission time.

Be aware that there are eight abnormal organs that need to be addressed.

And even if they were found, it would be futile to try to find out the source of the teleportation effect. “

As Li Ang explained, he took the tactical flashlight from his tactical belt and scanned the room.

Although his cat’s eye and low-light infrared night vision device can both play the role of night vision,

But there will be a lot of color missing from the sight, and it would be bad if something is missed because of the missing color.

With the help of Miss Chai’s eight arms, Li Ang quickly searched the entire children’s bedroom and found nothing special.

The books on the shelves are all fairy tales in English, and in terms of printing time, no later than the late 1930s.

“The owner of the room should be a 7-10 year old girl with polio, this is not her master bedroom, but more like a small room for play and entertainment. Her parents treat her Very good, paid a lot of money to customize an iron lung for her.”

Li Ang said in a deep voice: “At that time, the price of an iron lung was as high as 2,000 US dollars. In the 1920s and 1930s, it was enough to buy an ordinary residential house.

Combined with this rather expensive piano, it can be judged that the owner of the room is from a wealthy family and should be one of the direct descendants of the owner of the Williams Manor.

And her polio isn’t too serious, at least she can play the piano or something. “

Most parts of the room have been searched, the only place not checked is…

Li Ang’s eyes lit up. He raised his flashlight and climbed back into the iron lung.

Because it has been in a semi-sealed state the rust marks inside the iron lung are not so serious,

After a careful search, Li Ang found a small, yellowed and dry note in a corner at the front end of the cylinder.

He climbed out of the iron lung and placed the note under the light. The note read:

“Alice, listen to Margaret, I hope you are always healthy and safe – love your mom and dad.”

The moment he saw the note, Li Ang’s eyes flashed, the old floor under his feet was renewed, and a ray of warm light came in from the window, and the decayed room was reborn.

Silver bell-like laughter rang out, and a little blond girl in an elegant dress phantom fell out of the void, sitting on the floor of the refurbished room, scribbling on children’s fairy tale books with a pen, while scribbling, Laughing happily.

And sitting next to her is an adult woman who looks a bit like her.

“This is… a reenactment of a past scene in the room?”

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