Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 209: Arrival

Kala Kala——

More than a dozen arms extend from under the robe on the side of truth, and each arm is twisting weirdly, releasing different spells.

Accelerated fall, gravity magnification, concealment of truth, powerful dimensional anchor, spell absorption, fortified barrier..

Colorful spell halos cover the cocoon, strengthening the cocoon and weakening Yahweh who is “bound” in it as much as possible.

And behind the head on the side of truth, there are eight oval fish tanks filled with dark blue liquid.

These fish tanks contain the purest soul energy, which can be used to replenish the spiritual energy that is burning at an exaggerated rate every minute and every second.


The sound of the sonic boom exploded, losing control of the broken arm, following the stellar cocoon, punching the dark cocoon that was imprisoning the **** with punch after punch, and knocking it down.

His power release is extremely delicate, which can not only ensure the accelerated fall of the cocoon, but also will not damage the cocoon itself and increase the consumption of teammates.



An intense beam of light blazed out from inside the layered stellar cocoon,

The side of the truth suddenly froze,

The water level of the eight oval fish tanks behind him all dropped by a sixth,

Thousands of thousands of souls, enough to overturn a modern city, were easily consumed by this blow.

To make matters worse, the beam cannon pierced through his out-of-control shoulder, stretched all the way up to his collarbone, and ripped open his neck.

The out-of-control body instantly lost kinetic energy and was enveloped in the aftermath of the beam cannon, rushing into the sky.

The Slaughterhouse swung down the turbulent dagger and flashed to chase the runaway corpse,

But the top of the cocoon is being torn apart bit by bit by the beam cannon.

“Kui Niu!!”

Ding Shinji let out a loud roar, and the joints of the Shanhai Mecha suddenly stretched out dark flesh and blood, instantly covering the metal parts, making the Kui Niu Mecha more than triple its size, turning into a ten-meter-high half-beast and half-mechanical form.


The Kui Niu Mecha, or the Kui Niu itself, stretched out his hands to cover the hole in the top of the cocoon, forcibly blocking the beam cannon,

At the same time, the vector vent on the back of the mech erupted with full force, and the cocoon carrying the cocoon quickly descended.


One, two.

More and more small beams are tearing open openings on the surface of the stellar cocoon,

The strong demonic energy on Kui Niu’s body could not stop the lethal beam that leaked, and more than ten scars appeared on his body instantly.

Seeing this, the ant king on the side clenched his teeth and ordered all the ant colonies to rush towards and block the crack of the astroplasmic cocoon like moths to a flame.

Individual strength is at most equivalent to the ant colony of the second-tier players, and it is completely vulnerable in front of the beam. However, when the ant colony is melted by the beam, their flesh and blood show a gel texture, winning three for others. seconds.

The three-second interval is enough for the side of truth to take out more soul energy from the void to maintain the critical cocoon, and the wild lion takes over Ding Shinji and pushes the cocoon to accelerate downwards.

Forty thousand meters, thirty thousand meters, twenty thousand meters.

Falling too quickly, even the bottom of the stellar cocoon is dark red with high temperature and burning.

Finally, 10,000 meters, arrived.

The side of truth draws out the last part of the soul energy in the fish tank and forcibly controls the celestial cocoon to open the gap downward.

He has already passed the psychic link and knows that Hohenheim is ready,

More importantly, as the distance between the two sides is getting closer, the source-gazing link that Hohenheim tore up before is being further strengthened, drawing energy from Yahweh continuously.

It is now.

On the surface, Hohenheim’s eyes gleamed intensely as he tore up the second epic scroll and recited the wild spell.

[Skill Scroll Name: Annihilation Singularity]

[Attribute: Consumable, disappears after one use]

[Type: Arcane]

[Quality: Epic]

【Special effect: All things are annihilated. The caster recites a spell, offers a sacrifice, and then designates a target, instantly creating a singularity near the target as a new plane. The singularity will generate a root-level drain on the target (whatever the target is), as well as the items attached to the target. If the target is absorbed into the singularity, the singularity will disappear instantly, and at the same time, all the matter absorbed by the singularity will also disappear forever]

[Consumption: 10,000 points of spiritual power, 2,000 points of sanity, 2,000 points of physical strength, and all attributes will be permanently reduced by 10 points]

[Cooldown: None]

[Conditions of use: Possess the ‘Legendary Mage Certificate’]

【Remarks: The more sacrifices you offer, the stronger the singularity effect】

[Note: The annihilated target will not retain any traces, whether it is resurrection, advanced restoration, wish, miracle or any spell that reverses time, the target or its carrying objects cannot be recalled]

【Note: Did you know? The matter that makes up you, me, and everything and everything on earth originally came from a star in an eruption in the cosmic crucible. And we will all end up in the event horizon, merged into one point, whether there has been love or hate]

Along with the sound of the scroll being torn apart, there is also the tome of sand that is bursting and burning in Hohenheim’s hand.

In order to maximize the formation of the annihilation singularity, he directly sacrificed several items, including the Book of Sand,

And the people who already knew the situation of the singularity from the psionic network dispersed in an instant, and at the same time they threw their items into the magic circle at the feet of Hohenheim.

Armor, Kui Niu mecha, knight’s spear, zodiac star map…

The unprecedented magic circle formed by the nesting of thousands of extremely complex rune rings slowly rotated and finally opened.

So, when Yawei stepped out of the disintegrating stellar cocoon, a black, tiny dust-like point appeared in front of him.

That spot is as black as ink…or rather, the adjective black is wrong,

It doesn’t have any color in itself, but because it has a terrifying gravitational force, it can even absorb light, making it dark and deep.

The air was pulled away in an instant, and even the light was distorted. The towering tree 200,000 meters high creaked, and a huge amount of bark and wood fell from the trunk and flew to the singularity.

And this is just the aftermath of the singularity – the infinite gravitational force it emits, mainly aimed at Yahweh.


The expressionless Semitic god, suspended in mid-air, seemed to realize the threat of the expanding black light spot in front of him, raised his palm and wiped it forward.


Inexhaustible light enveloped the world,

A rain of light rained down the sky towards the Annihilation Singularity.

Any object that is only slightly exposed to light and rain, whether it is the luxuriant canopy of a towering tree or the metal armor of the Kui Niu Mecha, will be cracked and shattered into light smoke.

However, the singularity that was bombarded by the rain of light was still suspended in place, stable and quiet, surrounded by a halo of rapidly rotating light.

That’s the event horizon, and once you step inside it, there’s no turning back.


The time limit for Jiyuan’s gaze has come, and the gray line link that has been absorbing the source of Yawei has finally broken,

After regaining his strength, Yahweh did not deal with the annoying bugs that caused his predicament (in fact, all players fled to the extreme at the moment when the singularity was formed, or digged into the ground, or attached to tree trunks, trying their best to resisting the terrifying gravity of the singularity),

Instead, he raised his arms flat.

Om! ! ! !

A sun-like beam burst out from Yawei’s arm, pushing him to retreat backwards.

One meter, two meters…

The two sides competed silently in the sky, and Yawei gradually escaped the gravity of the singularity, and gradually moved away from the black singularity.

Can’t even a black hole do anything to him?

Hohenheim and others on the ground showed despair on their faces. Once the singularity was annihilated and absorbed enough of the source of the target, it would disappear on its own.

The odds that belong to mortals are falling rapidly.


10,000 meters away, the barren lion, whose sharp claws were deeply embedded in the soil to resist the gravitational force of the black hole, looked at Yawei, who was gradually breaking away from the singularity, and the focus of his vision gradually blurred.

Sure enough, ordinary life cannot compete with gods…

There is only one last option left.

The barren lion smiled miserably, the demonic energy in his belly slowly circulated, and he quickly digested the flesh and blood of the saint he had swallowed in the body of the giant in the battle of life.

The divinity from the messy gods and saints collided left and right in his body, causing the skin of the wild lion to crack and shatter, as if it would collapse and disintegrate in the next second.

Fortunately, he’s not dead yet.

Several souls appear behind the barren lion. His loyal demon generals still entrust their souls to him after death, preferring to turn into ghosts with no hope of reincarnation.

The spirits of the demon generals gave the barren lion the last bit of faith to help him digest the messy divinity in his belly,

In the end, it condenses in the mouth of the wild lion.

The pure energy formed by the fusion of countless divinities is ready to burst forth,

The barren lion just opened his mouth and let the rock formations under his feet sink several meters out of thin air.


Finally, the earth collapsed, the dome was torn apart, and countless divine roars merged, blasting towards Yawei across a distance of 10,000 meters.

This roar exhausted the energy in the wild lion’s body. His eyes quickly faded and he lost his energy. The ground was snatched away by the gravity of the singularity.


The sudden blur of vision made the wild lion unable to see what was happening 10,000 meters away,

Even, when the sword penetrated his chest, it took him two full seconds to react-his chest was penetrated from top to bottom with a burning sword,

And the murderer who was standing on his back and was killing him with an uncontrollable rage, with his eyes bursting with endless rage, was an angel.

Silver armor and silver armor, with six wings on his back, a halo on his head, and a sword of fire in his hand.


No, not Michael.

The sluggish thinking of the wild lion recognized the appearance of the other party. It was an angel named Gabriel who appeared in the magic sunflower world.

Gabriel swung the sword of flame and cut off the body of the wild lion,

The wild lion did not die immediately, although his heart was engulfed by despair – not only Gabriel, but also six other seraphs with six wings came down with the broken dome.

One of them blocked the roar for Yawei, and his body was instantly captured and engulfed by the gravity of the singularity, and disappeared.

That’s… Lemuel?

The angel’s name flashed through the wild lion’s mind,

There are seven angels who fell from the Broken Dome, Gabriel, Woe, Raphael, Raguel, Salier, Lemuel, and… Michael from Earth.

They all have the same six wings and halo, the only difference is that Michael’s six wings are broken and the silver armor is full of deep sword marks.

“The blasphemer who betrayed the faith!”

The angel who stepped on the back of the wild lion roared at Michael, “You dragged us just to let this group of insects hurt and blaspheme your creator?!”


The seriously wounded Michael responded to the other’s rebuke with silence. With the arrival of the seraphs, the infinite light they radiated overwhelmed the darkness of the annihilating singularity,

Although the singularity itself is still indestructible, as long as enough source is put into it, it will still have a moment of satisfaction and dissipation.

Singularity, Yahweh’s gravitational pull is slowly diminishing.

“Why do you still believe in him?”

Michael stared at his titular angel “compatriot” and slowly asked, “He has long since lost his personality and ego, just an empty shell with only appearances,

The reason for choosing and inspiring us is not the father’s love of the creator,

Just, viral, instinct. “

“Shut up!”

A seraph reprimanded: “He is our God, our Father, the one, the ten thousand, the beginning, and the end.

We were born in different worlds, we were born to fight for him,

In order to let billions of worlds, trillions of people, bathed in his brilliance.

No more filthy and depraved old gods to get in the way.

Our Creator sacrificed everything to win this war,

And you are bewitched by depravity, sinking into an unfathomable abyss, and you should fall into the sea of ​​fire and suffer eternal torment. “

“Can’t… communicate…”

Michael was silent for a moment, and the past of his life appeared in his mind.

She should be a loyal servant of God. In her life, the last life, and even before the thirtieth life, she was the most dazzling warrior of God.

However, compared to fighting for the gods for thousands of years, raining fire on those hundreds of millions of pagans who are unwilling to submit to the gods and dedicate their faith in obedience,

She is more willing to immerse herself in this life, even if she doesn’t have strong power, even if she is just an ordinary girl born in a terraced farmer in the mid-mountain of Corsica.


Michael took off the silver helmet and threw it on the ground, revealing a face with a peaceful expression under the helmet.

Then, she flapped her wings and started sprinting towards Yawei.

The six wings burned violently, and the blazing sword in his hand ignited fiercely, burning everything.

The rest of the seraphs realized her intention, and Gabriel didn’t even have time to cut off the head of the blasphemous lion, fluttering his wings and colliding with Michael.

Boom! ! ! !

Infinite light and heat rose from the collision center,

Players who have exhausted their energy and stay on the surface must not lower their bodies and avoid the shock wave that destroys all obstacles.

A thousand meters to the side of Yawei,

Michael’s blazing sword slammed into Gabriel’s flaming sword, causing the latter to tremble and almost disintegrate,

As a price, the wings on her back were chopped off by the other archangels, revealing flawless stubble.

“This is the fate of the blasphemer.”

Gabriel, whose body trembled and almost disappeared, stared indifferently at his former angel colleague.

And Michael smiled, “This is our destiny.”

She violently swung the blazing sword, the flaming sword, tearing a bright light curtain in the air.

That’s… a stargate.

The players on the surface, and even all the angels including Gabriel, watched the stargate unfold in disbelief, and a figure flashed out of it.

Su Nisheng.

Her expression remained calm, with a blood-stained sword in her left hand and a long sword that was constantly changing in shape like a purple lightning in her right hand.

Now, there is no obstacle between her and Yawei.

One knife, one sword.

Su Nisheng slashed at Yawei, and the purple-red fierce light bursting along the sword collided with the beam cannon in Yawei’s hand, making up the last thrust.

Yahweh, swallowed by the Oblivion Singularity.


The Annihilation Singularity disappeared instantly, leaving only the wind that suddenly lost its gravitational restraint and slowly dissipated.

The players at the scene stared blankly at the rapidly changing situation in the sky,

The archangels stared blankly at the location where the singularity dissipated,

Gabriel’s bleak face, together with the helmet, cracked a pattern, he looked at Michael desperately and furiously, “How dare you, how dare you?!”

He swung his sword heavily, but the 100-meter-long sword of flame failed to cut Michael in half—the flashed Su Nisheng dragged Michael away with one hand and retreated to a safe distance .

Only from the perspective of energy fluctuations, the archangels comparable to Michael are still much stronger than Su Nisheng and Michael who is in a tragic state,

Su Nisheng’s sword and sword are by no means free, as evidenced by her pale, dislocated arm.

However, none of this makes sense, does it?

The gods have disappeared, and the archangel’s grand plan to destroy all the old gods of the wild gods has vanished.

No one can use the World Tree to control the giant body.

It is impossible to realize the dream of the harmony and unity of billions of worlds, one god, one voice, and all living beings.

Gabriel’s wings fell in despair, and the white feathers collapsed and fell off. More than 2,000 years, the accumulated planning of the 30th generation has ended here…

No! and many more!

Gabriel, who was so desperate that he wanted to use his self-destruction to destroy these blasphemers, suddenly stopped all actions and looked up at the unknown of the annihilation singularity in disbelief.

Click, click.

The space is broken like a spider’s web,

A huge black screen that covers the sky and the sun slowly spreads out in the sky.

An unimaginably huge monster crawled out of the shady screen,

It’s body is white and flawless, exuding a holy and majestic atmosphere, and it is difficult to describe its shape with specific words – it changes shape every moment, and every moment its body surface flashes a picture Human face, limbs, and eyes.

From the outside, this deformed and terrifying monster has no doubt that it has nothing to do with holiness,

However, it really exudes an air of divine purity that is inclusive and kind to all.

This is the essence of the gods. God rules over people, transcends them, and depends on them. When God gives up his self-existence and completely accommodates all the thought power of billions of beings, he will become an existence above everything.


White monsters fell from the darkness, smashing giant craters on the ground,

It roared up to the sky, and the countless faces on its body screamed at the same time.


Thousands of sky-high beams light up in the huge space,

Thousands of four-winged and two-winged angels descended here—they were full of blood stains left over from repeated hard battles, holy and bloodthirsty.

“For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns… The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of the Lord Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever… King of kings and lords Lord.”

Gabriel stared at the giant white monster crawling out of the dark curtain with tears in his eyes. The tears in his eyes were evaporated by the high temperature emanating from the flame sword before they slipped.

Sure enough, the Creator will always be above the world,

All wild gods, old gods, and their inexhaustible ambitions will be consumed by the wrath of the Creator.

The wild gods and the old gods, it is no longer possible for the power of faith to start a plane war, causing countless lives to be devastated and tragic.

Billions of worlds, one god, one voice! ! !

Compared to Gabriel’s endless joy, the surface players fell into infinite despair.

Oblivion Singularity seems to be able to tear Yahweh’s first coat, so that he can no longer walk in the world in a normal form.

And they have run out of ammunition and food, what means can they have to stop the five archangels and the gods who show their true appearance.


Su Nisheng, who was suspended in midair, still had no change in the expression on her face. She silently held the purple electric long sword and handed the blood-stained Pu sword to Michael next to him, who was in the latter’s hand. His blazing sword had been bent and broken during the slash just now, making it embarrassing to use.

“Still, lost?”

Michael silently took the blood-stained Pu Dao and said indifferently: “If we return to the real world, Mirage, Ganji, Professor, you, me, and Achilles, can we do it?”

Su Nisheng naturally knew that what Michael said meant killing Yawei, and shook his head calmly, “The World Tree is still there, if we withdraw, he will receive the final reward of the Battle of the Commander. /

At that time, even everyone can’t stop him…”

Suddenly, Su Nisheng’s words stopped, she suddenly looked up at the back of the canopy of the dome,

There, something is approaching.

Boom! ! !

The 30,000-meter-thick dome suddenly shattered,

A red-and-black hive mothership with a drill bit installed in the bow of the ship broke through the rock formation of the dome and drilled obliquely out of the canopy.

On top of it, a figure in a white coat stands.

Li Ang stepped in front of the drill bit, with his hands wrapped around him, with a dragon head mask slanted on his head, and a signature faint smile hanging from the corners of his mouth, as if to say—

“Haha, have you talked so much?”

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