Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 213: Light Rain

The strong wind was blowing recklessly,

The beards on either side of the faucet kept smacking the mask itself, making a clicking sound.


Li Ang slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid breath, although now he no longer needs to rely on the inefficient way of “breathing” to maintain his body functions,

But every time he expands his lungs, exchanges gas, breathes out the old and takes in the new, it still brings him a kind of “alive” joy.

It’s time.

He silently raised the 50-meter-long Heart Ape stick and drew a thin, horizontal line in the air.

The thin line was slowly stretched out, shining light oozing from it, and the obsidian mecha appeared along with the light.

Obsidian Mecha has obviously experienced a sinister battle before, the surface armor is full of potholes, and there are deep cracks and depressions everywhere.

Electrical sparks flashed from the joints, billowing black smoke.

Li Ang shrank the heart ape, stepped on the stairs, stepped into the cab where the mecha automatically opened, stretched out his hand, and pressed it on the console.


Countless vines extend from his cuffs, growing and spreading in the cab, covering every metal panel, wrapping every rivet, and fusing every piece of electronics.

Hundreds of thousands of high-level alchemy circles light up at the same time, completely integrating the vines and mechas,

The downtime central control system is activated again,

Broken light bulbs shine again,

A dark green vine like an earthly python replaces the broken hydraulic power rod of the mecha,

The already damaged energy system is filled with a new energy source, the swamp power.


In the cab, the only LCD panel not covered by plants lights up, and a soft and cold mechanical and electronic sound emanates from it.

“The Hive intelligent central control system is loaded.”

“Vector jet engine running.”

“The nerve fiber bundle of the psionic organ has been connected.”

“drift mobility system is live.”

“.The force field is expanded.”

“The application efficiency of divine power is 100%”

“The flesh and blood of all things and the Lord of the Swamp are above, and the Obsidian·Witherwood Titan has been activated and ended.”

Li Ang listened to the electronic voice of Insect Nest Intelligence, felt the slight tremors generated by the operation of the Deadwood Titan’s divine power engine, smiled faintly, and inserted the heart ape into the groove in the center of the cab.

Crack Kaka Kaka.

The fluted platform containing the Heart Ape’s clubs spun down and sank below the deck,

Following the long-designed pipeline inside the mech that leads to the right arm of the Deadwood Titan, it is fired like a cannonball.


Heart Ape’s stick rushed out of the palm of the right hand of the Deadwood Titan,

Before flying far, it swelled sharply in mid-air, turning into a beam of 200 meters, and was firmly grasped by the dead wood Titan of the same length.

The last piece of the puzzle is complete.


Above the surface, Ding Shinji, who was also a mecha pilot, stared at the dead wood titan standing in the air at a height of 10,000 meters, his mind blank.

Even if there is no Kui Niu mecha to improve his perception ability, he can still feel the hot energy like Haoyang on the Deadwood Titan.

Yahweh, in the form of a pale monster, also discovered this,

Its attention, finally diverted from the world tree,

He turned his head and looked at Li Ang with thousands of eyes on his body.

The eyes of the two sides met in the air, just looking directly at each other, the force field supported by the deadwood titan’s body surface burst into dense ripples.

“This…inflicted harm?”

Ding Shinji murmured to himself subconsciously, the side of truth pursed his lower lip, and said faintly: “No, that is a conceptual attack.

Gods are not to be looked directly at, and those who stare at the gods will die prematurely.

If I’m not mistaken, what we destroyed with the Obliteration Singularity just now was Yahweh’s humanoid disguise – the viralized one that needs that disguise to confuse mortals and absorb the power of faith.

Now it is the real and complete form of God,

And it is not an ordinary god. It is a **** who is willing to give up self-awareness. In a span of two thousand years, he has absorbed the power of belief of hundreds of millions of believers in unknown worlds.

Now it is the real God of God…”

With the words on the side of truth,

Yahweh, move.

The pale flesh on its surface trembled and wriggled violently, quickly condensing into three slender, tapered arms with three fingers each.

Two arms are crossed in front of you,

One arm with three fingers together, facing Li Ang,


The weak and rapid air friction sounded,

A faint spot of light gathered on Yahweh’s fingertips.

Something is coming.

Ding Shinji and the others on the surface felt that their bodies were instantly penetrated by a deep chill, the hairs on their bodies stood on end, and their souls shivered.

The side of truth, Hohenheim, and Taihao, regardless of their bad state, used their methods to set up a hemispherical magic circle with a diameter of ten meters in half a second.

Carrying the crowd down to the ground.

The Guards, Guards and Hive Tyrants not far away also sensed the terrifying danger and gave up the siege of the angels, falling to the ground one after another,

At the same time, the body shrinks into a ball, so that the thorn armor on the body surface is wrapped into a spherical shape as much as possible.

And Su Nisheng, who was high in the sky, also shook off the archangels who were surrounded and killed with a sword, flicked her long sleeves, and released a shadow, covering her and Michael.

Next second,

The sky-penetrating beam of light with a diameter of more than 2,000 meters erupted from Yawei’s fingertip as the starting point.

The light blooms,

The world tree in the distance is cast out a magnificent shadow,

Insect nest units that are slightly closer to the light beam in the sky are directly incinerated into ash by high temperature,

And those flying soldiers and insects that were directly swept by the beam of light, without any room for resistance, were instantly annihilated and disappeared into the beam of light.

Boom! ! !

Under the pure white light,

The entire surface, as if crushed by a giant palm, sags inexplicably.

Millions of soldiers and insects on the ground were pressed into the soil by the light pressure mixed with great divine power,

The bodies of the heavy tanks and fortresses are creaking and broken,

And the beasts with weaker defenses exploded all at once, and even the Creep couldn’t save them – the Creep itself was also burning in great swathes of light.


100 meters underground, Hohenheim coughed violently, spat out a mouthful of turbid blood, and lowered his arms slowly, ending the maintenance of the magic circle.

On the side of truth, with trembling palms, he took out two tubes of light blue potion from the void, threw one to Hohenheim, and drank the other himself.

Even though they were separated by a hundred meters of rock formations, the aftermath of the beam of light still affected them, so what would happen to Li Ang who faced the beam of light directly?

Hohenheim, whose eyes were bloodshot, drank the light blue potion silently, regained some strength, and said hoarsely to the side of truth, Taihao and others: “You go back to the real world first, the war there is still going on, it is necessary to , use the door to transfer people.”

Tai Hao frowned, “What about you?”

“I tore up the annihilation singularity scroll and permanently erased 10 points of each attribute value. Now even if I return to the real world, I can’t use the door, but it will become a burden.”

Hohenheim said quietly: “I want to stay here and see the end of the matter.”

He opened his palm, released magic, and a silver-white mirror rose from his palm, projecting a picture on the surface.

The beam of light blasted by Yawei directly traverses half of the atrium space,

Even unabated, it penetrated the heart wall of the atrium, digging a deep crack in the heart wall, allowing a huge amount of blood to pour in.

And Li Ang…

“How is that possible?!”

All players were shocked, and the dead wood titan was still suspended in the sky, holding the heart ape stick in both hands in front of them, supporting the force field.

He actually blocked this beam of light.

“Is this the power of God?”

Li Ang in the cab of the Deadwood Titan, like the mecha, keeps his left hand raised and his palm open.

He opened his eyes slowly, the corners of his mouth raised.

“It seems, but…”

With the indifferent voice echoing in the cab, the Deadwood Titan slowly adjusted its posture high in the air, facing Yawei’s position.

Tread! ! !

At the foot of the dead wood titan, the thousands of layers of invisible ladders formed by the vertical skill of Ti Yun were all shattered.

And the Titan itself, like a falling meteorite, swooped toward Yawei.

Boom! ! ! !

The two sides collided in the air at a height of 10,000 meters,

The power of the deadwood titan’s subduction directly slammed the floating Yawei to the ground,

Two demon-like beings fell towards the mountains on the surface.

The whole mountain collapses and sags

Solid rock formations, like soft mastic, are easily plowed away.

The deadwood titan stepped on Yawei with one foot, and slammed the so-called celestial **** with a heavy swing of the heart ape stick.

Boom! Boom!

Yahweh’s head and body twisted and deformed under the heavy blow,

The tens of millions of faces on the body are constantly torn apart, leaking blood-like light.


Archangel Raphael saw this scene, retracted the sword of flame, and rushed towards his **** desperately, but was blocked by Michael in mid-air.

The burning long sword and the blood-stained Pu Dao collided with each other, and a monstrous flame erupted, illuminating Michael’s pale face, “Your opponent is me.”

“Betrayer! Die!!!”

Raphael roared with grief and anger, and the face under the silver helmet was twisted and swollen, no longer in human form, but transformed into a terrifying inhuman form like other four-winged and two-winged angels.

The two sides fought again at high altitude,

As for Li Ang, he was still crushing and beating Yawei.

The power of the Deadwood Titan acts on the rock formations through Yahweh, which is constantly deforming in the pit, causing the rock formations to churning like waves.

And the Deadwood Titan itself gradually burned into flames.

It wasn’t a holy fire ignited by Yahweh’s light, but a red-black flame that gave off the breath of death and life at the same time.

Boom boom-

The body of the Deadwood Titan is completely shrouded in red and black flames, and along with the flames, there are also strands of brilliant light emanating from the Deadwood Titan itself,

That’s… divinity?

Players were stunned to find that the body surface of the Deadwood Titan began to evaporate the essence of the gods,

The essence of those gods is either as violent as thunder, or as noisy as wind, or as feminine as water,

Only one thing is certain – they have nothing to do with swamp properties.

“Could it be…”

The side of the truth suddenly understood, and said solemnly: “During the period of his disappearance, he devoured the divinity of other gods in the giant’s body. With the help of the essence of the massive gods, he ignited his own divine fire and officially set foot on the road. The last step on the road to conferring gods.”

“Li Ang has become a god?”

Ding Shinji said in amazement, “Isn’t that an existence equal to Yawei?”

“Ignite the divine fire and remove the cluttered divinity that has been swallowed up. It is true that he has become a god, but…”

The side of truth lowered its voice and whispered: “Yahweh became a **** before him,

When those messy gods burn out and use up all their energy,

It’s time for the two sides to compete for their own power. “

As if to confirm the words on the side of truth,

The red and black flames became more and more intense,

The deadwood titan itself moves faster and faster,

The earth was plowed and flattened again and again,

Like plasticine, Yahweh was squeezed into various shapes, splashing out massive amounts of blood in the form of rays of light,

But it, still not dead,

Instead, seized the opportunity and waved one of its three arms, grabbing the Heart Ape stick and preventing it from falling.

The other two are shining brightly.


The dead wood titan was hit by the double beam of light from the front.

When the light faded, the frontal armor of the deadwood titan was already broken, and thick smoke rose from the joints,

And Yahweh slowly rose from the pit.

All four-winged and two-winged angels, all abandoned their enemies and flew to Yahweh himself,

Without any hesitation, he rushed into the light emitted by Yahweh and was swallowed by assimilation.

The angels are back in the arms of God, which means that God is taking back his power.

The wounds on Yawei’s body quickly recovered,

While climbing in the air,

The three arms meet at one point, and after a delay of several seconds, the beam is again released towards the Deadwood Titan.

Boom! boom! boom!

Pure pallor fills the world,

The earth was torn apart, tens of millions of worm nest units were evaporated out of thin air,

The Deadwood Titan tried its best to maintain its force field, but was still hit by the light pressure, retreating again and again.


The deadwood titan slammed into the sky-high trunk of the World Tree, and most of the armor on the chest, back, and limb joints shattered and exploded,

Even the newly ignited swamp fire was swaying like a candle in the wind.

The side of truth is right, although Li Ang has ignited the fire, the time to save is still too short.

The divinity he gained from devouring the rest of the gods gradually evaporated and exhausted, while the opponent Yahweh could continue to heal himself by drawing back the power of the angels.

“Sure enough, isn’t it enough…”

The light gradually dissipated, and Li Ang in the cockpit looked down at the imprint of the gods that flickered wildly on the back of his hand.

Maintaining the form of the dead wood titan requires a huge amount of faith power at all times. Even if there are 2.2 billion devout and fanatical believers in the Stargate world, they are constantly providing thought power,

It’s still not enough to maintain a high-intensity battle with Yahweh.

Around 10,000 meters ahead, Yawei, who is slowly rising, expands again in volume,

It looked down at Li Ang from a high place, and the thousands of human faces on the body opened their mouths silently, as if to curse the most vicious and hated blasphemers,

Three arms, raised again, meet at one point, and the fingertips accumulate an unprecedented violent light.

Li Ang took a deep breath, manipulated the deadwood titan to stand up slowly, and flashed all the props and skills he had in his mind

Clean Earplugs, Phase Boots, Abyssal Mirror, Biological Master…

All items seem to be unable to solve the current predicament. This is a battle between gods, and the power of mortals is still too weak after all.

There is only one way left.

Li Ang lowered his eyes, and from the void, took out a round and transparent sphere that was tightly bound by vines.

Cancer cells.

In giants, cancer cells.

After entering the battle of life, Li Ang scattered insect nests in every corner,

The rapidly proliferating insect swarm not only discovered the existence of angels and Yahweh, but also captured many gods and saints,

Also encountered the immune system in the giant, and the cancer that is waging an all-out war with the immune system.

The essence of cancer cells is a wrongly mutated cell. It does not die normally like other cells, but absorbs nutrients from surrounding tissues to proliferate indefinitely.

For ordinary creatures in the real world, the appearance of cancer cells is only a matter of probability. In a short life, they may develop cancer, or they may be eliminated by the immune system as soon as they appear.

For a giant whose size is comparable to a planet and has an unimaginably long lifespan, the cancer cells in his body have a terrifying ability to multiply that is comparable to a worm’s nest.

The reason why the sleeping giant is not fully occupied by cancer cells is the loyal guard of the immune system for countless years,

On the other hand, it is the special mechanism of cancer cells themselves – super tumor.

In order to survive, cancer cells will deceive the body to build new blood vessels for them to reach the tumor site to obtain nutrients,

The more nutrients you get, the faster your cancer cells grow.

But at the same time, cancer cells are genetically unstable, and once they start to proliferate, they continue to mutate.

During thousands of mutations, a certain generation of cancer cells will mutate and no longer belong to the original tumor tissue.

Instead, it continues to split its own daughter, while competing with the original tumor tissue for nutrients on the same blood vessel line.

This leads to the appearance of super tumor parasitic on the original tumor tissue,

In addition, the super tumor itself has a certain possibility, giving birth to the next generation of parasitic tumors.

That is, cancer cells kill each other for nutrients.

This theory can explain the phenomenon that blue whales, elephants and other large animals in the real world are less prone to cancer (from the perspective of cell number, biological lifespan and probability, large animals should have a higher cancer rate) ,

In giants, hypertumors have evolved into something even more terrifying—generations of genetic mutation, generations of mutual killing,

An incalculable mass of cancer cells and tumors, like worms, compete for evolution until they break through the critical point, giving birth to a cancer cell that is unimaginably powerful.

That is, this one in Li Ang’s hand.

“Devouring everything, absorbing everything, immortal. From a certain point of view, this cancer cell has the same properties as the hive.”

Li Ang’s gaze swept across the transparent sphere,

He took a deep breath, grabbed the orb, and pierced it with swamp vines.

Draw…gene fragments.

Infuse… swamp power.

The organism…began to proliferate.


Hohenheim, who spied the outside world through the water mirror technique, was stunned to see that the swamp fire on the surface of the deadwood Titan suddenly went out. direction.

What’s the matter?

Did he give up?

Hohenheim gritted his teeth and looked at the side of truth and Taihao,

The three quickly negotiated in the psionic network where time was slowing down, calculating all the possibilities of the items they were carrying, to see if they could rescue Li Ang from the Deadwood Titan before the beam of light with a diameter of two kilometers was officially blasted out.

Someone, faster than them.

Su Nisheng swept away the archangel who was stalking with a sword, and threw the purple electric long sword, causing the latter to draw a Z-shaped trajectory in the air, and instantly reached the front of the dead wood Titan, trying to cut the cockpit and rescue it from it Li Ang.


Zheng! ! !

The surface of the mecha propped up the force field again, and the purple electric long sword flew.

The dead wood titan raised his head, his eyes burst into flames.

The vines on the body of the mecha are activated like never before, dancing wildly like hair

One hundred thousand vines shot out, penetrating the worm hive mothership in the sky, absorbing biomass resources.

And more vines were nailed into the trunk of the World Tree, frantically plundering the energy of the World Tree.

Li Ang’s eyes were red with blood,

He can feel the infinite madness and greed contained in the life essence of cancer cells, urging him to endlessly multiply, multiply, and assimilate.

The deadwood titan, or deadwood and flesh titan, swells in size,

Three hundred meters, four hundred meters, five hundred meters…

A worm hive mothership, drained of biomass resources, crashed to the ground,

Even the trunk of the World Tree began to gradually fade.


A steady stream of power poured into Li Ang’s body, causing the force field to split open, causing the swamp fire to burn wildly, causing the psychic energy to reverberate.

The Yawei who was high in the sky also seemed to realize Li Ang’s change and trembled violently.

Raphael, who was fighting with Michael, looked back at his **** with a stern look on his face, and directly blew himself up.

Raphael’s explosive light broke through the cloud curtain, and other archangels such as Raguel and Salier also used the cover of self-explosion to rush to Yahweh, sacrificing themselves and becoming one with Yahweh.

Yahweh, finally withdrew all its power in the giant’s body, exhausted everything, and released the last light.

A pale light that no language can describe its eventuality has descended.

There is only one color and one sound left in the world.

The wood layer on the surface of the deadwood titan peeled off instantly, and the alloy armor made of advanced alchemy below it also melted instantly, and even the heart ape stick was broken into pieces,

Only the swamp vines that have absorbed the life essence of cancer cells are born and perished, destroyed and resurrected, to contend with the light curtain that destroys everything.

One second, two seconds…

The dead wood titan in the beam continued to regenerate, gradually stabilizing its balance, walking in the light, slowly and firmly stepping over a distance of 10,000 meters, and came to the front of Yawei.

Put away the broken right arm with only the wrist left, use the arm as a spear, and stab it out.


The arm of the Deadwood Titan runs straight through Yawei’s body,

Thousands of vines are rapidly multiplying, while absorbing everything including divinity and power,

While unleashing endless greedy willpower.

The faces on Yawei’s body quickly changed their expressions,

They, or Yahweh himself, were afraid of their own weakness,

Affected and assimilated by the greedy thoughts emitted by the refused to give up the last hope, and was still releasing a gradually weakening beam, burning the body of the dead wood titan.

It’s over.

Li Ang raised his hands, controlled the dead wood titan, grabbed both sides of Yawei’s body, exerted strength, and slowly pulled.

Tear –

The surface of Yawei’s body opened with cracks, and the huge deformed body finally lost the ability to deform, shattered like a cloth, and turned into thousands of pure rays of light, sprinkled on the earth.

The Deadwood Titan automatically opened the top of the cab,

Li Ang raised his head and looked up at the dome of the atrium.

The dense canopy of the World Tree has stopped growing,

The lush and spectacular dense foliage, swaying slowly in the breeze, is quiet and peaceful.


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