Gamers Are Fierce Chapter 205: The believer

As soon as the emerald green seedling broke the ground, it swelled and grew rapidly.

The surrounding fallen leaves were lifted up by the huge force, and the ground was torn apart by the roots of the growing trees.

The dirt is churning and the smoke is filling,

I don’t know how many kilometer giant trees were squeezed and pushed down by the ever-widening huge trunks.

Hundred meters, kilometers.

The tree soon surpassed the canopy of the entire primeval forest, and continued to grow upwards into the sky, just like…

“Just like the legendary World Tree.”

Wang Bu Liuxing stared in shock at the climbing trees in the distance and muttered to himself.

“Even if it’s not a real world tree, its mystery will not be much lower than the genuine world tree in Norse mythology.”

Ju Tiantian said bitterly to his comrades in the Secret Service: “The eternal spear you sealed just now was taken from Odin’s corpse.”

With the help of the spiritual network woven by the side of truth, several people present completed the information exchange in an instant.

Just now when Ju Talent was desperately blocking Kungunir, the Slaughter Institute, who was in a bad situation, directly used the turbulent dagger to create a space rift, rushed outside the atrium, and found the Ant King and Ding Shinji,

Using the positioning function of the walkie-talkie, I found Hohenheim and others who were rushing from the inferior vena cava to complete the meeting.

As for Hohenheim and the others, there were constant dangers along the way – first, a full-scale war broke out between the immune system and cancer cells. The two sides fought frantically in a large number of blood vessels, tissues and organs.

Causes the body itself, that is, the giant’s immune excess.

Collapse of blood vessels and overheating of tissues. These phenomena are manifested in the giant’s body, that is, the sky collapses, and some areas are turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the temperature in some places is even more than a thousand degrees.

After the disaster, Hohenheim and others accelerated their escape, discovering other extraordinary figures in the process.

Some superhumans who have never been seen before and are obviously not on earth, like them, fought and escaped in the inferior vena cava.

Even in such a chaotic situation, superhumans who belong to different worlds and have no previous connection are often enemies and not friends.

Then, Hohenheim and the others noticed the traces of the gods again.

Some superhumans with fluctuations in the power of demigods have fought near the blood vessels of the inferior vena cava, but they have all disappeared.

It may be that the teleportation has withdrawn from the battle of life, or it may be beheaded by the enemy.

And the identity of the one who killed the gods…

“Like Michael.”

The side of truth said faintly in the spiritual network: “During the process of drifting along the inferior vena cava, the psionic fan I put out for monitoring, a total of 27 capillaries, 13 blood vessels, 11 lymph nodes, Of the 7 nerves and 4 muscles,

At least 80 demigods with different attributes were found.

Including but not limited to Ganesha from the Indian pantheon, Omitu Chitli from the Inca pantheon, Demeter from the Greek pantheon, and Moonlight from the Hishima pantheon.

Accompanying these breaths, there are also divine attribute power fluctuations that are 80% similar to Michael.

Considering that even Michael could not have appeared on so many occasions at the same time,

And kill and destroy, or drive back so many demigods,

There is only one possibility – there are quite a number of approximations of Michael in the body of the giant.

You can also understand it as an angel. “

Ju Tiantian took a deep breath, “Are you saying that Michael is an angel in the literal sense?”

“Yes. If I’m not mistaken, she is a saint herself. Inherited the power of Michael in the real world.”

The Side of Truth has put all the bits and pieces together in their minds, vaguely forming a complete puzzle.

Semitic **** of unity…


The missing gods and saints and also the missing angels…

The side of truth pressed down on his unease, and his palm took out a translucent purple square with a diameter of 4 meters from the void.

The transparent block was made by him with the power of the mind creation system. It is indestructible and has a good isolation effect on the energy of various attributes. Similar materials were used to temporarily seal the eternal spear Kungunir.

And this transparent block is imprisoned by a hideous and terrifying insect beast.

“Isn’t this the swarm creature that appeared in the battle for the door…”

Ju Talent instantly recognized the origin of the insect and beast, and the painful experience buried deep in his memory immediately surfaced in his mind.

“Hmm. This swarm was accidentally drifted into the IVC Blood River. They’ve been in the door fight, and here they are again.”

The psionic vision on the side of the truth stayed on the ant king for a while, and the ant king who had been dormant for a long time may have grown by leaps and bounds in the eyes of other extraordinary people,

But in his eyes, that’s the way it is. In any case, it is impossible to have a deeper connection with the swarm, and there is no funny “ant king conspiracy theory” in the psionic network.

(Refers to the fantasies about the missing ant king in the player forum after the battle for the door. For example, the ant king is the mastermind behind all this, and the ant king is planning a big game behind his back, the earth All bad things depend on the ant king, etc.)

The side of truth said: “The bad news is that the psionic response of the swarms is more intense. Their home base is likely to be in the stomach area, and there is something planned there.

And the worse news is that we are the only ones here now, we can’t contact others, we don’t know where Han Shui Shi and Su Nisheng are, or even the one in the distance, what he is doing at this moment. “

Everyone’s eyes look to the distant sky,

The giant tree has reached the level of 200,000 meters beyond the imagination of mortals, and the luxuriant canopy directly reaches the dome of this space, growing and expanding under the dome.

Ju talent is right, the mystery contained in that towering tree is so high that even the first-tier extraordinary people like them are amazed.

If it is converted into the level system in the killing game, it is definitely and even surpasses epic.

Legend? Or a myth?

“What the **** is that…”

Wang Bu Liuxing muttered to himself, looking in a trance.

A towering tree with a height of 200,000 meters, even the legendary hibiscus tree is far inferior.

“Want to know? Just ask.”

The Slaughter Institute took a deep breath and waved the turbulent dagger again, opening a space rift.

The other side of the rift is nowhere else, it is the place where Odin died before, and also where the wild lion died…

Wait, the wild lion isn’t dead?

Ju Tiansheng, who had passed through the rift, was shocked to find that the barren lion was still alive in the lava pit,

His body was bombarded by the beam cannon, the only **** of the Semitic people, and his body was bruised and his breath was dying.

It was penetrated by Kungunnir with the attribute of causality-the wound caused by the spear of eternity continued to bleed out, cooling the magma pool and extinguishing it,

But the wild lion itself is still alive under the protection of some special power.

“Hey, here you are.”

Like a rag doll that was brutally destroyed, after seeing everyone walking out of the crack, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a hoarse and low voice: “This surprises me,

After seeing your own gods, you did not choose to flee in a panic, or to grovel and surrender. “

“First of all, the earth is indeed a religious planet, and there are indeed many religious countries, but I am not within the scope of religious people.”

Hohenheim said first: “Secondly, most of the top superhumans are fanatics who only believe in themselves.

Even if you want to worship a god, you need to figure out the form and purpose of the god. “


The barren lion grinned fiercely and said, “You don’t even know what he’s doing, so you dare to challenge him?”

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