Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 210: Fleet

Li Risheng?

The faces of the players on the surface showed consternation. The current situation and timing can be said to be extremely bad. They never thought that Li Risheng would appear in such a way in such a situation.


Li Ang pulled the trigger of Colt’s revolver, released the bullet teleportation technique, instantly crossed the height of 200,000 meters, and landed in the pothole blasted by the magic bullet on the surface.

The smoke filled the air and the dust was flying. Li Ang pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, shook off the dust stained by the white coat, glanced around the scene, and said lightly, “Aren’t you going back?”

Go back? back to the real world?

Hohenheim and the others hesitated for a while, and Li Ang stepped forward. Every time he took a step, the soil under his feet grew lush flowers and plants, paving the surrounding area into a sea of ​​flowers.

One of the clumps of plants went to the Killing Institute, and the out-of-control head held by Peng of the Killing Institute—the neck of the latter was cut off by the beam released by Yawei,

And there is a deep-rooted strange energy left in the wound, making it impossible for any treatment to put the head and body back together again.

However, this is not difficult for Li Ang. He arbitrarily divided his mind and let the plants pick some cells from the out-of-control body, catalyzed the proliferation with the ability of the biological master, and recreated a mortal headless head body,

And connect the headless body to the head via nerves at the back of the uncontrolled neck.

Such a repair plan is naturally far from being able to restore combat power out of control, but it can still be used temporarily to restore certain mobility.

Li Ang’s calm attitude like strolling in the courtyard made the atmosphere of the scene subside.

Gabriel and the archangels frowned, staring at Li Ang,

Hohenheim and others said hesitantly: “The real world is under a full-scale attack by the angels. It doesn’t make sense to go back now. The source must be solved first…”

“I know that.”

Li Ang interrupted Hohenheim’s words, adjusted the out-of-control temporary body, and said calmly: “I understand what happened here, and I came here to solve the problem.”

He paused, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly said, “Two hours and forty-seven minutes.”


Ju Talent is puzzled and asks subconsciously.

“In two hours and forty-seven minutes, the canopy of the World Tree will cover the entire space and link to every blood vessel in the heart.”

Li Ang said lightly: “And I will also completely solve them within this period of time.”

His eyes were calm and indifferent, swept across the angels in the high sky, and behind the angels, the group of deformed, terrifying white monsters – the latter being guarded by the army of angels, and continued blindly and foolishly. Promote the growth of the world tree.


Gabriel’s frantic expression gradually cooled.

He could feel the aura fluctuations in Li Ang’s body. He was only a demigod. How many demigods have they slaughtered along the way? Even the gods and saints are nothing.

He didn’t even bother to sneer at the arrogant blasphemies of the mortal in front of him, and waved the sword of flame in his hand at will.


The sword of flame in Gabriel’s hand was burning fiercely, extending a 100-meter red flame blade,

And the army of tens of thousands of deformed angels behind him also radiates light, burns flames, or roars furiously with the will of the seraph.

Compared to the terrifying pressure of mountains, it rushed towards Li Ang,

He raised his head and calmly looked at the vast army of angels—except for the most advanced seraph who also had a basic human form, the remaining four-winged and two-winged angels all only existed in the nightmares of mortals horror monster.

Not only are they weird and terrifying in appearance, but their power fluctuations are far beyond ordinary players,

What’s more deadly is that all four-winged and two-winged angels are energy constructs – they are extremely difficult to kill, as long as the energy is still there, they can quickly recover all injuries on the body surface,

Even, once the scale is formed, the space is filled with divine energy, and the angels immersed in the ocean of divine energy will gain the ability of infinite resurrection,

Immortal and indestructible until all energy is exhausted.

Such an army has the potential to conquer world after world.

“The blasphemers, when they fall into the lake of fire, will suffer eternal catastrophe.”

Gabriel’s tone was low and solemn, panning the sword of flames, pointing at Li Ang’s sword tip, exuding pure light.

Li Ang was enveloped by the extremely rich divine energy, and there seemed to be thousands of overlapping solemn and majestic voices in his ears, scolding his sins, his atrocities, his cruelty, hypocrisy, despicableness, arrogance ,greedy.

Thousands of voices gave birth to the mighty power of the ocean,

Condescendingly judges every stain in his soul, shaking his soul, imprinting his soul on the ground like a shadow under the sun.

It looks so-


Under the infinite pressure, Li Ang slowly raised his palm and clenched it slowly.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Above 200,000 meters there is a continuous sound of cracking rock formations.

One terrifying hive mothership after another, drilled through the thick dome with a drill, rushed out of the lush canopy, and fell into the world.

The biomass spine armor on all ships automatically stretches and stretches,

While shaking off the dust from the rock formations,

Also use the air holes in the thorn armor to inhale a large amount of gas, turning the ship into an air carrier,

Glide gracefully for a while, then immediately regain balance and levitate in mid-air,

Densely packed, obscuring the sky.


The bottom armor of all the motherships was opened, and millions of flying soldiers flew out of the cabins, quietly guarding the mothership.

Some flying soldiers still retain keratinized forewings and membranous hindwings, and keep floating by flapping the wings to create airflow

And other soldiers have even evolved to lose their wings-the biodynamic engines in their bodies far exceed modern technology, which can act like engines to drive high-pressure turbines, generate wind, and create cyclic lift.

At the same time, not only the sky, but also the entrance of the atrium in the far distance, also came the mighty Insect Hive Fleet that isolates the sky.

They came by the river of blood, followed end to end, covering thousands of miles. The size of each boat is equivalent to entering the worm nest base before the battle of life.

And when the bottom deck was opened, the millions of soldiers and portable creep spore smoke towers that fell out of it also proved one point – the current mothership itself is a complete base,

At the same time, it has the functions of loading, transportation, production, maintenance, analysis, and research and development.

The sky darkened,

Ding Shinji and other players stared at the dense red and black fleet that gradually drifted over and blocked the sunlight in the distance. They felt the rock formation vibration caused by the simultaneous march of millions of soldiers and insects, and they were speechless. Word.

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