Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 215: Executive

Bitcoin World is a medium-sized Internet company located in the east of Yin City. Its two or three social apps and short video apps are generally well-known, but the development prospects are not bad.

At this time, the company was conducting a team building activity on the floor, and a fat-headed and big-eared corporate executive was speaking on the stage with a microphone.

Recently, an employee of the company downstairs died of cardiac arrest due to excessive overtime.

In Bittron World, there are also many employees who secretly discuss and criticize the 996 overtime policy designated by the company’s superiors.

“…about 996, I know there are many complaints,

But I think it is a blessing to be able to do 996. “

The bloated and fat company executive, looking at the sullen employees in the audience, said with great emotion: “When I was young, not only 996, but 12*12,

And now, I’m on stage, and you’re offstage. “

Most of the employees have a stiff smile on their faces,

The few employees who are often accused of being “sycophants” by their colleagues have deep expressions on their faces and clenched fists, seemingly inspired by the executive’s words.

Programmer Chen Furuo, as one of the company’s employees, also stood in the audience and listened to the lecture. He glanced at the exaggerated executive, and suddenly felt nausea in his heart. He lowered his head and covered his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting.

“…Young, you need to struggle. Struggle makes brilliant,

If you didn’t think about 996 when you were young,

Then when you are old, you will regret not having 996!

I know that everyone wants to be successful, to stand out, to achieve financial freedom. “

The executive held the microphone in one hand, pointed at the crowd with the other, and said affectionately: “However, let me ask everyone a question, if you are unwilling to put in the sweat and time that surpasses others, how can you make progress? How can you be more successful than others?

There are many 996 people in this world, and many people work more hours every day,

The workers in those factories are far harder than you, but you can sit comfortably in an air-conditioned room and get more money than them every month.

The most important thing is that you are creating wealth for the society,

Your work is far more difficult and valuable than simple labor in a factory.

You are doing something truly valuable, meaningful and fulfilling.

That’s why I said, 996 is a blessing that many people can’t cultivate. You are very lucky to be able to 996. “

Chen Furuo bowed his head and said nothing, but there was a surge of violence in his heart.

This fat-headed executive has always liked to brag. He clearly paid meager wages, poor treatment, heavy overtime without overtime pay, abused his subordinates at will, and even touched some female employees.

He is always a charitable employee, pitiful employee, everything looks like a superior person who is good for his employees.


The executives were still talking on the stage, “…you go and think about it, those who are unemployed, those whose company performance is not good and may lay off employees at any time, those who rely on work to support their families, Those who work hard and get nowhere.

Don’t think about what the company can do for you, think about what you can do for the company. “


Chen Furuo clenched his fists subconsciously. The last time his father fell and broke a bone in his hometown, he asked the company for leave to go home to have a look. But he said,

“The company is now trying to be listed, and everyone is working hard day and night. But your situation is special, if you really feel it is really difficult, then go home and visit your parents, and give yourself some space to think. “

Everyone can hear that the executive means that if he wants to take leave, then the job may not be able to be kept…

Chen Furuo needs this job to support himself. He has a girlfriend to take care of, parents to support, rent to pay, and future mortgage and car loan…

In desperation, he gave up taking time off and went back to his hometown. He didn’t even dare to look his parents in the eyes when making a video call.

“…When my brother and I, your boss, and I started a business together, we had to save every penny. We were reluctant to rent a house outside, so we slept on the floor of the company.

In order to ensure work efficiency, I only slept 5 hours a day. Fortunately, my brothers and I worked very hard, and survived the fierce market competitiveness and survived to this day! Even coming soon! “

The emotions of the executives were aroused, “Going public, what does it mean? It means that everyone’s prospects are brighter and the future is more boundless.

However, people who mess around, people who just get by, and people who don’t want to put out 100% of their energy to fight, can’t be counted as my brothers and sisters.

Employees who are unable to work hard, perform extremely poorly, and have low cost performance are the moths in the company and need to be eliminated and resolved through negotiation. “

His bloated and narrow eyes swept across the audience, and all the employees he watched lowered their heads involuntarily.

“Recently, I have heard some rumors, some remarks against the company system.

First of all, our company has never forced overtime! ! Whether to work overtime or not is entirely voluntary,

Secondly, those employees who do not agree with the company’s system from the bottom of their hearts should either change themselves and adapt themselves to the company,

Or give feedback to superiors, put forward opinions and suggestions, and promote the development of the company.

Posting on forums, complaining on Zhihu, and insulting leaders with the most vicious words in the circle of friends, what kind of ability is this?

If you have the ability, don’t eat this bowl of rice. If you have the ability, stand up now and let me see what you are! “

The executive’s gaze swirled around Chen Furuo. He looked at the employees who bowed their heads and said with a sneer: “Trash is always trash. Those who can’t create wealth, get out as soon as possible.”

“Fuck you!”

Chen Furuo shouted out subconsciously, and the surrounding crowd looked at him in astonishment, as if shocked. This cowardly programmer, who has always been taciturn, not good at words, and hard-working, dared to publicly refute the executive on this occasion.


Don’t work?

“What did you say?” The executive seemed to be unable to believe his ears, staring at the unremarkable employee, “Do you say it again?”

“Go away! You! Horse!”

Chen Furuo said with red eyes: “You keep saying that you are not forced to work overtime, but those colleagues who are unwilling to work overtime will be squeezed and swept out of the house every minute.

When I was about to get off work, I suddenly gave the job and asked for the results at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. I saw that the materials were piled up on a table. Can this be done in half an hour? Don’t have to stay up late to work overtime?

He doesn’t even pay a penny for overtime, and he looks like a master all day long. I call you a horse!

Calling abusing employees teaching, assigning overtime tasks as exercise, and not giving overtime pay as collective awareness, how can you say good things?

What kind of company doesn’t support idlers, you give Lao Tzu money for work, this is cooperation! What kind of care? Only my parents have raised me!

Oh, I almost forgot, you rich dead fat pig has no horses at, you, you! “

The executive was furious, and the temperament of the superior who had been artificially dissipated in an instant, “You are fired! Get out of here, Lao Tzu!”

“You don’t need to say it!”

Chen Furuo shoved the fat pig-like executive away, and while his colleagues were either in consternation, contempt, ridicule, or admiration, he walked to the desk and rudely cleaned up the table. supplies.

The executive who was pushed and shoved was still puzzled, rushed over and grabbed Chen Fu weak arm, “These are the company’s property, you put it down!”

Chen Furuo, who is thin and haggard, has always been cowardly, but at this moment, violent anger surged out inexplicably. He turned around and punched the executive’s chin, knocking the fat pig’s glasses into the air. Plasticine generally vibrates and deforms.

The executive stepped back a few steps, clutching his red and swollen face with pain, his eyes were splitting, “You dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I found the Dao Shang brothers to abolish you! You and your girlfriend live together, right, I To…”

Indignant, like a flame, one eye filled Chen Furuo’s eyes, he rushed forward and kicked the middle executive in the belly, causing him to stumble to the ground,

He grabbed the neck of the fallen executive with one hand, picked up the stapler on the desk with the other, and pressed it down on the other’s eyes.

It all happened so fast that the surrounding company employees were still in shock.

Seeing that the **** case was about to happen, a cry resounded through the floor.

“Are you hungry? Takeaway! Who is Chen Furuo!”

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